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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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The Explorer probe was meant to be your first orbit and can be done reasonably easy. The parts where I get stuck are getting to the mun the first time and then my first interplanetary mission. Everything else is easy street.

I thought those contracts only are completed on ships with a Kerbal. I havent done it with the orbit yet but with the set altitude record contracts they can only be done with a Kerbal in the rocket. If that's the case then no worries. Still it would be nice to have that tank a little earlier. Even if we want to do munar probes early it would be very useful. All the atlas parts are unlocked very early except for the tank and its a tease/those parts are really not that useful without that main tank.

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Have a peculiar issue. The Apollo CSM parachutes don't seem to be functioning properly. When I place them, the chute models are stuck up in the air (like they've just been released but haven't deployed yet), and it persists into the game proper where the chutes end up being non-functional.

Everything I have atm is up to date for .90 so I'm not sure what could be causing it.

(also, bravo on the new looks for a lot of the parts and the rudimentary IVA for the CSM. Little late to that party I think but even so)

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Have a peculiar issue. The Apollo CSM parachutes don't seem to be functioning properly. When I place them' date=' the chute models are stuck up in the air (like they've just been released but haven't deployed yet), and it persists into the game proper where the chutes end up being non-functional.

Everything I have atm is up to date for .90 so I'm not sure what could be causing it.

(also, bravo on the new looks for a lot of the parts and the rudimentary IVA for the CSM. Little late to that party I think but even so)[/quote']

Its sound like the same Real Chute issue from the past. You just need to remove the FASA module manager file from the real chute folder. It will solve your problem.

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Have a peculiar issue. The Apollo CSM parachutes don't seem to be functioning properly. When I place them, the chute models are stuck up in the air (like they've just been released but haven't deployed yet), and it persists into the game proper where the chutes end up being non-functional.

Everything I have atm is up to date for .90 so I'm not sure what could be causing it.

The fix is here


Also Kerbal stuff works now...

Edited by frizzank
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Mercury Redstone was never an orbital configuration. The Mercury configuration you need is the stage and a half style Atlas rocket.

ahh crapp I had my rockets mixed up, just watched youtube of the gemini/mercury stuff and yes the Redstone was a puny sub-orbital thing

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you might be able to get a light satellite into orbit with that after as a stage, I mean explorer used a juno rocket... used the same engine and a smaller fuel tank as well as aand did not use the same fuel... also any one have an idea where I might get a camera experiment I trying the think of a way to do my own Corona missions.....

Edited by tmikesecrist3
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Not to be a jerk, but I was hoping for new engines in 5.00. :wink: I guess I could just take an engine model, re-texture it, call it something different, add more/less thrust, change fuel consumption, and put it in my game, then say it's new? :( Solar panels are great and all, but I don't need giant ones unless I'm playing with DRE! My solar panels get blown up when I try to dock stuff! :sticktongue: You could have kept that engine's thrust at 90 by the way too. It was perfect for about 10 of my satellites! Oh well; it has better ISP so yay!

@Virtualgenius no, they do not do experiments... yet. I think that the developer of the mod said he might add science points to the cameras; it would make sense! :D

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Hey, Frizzank, I noticed that you are wanting to add buoyancy to the blow up ring for the Apollo capsule but don't know how... Why don't you check out the cfgs from either the sdhi mod or Klockeed Special Parts pack? Just a suggestion to help you out a bit!

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Hey, Frizzank, I noticed that you are wanting to add buoyancy to the blow up ring for the Apollo capsule but don't know how... Why don't you check out the cfgs from either the sdhi mod or Klockeed Special Parts pack? Just a suggestion to help you out a bit!

That would require a plugin (the klockeed martian special parts plugin), and friz has stated he doesn't want to make FASA plugin dependent. I'm currently trying to apply the KMbuoyance module to the floats, however, I have had no success due to the module being strange :P

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That would require a plugin (the klockeed martian special parts plugin), and friz has stated he doesn't want to make FASA plugin dependent. I'm currently trying to apply the KMbuoyance module to the floats, however, I have had no success due to the module being strange :P

I meant take a look so he can get ideas on how to make them work how he'd like, or, get permission from whoever owns the Klockeed stuff to put that module in this pack either/or

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Here's the explanation for the KMbuoyancy module:

It is taken from the firespitter module so you would best get help there however I will try to explain it.


name = KMbuoyancy //name of module do not change

buoyancyForceInflated = 8 //upwards force applied to object when touching water

forcePointName = buoy1 //The point of the object at which bouyancy is activated when it touches the water, this is an empty game object in unity

isMaster = True //this is specified true if you have more than one forcepoint

sound_inflate = Klockheed_Martian_Special/Sounds/inflateshort //self explanatory

sound_deflate = Klockheed_Martian_Special/Sounds/inflatelong //self explanatory


Basically what you should do for "round" ball-like floats is have a single forcepoint in the center of the mesh; this is an empty object in unity with the y axis facing upwards. If you are doing a round "pancake" float like on the bottom of the apollo command pod, put 4 force points, one on each corner of the float at 90 degree angles from eachother. You need to define each of these in the config file as a separate kmbouyancy module. The first one will be master=true the other 3 will be master=false.

Unfortunately, this means it's not a simple config edit. Anyway, friz, you always have the option if you ever wanted to! :P

-------additional information---------

I managed to use Realchute to add drogue chutes to the Apollo Parachutes.

Module Manager config:

model = RealChute/Parts/model_RC_triple_canopy
//scale = x-width, height, y-width
//at normal scale (1, 1, 1) the parachute has an in game width of 9.893m
//do the math if you want to change it
scale = 0.61, 0.7, 0.61
position = 0, 0.025, 0
texture = RC_canopy_main, RealChute/Parts/RC_canopy_drogue

maximum_drag = 0.32
@mass = 0.2


name = RealChuteModule
caseMass = 0.2
timer = 0
mustGoDown = false
cutSpeed = 0.5
spareChutes = 5
secondaryChute = true

material = Nylon
preDeployedDiameter = 3
deployedDiameter = 60
minIsPressure = false
minDeployment = 550
deploymentAlt = 500
cutAlt = -1
preDeploymentSpeed = 2
deploymentSpeed = 6
preDeploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Semi
deploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Full
parachuteName = Canopy
capName = Cap

// Drogue chute
material = Kevlar
capName = Cap
parachuteName = RC_triple_canopy
preDeploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_semi_deploy
deploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_full_deploy
preDeployedDiameter = 3
deployedDiameter = 6
minIsPressure = false
minDeployment = 2000
deploymentAlt = 1500
cutAlt = 555
preDeploymentSpeed = 1
deploymentSpeed = 3

channel = Ship
clip = sound_parachute_open
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = sound_parachute_single
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut
volume = 1

channel = Ship
clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack
volume = 1

in case anyone's interested!

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Love the mod Frizzank and I'll be adding this puppy into my career game (I tend to edit the science tree a little so I can start with the Mercury pod and Redstone rocket--They're too gorgeous for me to wait for a mere ~20 science on! :P)

I was curious though, do you have plans of adding more ballistic missile parts (Polaris, Trident, Minutemen, etc) to the mod some time out in the future?

Edit: Another thought struck me.... Any plans of making a Apollo-to-stock docking port adapter? (Or maybe something like the Apollo/Soyuz adapter?) Although, another thought that would make things interesting would be to just use the stock ports for station/base building and use the Apollo/LM ports for crew and ship docking for the station. Maybe if I get motivated I'll learn enough to try and make the Soviet counterpart to your mod...

Edited by Fizwalker
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