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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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I just watched the soviet pack Youtube video awesome I love the soviet pack it would be a nice inclusion if you wanted to refresh the Lunokhod-1 and include it in the pack with a lander especially now science is coming to KSP

Edited by Virtualgenius
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  Dragon01 said:
He already made the Block D, which is what you're referring to. Briz-M is the one without the doughnut tank.


"Briz-M is a twin upper stage consisting of a core module (using Briz-KM as the baseline) and a jettisonable add-on doughnut tank surrounding the core."


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I'm pretty sure BobCat was talking about Block D. While Briz-M does have a jettisonable tank, it's not really a typical "doughnut" one. It looks like a stretched toroid, but it fits snugly against the core. Block D, on the other hand, has a very visible toroidal tank at the bottom. Somehow, I don't think BobCat was ever intending to make the Briz.

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Regarding the Briz....

The Briz-M is, more or less, a Briz-KM with a conforming toroidal tank* surrounding it (which can be jettisoned) to scale it up to the larger diameter of the Proton boosters (and to provide extra delta-V). The Blok-D is larger and much older in design, and is LO2/kerosene based.

And just for completeness: The Fregat, which nobody has mentioned here, is a modified Luna descent stage, and is the smallest of the lot. (Its fueled mass is about 5500kg; by comparison, a Briz-M weighs about 22,000kg when fueled.)

From a KSP perspective, the distinction between the Briz-M and the Blok-D is pretty much cosmetic -- their Isp is pretty much identical, although the Briz-M does have more raw thrust, just over a shorter time. The Briz-KM, though, would theoretically give the Soyuz launcher a 4th stage that's significantly more powerful than the Fregat stage, so it might be worth adding to the Soviet Pack if Bobcat is so inclined... On the other hand, so far it hasn't been used with the Soyuz launcher at all (only the Rockot), so adding it as a Soyuz stage would be unrealistic.

* Even though it's elongated and not a "donut", it's still a toroidal tank!

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Bobcat, I never even realized you released an update because I always looked at the OP but I'm so glad you did some more! Been trying to find a good looking N1 for a while now (no offense to other authors)

Anyway... Thank you for keeping up what you are doing! You have some incredible work and I can actually run your parts on my low end pc! May I ask what your plans are for the American pack later on down the road?

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That's covering, the real fairings are usually black these days. Proton K had white ones, and the dedicated fairing for Salyut stations and MIR cores (including the Zvezda) was white. Also, Zond used white Soyuz-like fairings with grid fins and a SAS tower on top.

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  Dragon01 said:
That's covering, the real fairings are usually black these days. Proton K had white ones, and the dedicated fairing for Salyut stations and MIR cores (including the Zvezda) was white. Also, Zond used white Soyuz-like fairings with grid fins and a SAS tower on top.

I should have guess it was covering earlier, you can see a piece missing near the bottom.

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  Dragon01 said:
That's covering, the real fairings are usually black these days. Proton K had white ones, and the dedicated fairing for Salyut stations and MIR cores (including the Zvezda) was white. Also, Zond used white Soyuz-like fairings with grid fins and a SAS tower on top.

You can actually see the aerodynamic fairing (which is white) through the access cut-out on the "underneath" side in that photo....

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I found a way to make the N1 first stage easier to handle. Disable Gimbal, and use tail fins:


SAS and Mechjeb can handle the N1. Though when you get into your gravity turn, you will need to add some control input to prevent mechjeb from trying to flip the rocket since mechjeb sets yaw at all or nothing.

I found out this technique by searching the forum about wobble. Many people say "Turn off some or all gimbal, and use tail wings."

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I turned the gimbaling down on Block A to about 0.175 and it handles great and performs well I figured with all those engines gimbaling it only needs to be small to affect its trajectory tail fins not required as mechjeb can handle the rocket well enough without fins and it messes up the cosmetics of such an awesome model

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