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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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  hoodedarche0 said:
Just be patient guys we are working on getting it ready as well as at 1 other pack of parts and things that you will be able to use! So Just give us time and it will be done, tested, and released Soonâ„¢

I'm assuming that other pack is Weapons or Subs; Still I can hardly wait for this! I got so much stuff to crash into that carrier!

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Ah, I remember creating tomahawks and harpoons along with many other types of cruise missiles, but the only type that actually worked were rocket powered soviet cruise missiles... a damn strong boat, I say. It is pretty hard to land anything on the ship with FAR though, because FAR makes all of my crafts and ships quite unstable.

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  hoodedarche0 said:
Just be patient guys we are working on getting it ready as well as at 1 other pack of parts and things that you will be able to use! So Just give us time and it will be done, tested, and released Soonâ„¢

I thought squad already trademarked Soon... XD

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  KhaosCorp said:
I think that may be 2nd.......most trademarked or used in gaming I think is 'working as intended'


one quickpatch later

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Keep up the great work, just wondering how SoonTM the pack will be out, don't mean to hassle you, but only mod I'm waiting for (excluding DR, but with R4m0n on the dev team, it could be a while. Great job, one of my favorite mods.

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Small runabout, 4 kerbals doing some speed - Carrier in background.


The Bridge, Captain Jeb overlooks operations. Interior textures will be re-worked to higher quality.


Size can matter... 6 super aircraft lifts - overkill is sometimes fun.


Part/Texture fitment test, open deck showing the size of the interior, your CPU will fry before you can fill this bad boy.

Just an update guys. In a rare event, I managed to hammer away at textures for 5 hours tonight.


When? I wish it was now! I've spent far too long on this and in 20 days I'll sadly be out of time, family events will swallow much of the summer, and things will slow to a crawl.

What does this mean? It means you'll be getting it soon :)

Edited by InfiniteDice
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That looks amazing!!!!

As much as I was waiting for this before, the desire is so much more now!!!

You guys really have a vision for this, that new carrier looks wonderful.

Thanks for the work you do to enrich our gameplay!

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wheeeeeew...just a flood control test....I thought the kraken got em!

ya know...the real kraken from 'Clash of the Titans' not the jool one....I don't think that one can swim...


any estimation on how wide that center deck between the lifts is? hahaha already building stuff in my head ya know

Edited by KhaosCorp
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  brobel said:
so things will be able to sink :sticktongue:

sure....anything sinks if you shoot enough missiles at it...or low budget alternative is drop spent boosters.....I like missiles better =)

psst...think that was a tease for the sub that's been mentioned before....

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Sweet! Thanks InfiniteDice, for posting 1. Again, 2. Progress Update, for a second there I thought that you had abandoned the project, in my mind "InfiniteDice abandoned the project?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Then I realized that you would never abandon your mods.

P.S. Will there be links in this thread to your other mods?

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  Mekan1k said:
The tiny boat will be invaluable on laythe missions!

Very good idea sir! I had actually tried a Laythe boat with the pontoons from Firespitter set, but there was always technical difficulties in deploying it....

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  KhaosCorp said:
sure....anything sinks if you shoot enough missiles at it...

In the stock game, 99% of the parts will float until they are unloaded.

Boat parts with the carrier will only float if they are floating parts, and those floating parts can be sunk, or forced to sink. This is vastly different than the stock treatment you get from vanilla parts in water.

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  InfiniteDice said:
In the stock game, 99% of the parts will float until they are unloaded.

Boat parts with the carrier will only float if they are floating parts, and those floating parts can be sunk, or forced to sink. This is vastly different than the stock treatment you get from vanilla parts in water.

Since you did the small boat, I have a question on its behavior.

Is it a single part platform? how did the balance/flotation work out?

Reason I ask is that I've been playing around in my head and blender a little bit to produce a fixed set of small to medium/large ship hulls. Basically your research/cargo type vessels. Alternately Cruiser - Destroyer and smaller. I was thinking that if a single hull part of appropriate size can be made, that we can get the parts counts down and the ships would better interact with other craft. But if the physics engine needs multiple parts to maintain a more realistic balance and bouyancy, then my idea wouldn't work.

I had managed to use the pontoons from Firespitter to create a vessel large enough to handle a helicopter pad. worked well, but both fuel range and parts counts needed drastic improvement.

Really interested in seeing your mod hit.

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  BubbaWilkins said:
Is it a single part platform? how did the balance/flotation work out?

Thanks for the interest!

Single part hulls will not work. Unless you are ready to do some serious coding. Think of every part as having a singular float location being the center of the part in question. Your big floating box in the game will function much like a beach ball. It will not float level. So you end up adding more parts, and those parts aren't balanced properly. Eventually you might have something that floats well but looks like a cardboard box with wings and drums all over it. (aka crap). :)

I've taken the floating to another level, beyond the vanilla game, by allowing those points to move, and change dynamically. Also the forces at play either positive or negative can be altered or simply turned off to allow for damage, or counter-flooding, to level a listing ship.

To save yourself time you could use the code I made, and simply apply it to your own parts. It would save you about a month or two of coding/testing and sleepless nights.

After everything is done, I could release a guide on how to implement the plugin on other parts - it won't be too difficult.

On the topic of part count and frame rate. I couldn't be happier the way it is turning out with the R3 release. Everything is very stable even at 4x and the part counts are at least 1/2 of R2.5.

This means less boat, and more aircraft docked!

Edited by InfiniteDice
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Boat building got a little better with the pontoons from firespitter, but still same as what your saying. High parts count and not so easy on the eyes, and still near impossible to get something even as large and functional as the smaller of your 2 boats that came premade with the 2.5 release.

Bottom line really is if you want a KSP navy you need boat parts mod.

I'm curious how the new super carrier in the pics steers compared to the larger ship in r2.5?

Very excited for this, everything looks so amazing!!

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