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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Actually I have made only two IVA's Gemini and Big G. Im not really interested in Mercury IVA. Someone else is welcome to pick it up if they like.

But will you do a CM IVA? What about the LEM? You didn't make that one?

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.24 is going to have physics and joint fixes I need to make it playable.

The Saturn V rocket is so large and heavy that it rips itself apart without a metric ton of struts. The S1B is half the size and already needs struts on its engines to keep it from sliding off.

Now that the ARM update will have the new physics engine will you finish the Saturn V or still .24?

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With the way ARM has been going, I wouldn't be surprised if ended up released along with 0.24. We'll probably find out on thursday how the development's been going.

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Mercury comes to mind. Really, it could use a proper IVA, this stock one is just shoddy. Maybe Denny could rig something up...

I'd ask Denny. He made LM IVA, he'll probably make CM IVA, too. Maybe if we asked nicely, he'd also rig one up for Mercury...

With the way ARM has been going, I wouldn't be surprised if ended up released along with 0.24. We'll probably find out on thursday how the development's been going.

How about we ask me directly instead of making assumptions...

Dragon01 it's not your mod, don't answer questions about what I plan to do for me, it's rude, frustrating and really annoying. The only one that knows what I am going to do is me, and I don't want or need anyone speaking for me.

Denny agreed to create some models for FASA and nothing more. They are his models and I am just hosting them. If he wants to do it its up to him.

I don't really have an interest in doing an IVA for Mercury but if someone else does they are welcome to it. I will be glad to host quality work in FASA.

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O man.. bumpage.

Is there a work around for the fasa launch clamps bugging out procedural fairings? Why does PF assume the clamp is part of the rocket? Tries to cover it up.. The stock clamps don't do it.

Edit: Nevermind the stock clamps do it as well. But all that is now moot. As procedural fairings has been updated stating that issue has been fixed. Good stuff. Now for my previous inquiry..

Edited by Motokid600
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Ok, I admit I still haven't downloaded the Saturn update, so I don't know if these have been fixed, but recently, I noticed a couple of issues with the Gemini CSMs.

Whenever I do a burn maneuver with the engines in the standard Gemini SM, it has a tendency to pitch downward (relative to the cockpit windows), I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it wastes a good deal of mono propellant correcting during burns. This happens regardless of whether I'm using Mechjeb or flying manually.

And the white Gemini docking nosecone doesn't have an indexing bar. Again I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I don't know why it wouldn't have one.

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Ok, I admit I still haven't downloaded the Saturn update, so I don't know if these have been fixed, but recently

I am not sure what you would like me to do? Are you asking about a bug/feature that was in the previous version? I do post change lists on the main page if you want a detailed list.

Also im going to try and work on finishing up Saturn V rocket parts on Friday.

New parts work great with saturn stuff in last update.


Edited by frizzank
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Bloody jaw fell off again why do I even bother putting it back on?!?!?!

Er, um, because you might want to talk to someone in RL? :)

I know I personally can not wait. A REAL Saturn II INT-18 is in the offing soon :)... My current replica based on the Saturn IB that Frizzank has graciously made for us just isn't quite... big enough to work well.

Now I have to choose between going and Seeing Winter Soldier or Flying the Saturn V and II INT-18.... err um.... errr.... Ideas anyone? :)

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Okay someone needs to tell me wtf is up with the creepy maniacal laugh. Im facerolling switches in the LEM and.. scared the crap out me I had my speakers turned WAY up lol.

I have never heard this. I don't play with music on and I have no clue what you are hearing. Then again I have only flown the LEM twice. I am more focused on my Refueling station I am currently working on and the new ARM missions rather than landing on the Mun that late in the tech tree.

Once I get my warp jump ship done, I will use the LEM on the appropriate Moons of Jool.

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I am not sure what you would like me to do? Are you asking about a bug/feature that was in the previous version? I do post change lists on the main page if you want a detailed list.

Also im going to try and work on finishing up Saturn V rocket parts on Friday.

New parts work great with saturn stuff in last update.


Yeah, I'm still on 3.73, one of these days I'll get around to downloading the current version. I was just pointing out some bugs that I've noticed and was curious about. You're right, I should have checked the change log first. I don't see anything specifically related to those bugs in there now that I have checked, but I could be wrong.

Your Saturn stuff is looking awesome so far.

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Er, um, because you might want to talk to someone in RL? :)

I know I personally can not wait. A REAL Saturn II INT-18 is in the offing soon :)... My current replica based on the Saturn IB that Frizzank has graciously made for us just isn't quite... big enough to work well.

Now I have to choose between going and Seeing Winter Soldier or Flying the Saturn V and II INT-18.... err um.... errr.... Ideas anyone? :)

This isn't a chat thread please don't devolve it to one.

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Am currently working on a new patch that will assign specific suits to specific pods. So for example when you IVA in an Apollo LEM pod you get an Apollo mission suit!


Did I read correctly that there maybe Saturn 5 parts coming soon :D

Edited by Green Skull
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Am currently working on a new patch that will assign specific suits to specific pods. So for example when you IVA in an Apollo LEM pod you get an Apollo mission suit!


Did I read correctly that there maybe Saturn 5 parts coming soon :D

That is awesome....

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Am currently working on a new patch that will assign specific suits to specific pods. So for example when you IVA in an Apollo LEM pod you get an Apollo mission suit!


Did I read correctly that there maybe Saturn 5 parts coming soon :D

Will the flags on the suit change depending on the mission flag selected?

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Will the flags on the suit change depending on the mission flag selected?

No. The flag on the EVA jetpack will change according to your mission flag as per Squads 0.23.5 update. I can however release some flags with mission patches on... This is made possible by Shaw and his excellent work on TextureReplacer!

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