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[WIP] THSS - Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut


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  Tallinu said:
I tried switching top and bottom with both back/front and left/right, neither way worked. I still couldn't connect the round sides of the THSS-033-H to existing parts of the rocket, only the triangular sides.

in the Part CFG does it look like this for you?

node_stack_right = 0.36, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1

node_stack_left = -0.36, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1

node_stack_back = 0, 0.36, 0, 0, 1, 0

node_stack_front = 0, -0.36, 0, 0, 1, 0

node_stack_top = 0, 0, 0.338, 0, 0, -1, 1

node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, -0.245, 0, 0, 1, 1

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It does now, heh. I discovered after playing with it some more that top and bottom HAD to be the last two lines in order for it to work right. And then the forums went down before I could edit my post.

I made a copy of the part with a different name and description, so I could use both, and made this odd looking upper stage with it:


The modified one is in the center, with four of the original version at the other intersections. This wouldn't be possible with only one version of the part.

Here's the full launcher, kind of a slapdash design:


I used the THSS decouplers and mounting panels for the SRBs. There's no way to see which side of the decoupler detaches though, and I got it wrong the first time, leaving them attached to the ship. One option would be to make them work like the stack separator type of decoupler, where both nodes disconnect... Or like the stock radial decouplers that split into two parts, one bit staying on the ship and the other stuck to the detached section.

Oh and here's the full part.cfg I used if anyone's interested (just copy the folder, rename it to TriStrutSplitterRot and replace the contents of part.cfg with this):


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There you go, they are symmetrical both horizontally and vertically.

Czok: I need to start keeping proper track of the parts I want/need to make but fueltanks and crew compartments for the OctoStruts are definitely on the list, I'm currently working on making them look graphically interesting.

As for user changeable textures I think I'm going to make sure that the side panels you see on the full third and sixth size tristruts will be properly UVmapped with a guide on how to make them. Personally though I am terrible at making textures so I'll have to figure out how to make a nice looking heat-shield texture which will be an adventure.

As for other things, a Stirling RTG is definitely on the list ( which I totally really need to make but have been too lazy to! ).

Edit: I'll be including that circular friendly hub piece in the next release if you guys don't mind.

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Thanks for these parts as they are some of my favorites. The THSS-000-M seems to be showing up on more and more of my stations and satellites (7 make for an attractive landing pad). Have you considered making a solar panel version? A network of the 000-M's with a tower in the center creates an awesome weapons platform or a James Webb-esque telescope which would only be made cooler by a solar panel texture and associated function.

(Hopefully this isn't a double post. The forum gave me an error the first time.)

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I am currently using an older version 3ds Max. Radial engines are on the infamous list, I'm not that great with modeling engines, they become easily very complex with piping and such so that tends to get pushed down the line somewhat.

I have indeed considered making a smaller fueltank in 1/3 and 1/6 sizes, it's mainly a matter of getting around to it.

Right now I've dug up an older piece that had gone unfinished for a while and ended up animating it. Unfortunately though I am hopelessly unfamiliar with how to properly set up solar panels in Unity and getting them to animate correctly (which isn't happening so far). If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be very happy.

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Thanks man, that's gotten me a wee bit ahead. It now deploys but never fully finishes deploying. Graphically it does but the solar panels never enter into a deployed state. I think it's something I need to change in the animation settings but so far no tinkering has had an effect.

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It would really help if the devs or a modder who has gotten working solar panels (Bobcat or the Kosmos TKS guy, I forget his name) could put out an example unitypackage. If I ever figure it out (which may take some time since its not high on the list) I'll make sure everyone can get that. :)

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Semni, I have to say these parts you've made are simply fantastic! I used some structural components to comprise the service core a really compact Mun lander. Very sturdy with a wide footprint, and only 12 tonnes. Thanks again for making these parts!




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The only dumb questions are the likes of "I passed the bomb squad running the other way, should I be concerned?"

The pack contains a 2,5m docking clamp and for smaller sizes the regular clamp-o-trons suffice. I have not made a Tri-Hex docking clamp because as of now docking clamps cannot be configured to only clamp to certain orientations. Right now docking between two TriHex parts just looks weird. If there is a way of limiting the orientation then someone do tell me and I will be first in line to use it.

As for on the update side of things I am pottering on between parts, the solar panels continue to not fully deploy and I have no idea how to fix it, a good solar panel tutorial would be a godsend.

I seem to recall that a long time someone requested a 3.75m compatible adaptron so here we go.


Here is also a cargo module, handy for storing spare equipment, fuel and kerbals. I'll probably be using the same model as a placeholder for fueltanks. I'm going to try a more streamlined development model with placeholders so I can provide a more complete parts set that players can use as I work on models.


This actually got modeled a long time ago but I never quite got far enough along to include it as a complete line of parts. It may become one some day.


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You could slap some guiding fins onto the docking ports to help line things up just right. You may need to lower the magnetic attraction though else things might break when wobbling around, something you'd have to determine in testing.


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Okay, I really like that concept, I'm experimenting with that right now.

Also, put together some small size simple parts as well as a great big heavy electric engine that actually puts out a decent amount of thrust ( a whopping 10 newton! ).





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It's indeed an ion engine, it's still a little basic now, I'm thinking about how to make it a bit more visually interesting.

Edit: A little update on the docking guides idea. I've been playing around with it and it actually works quite well.


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