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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

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  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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quick question regarding this mod , i suuppose it isnt still viable in 23.5 version buuut, has anyone ever managed to build a space capable submarine or boat? it would look like an awesome spaceship from a retro anime xD . i tried once to create a ship like this but for some reason it would spin out of control on space.. now that i have so many mods i have to run the game on half texture size and with a mod to compress texture just to avoid crashing i would love to try to build one but i dont know if it can be done, plus the bridge for the submarine was hard to put a kerbal in it so i had to add inside the hull a pod just to carry some kerbals in it

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  Djolox said:
Sorry but what did i do wrong?
  jebs_in_tha_house said:
yeah your'e right, he just wanted to ask a question , dont need to shoot him down like that, my best suggestion is to just wait, he is probably really busy and has a life of his own, wait for the content and then you will be fine.

You demanded InfiniteDice respond to your posts.

It's okay to ask a question, but you went overboard and expected him to reply immediately. That's what you did wrong, and you've shown that you're extremely inconsiderate towards someone who's putting his free time into making and maintaining an add-on for everyone to use.

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  Melon_Man_Dan said:
If I use the cockpit for the Swordfish, my boat flips out in the water. Can you tell me if there is a special way to install this mod?

Can you give us a little more detail? there is no special way to install it, you just drop the folders into game data, and the crafts into the crafts folder(its in the manual, try reading that) but if you give me a little more detail as to what is happening i might be able to help.

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So...this thread has been dead for a couple days. Ended up on page 10. Two days ago you said that hopefully that night we would have boatparts-skillful compatibility, but you havent done or said anything about that since....Could we have an update on whats going on?

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i have this weird issue, i tried spawning just a normal hull for the large submarine , and it suddenly went up to the void only with the center part... i then installed the periscope and clicked not to move to the water aaaand again to the void.. is there a way to make all the parts default not move to the water? all i want to do is create a submarine capable of going to space and stuff, not a submarine per se but just a ship in the shape of the submarine on space. xD

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  Endersmens said:
So...this thread has been dead for a couple days. Ended up on page 10. Two days ago you said that hopefully that night we would have boatparts-skillful compatibility, but you havent done or said anything about that since....Could we have an update on whats going on?

Obviously you haven't been a follower of our lord and savior InfiniteDice.

This sort of thing always happens, he says something will come out soon, then it doesn't, then he switches gears and abandons a supposedly "90% complete" project for something else, and theeeeen he just may come back to the project if we have made the proper sacrifices to the all mightly Kraken. Maybe.

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  Avalant said:
...back to the project if we have made the proper sacrifices to the all mightly Kraken.


*gets out the inflatable squid launcher and a multitude of model spaceships/boats*

Snackrifice time! (again...)

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  Avalant said:
Obviously you haven't been a follower of our lord and savior InfiniteDice.

This sort of thing always happens, he says something will come out soon, then it doesn't, then he switches gears and abandons a supposedly "90% complete" project for something else, and theeeeen he just may come back to the project if we have made the proper sacrifices to the all mightly Kraken. Maybe.

Lol, rest assured I haven't stopped on this, in fact I hit some snags and then had to go back to testing. I also had to fix some code with Skillful adding a new torpedo, it uses the same model as the Type 91 but is the American Mark 14. This torpedo is propelled, so it can be launched from a ship or sub, it has a gyro to maintain the fired heading, so nothing fancy but it seems to be working as intended.

When??? Soon very soon I need to clear this out so I can get back to my aircraft parts.

Whats new? Lots. I'll mention most of it when I post the update.

Does it have the warship? No... that's on hold for the full R5 release.


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  InfiniteDice said:
Lol, rest assured I haven't stopped on this, in fact I hit some snags and then had to go back to testing. I also had to fix some code with Skillful adding a new torpedo, it uses the same model as the Type 91 but is the American Mark 14. This torpedo is propelled, so it can be launched from a ship or sub, it has a gyro to maintain the fired heading, so nothing fancy but it seems to be working as intended.

When??? Soon very soon I need to clear this out so I can get back to my aircraft parts.

Whats new? Lots. I'll mention most of it when I post the update.

Does it have the warship? No... that's on hold for the full R5 release.


are you a mind reader? Lol thank you for the update! and YESSS! i am also looking forward to plane parts, they looked amazing in your last video update... i want! lol now if i could just get my tongue back in my mouth...

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Cool beans. So this will be an R4 release with a few decimals in front of it? Since you said the warships are on hold till R5?

Still, with this and Skillful, you have answered the prayers of many here. I mean who didn't think the first time they flew a space plane "This is cool! Now how do I put missiles on this....?" XD

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  InfiniteDice said:
It's out guys! Post any issues here, above all... have fun!

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!! LETS GO NAVAL WARS!!!!!!!! *takes deep breath* I'm so excited!!! Thank you so much infinite. You're the greatest! :D

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I have a bug to report. I played on a clean save with BoatParts r4.5, skillful 1.whatever its the newest one downloaded it right after boatparts, and hot rockets (only edits the engine effects of stock, shouldn't cause any kinds of problems with skillful and boatparts)

So what happened was, i launched the carrier (i took away the rudder in the front middle section, it caused it to turn slower) and then landed and docked the r5 WASP and SHARK. i then undocked the shark, and when i switched to it to take off, the carrier disappeared, and the plane was left floating for a second. Then the carrier exploded at the bottom of the ocean creating 100 pieces of debris, and the plane fell into the water. Any ideas?

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  Code.Denial said:
Hi how do i actually get my submarine to dive? im using the minisub and there are no Ballast tanks and nothing happens when i hold down 7 and numpad 7 please help

Did you read the guide on this thread? That can usually solve most problems...

I think the ballast tanks for the mini sub are on the bottom of the craft; when you press 7, right click on them to see what is happening; if they aren't filling up with ballast, the action group may have bugged out and isn't working, in that case just do it manually.

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  Random Tank said:
Did you read the guide on this thread? That can usually solve most problems...

I think the ballast tanks for the mini sub are on the bottom of the craft; when you press 7, right click on them to see what is happening; if they aren't filling up with ballast, the action group may have bugged out and isn't working, in that case just do it manually.

Hi there random tank yes i have read the guide

when ever i do press seven it does engines reversed and so forth but how do i do it manually?

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