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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Quick question, mostly to see if its only me (or the list of mods I am using) or if others are noticing the same thing. The parts run great, work wonderfully, and add a lot to the game, first. Thanks much for the great mod. However, it seems like the Atlas tank/decoupler/engines setup introduce some pretty heavy load or lag... I'm not sure why, or even 100% that it is THOSE parts for sure. However, when I launch a craft with them, I notice a pretty severe lag, until that stage decouples, and a couple seconds after, when everything returns to normal.

If nobody else has noticed this sort of problem, no worries, I'm sure there's some conflict or something in the mods I'm using (quite a few :P), and I'll see what I can come up with.

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One other detail - Win 7, running x86

The folders I have right now are:


ATM (agressive)


Deadly Re-Entry

DMagic Orbital Science





Launchers Pack




Nereid (Final Frontier)


Real Chute

Remote Tech


Smoke Screen

Soviet Pack

Stage Recovery

Texture Replacer

Transfer Window Planner

Module Manager 2.5.9

When fully loaded, runs ~2GB or so, looks like 1.7 atm.

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Doing a test right now (that Jeb will love or hate, depending...) with JUST the Atlas setup boosting a capsule... we will see shortly if it is those parts.

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ok, tell me, when you are launching the Atlas, do you have any of the DMagic parts hooked up to it? I have had to remove those from my system because they seem to suck a lot of memory from it Also, though unlikely, Novapunch MAY be responsible, but unlikely. These are just stuff that I have had struggles with in the past, but they May not necessarily be the exact cause. Larger parts packs, I have found, should be kept to a bare minimum to reduce the strain on your computer memory. Also, I have found that I have a massive lag spike preceding a major game crash. Has this happened before?

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I'm seeing minor lag sporadically with the Atlas + Capsule launch, mostly when rotating the camera, but also at random.

Generally I don't have DMagic hooked up to it, I just installed that last night, this has been an issue for me for a while. I'll try removing them, and NP, and see - I don't currently have any parts from NP attached, but of course that doesn't mean there isn't interaction.

I can't recall a lag spike followed by crash, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

I'll give that a go and play with it for a while, and see if it helps. The help is much appreciated, this is one of my favorite packs out there, and I'm hoping to not have to suffer through lag to make it work - though I have.

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Awesome, that seems to have fixed (or, at least, VASTLY improved) the issue. Still a tiny bit of lag, but that is likely my machine, rather than a mod issue. No more MET of 2 minutes, and real time elapsed of 4 minutes :D Thanks much!

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It's one of mine too! The Saturn V allowed me to finally land on Mun! Also, I might suggest you prune your mod list of some of the larger part packs to just 1-2 large ones to help reduce the strain on the system. Also, you might try running the game in window mode and see what your computer is doing, there might be another program running in the background that you are unaware of and has nothing to do with KSP itself or the mod. Best case scenario: make KSP the only program and window open when being run. For mod list pruning, I'd remove stuff that you very rarely use, they won't be missed.

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glad that fixed the issue! Have fun! If you need more assistance, don't hesitate to ask!

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I actually do have one other question, a somewhat silly one, but more about building the spacecraft. I am currently building an Apollo orbiter module (more complex craft to come...). I have the CM and shield, the decoulder, SM fuel/etc, then engine. I am looking for what I need to attach the CM and SM to the rocket. Should I be looking for a fairing base, or decoupler, or...? And where would I find that in the parts list?

Much appreciated :D

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Oh I know that one! That is the Apollo LEM fairing, you can find that in the structural tab, I believe you will find the fairings themselves in the aerodynamics tab. I'll get you some pics of this when I get home from school today (on a school computer at this time so no access to that). I presume the orbiter you are speaking of is the Saturn IB rocket? (essentially a smaller 2-stage version of the Saturn V)

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Haven't entirely decided what I'll use for a launcher yet, but the 1B is most likely. I want to use it as a crew trainer for my non-pilot kerbals :D

And thank you! Since I don't plan on a LEM being attached, I probably NEVER would have tried that attachment plate :D

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Yep, I plan to use that or something similar for the first phase of their training, then a Mun capable trainer to level them up more, when Jeb is away from home :D Might have to assemble the LEM at that point, though. No point in going if I'm not going to land >.>

- - - Updated - - -

And yeah the IB was used for a few crewed launches, including launches to Skylab and docking with Soyuz

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Quick question, mostly to see if its only me (or the list of mods I am using) or if others are noticing the same thing. The parts run great, work wonderfully, and add a lot to the game, first. Thanks much for the great mod. However, it seems like the Atlas tank/decoupler/engines setup introduce some pretty heavy load or lag... I'm not sure why, or even 100% that it is THOSE parts for sure. However, when I launch a craft with them, I notice a pretty severe lag, until that stage decouples, and a couple seconds after, when everything returns to normal.

If nobody else has noticed this sort of problem, no worries, I'm sure there's some conflict or something in the mods I'm using (quite a few :P), and I'll see what I can come up with.

As far as performance goes for FPS lag on launch if you have any other craft visible around the launch pad it will negatively affect performance. I left my space plane and refuel truck parked in front of the hanger, both don't affect performance on there own, but as soon as I did a rocket launch my frame rate dropped by half until I was far enough away for it to unload the ground vehicles, which is about the same time you would drop the Atlas first stage.

Also the reflection plugin may not work great on some video cards. Reduce the number of reflected parts or, you can disable it by shutting down KSP deleting the plugin folder in GameData/FASA/Plugins and restarting.

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It seems that deleting NP and DMOS worked, I'll try that later also. I have run into a minor parts issue as well, with the Saturn V build.

Mechjeb is reporting a total Delta-V of 0 for Stage 3, despite a full fuel load and engine attached. I am about to stage to 3, so I will know for sure momentarily if there is an actual issue, or Mechjeb being dropped on its case a few too many times.

I noticed that there are no crossfeeds on the interstage shrouds, would it be correct to assume that none of them allow for fuel crossfeeding?

- - - Updated - - -

So... I must need to work on my landings. Stage 3 is burning properly... time to inspect the Mechjeb case for damage

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correct, crossfeed SHOULD be disabled between tanks. Also, I have encountered that Mechjeb bug before...there are actually no real problems. You should have no trouble with the launch itself. The guys working on Mechjeb should be made known about this issue as well. Also, if you stage into it, the problem (I have seen) should correct itself. I might suggest you also report this bug to them

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Yeah it was correctly updating figures, just for the wrong stage. I'm in the process of deleting all mods, and reinstalling just FASA and the basic mods for me, to see if there was just some junk left over from other deletions and such, or an interaction. If its an interaction, I'll see with what, and post appropriately. If it was junk leftover... well, nothing new there :D

Now to see if I can be as successful in my rockets as they were historically... though I think my Kerbals would prefer a bit more success. Except maybe Jeb. He seems to like things blowing up.

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lol, for me, I run my space program with extreme consistency. I have not had any accidents (yet). If I had any launch failures (used to occur all the time with the Saturn 1B), I make sure to get my crew OUT of the situation in a quick fashion. The only failure I had, early on, was when I accidently put a crew to land on Mun into orbit around the sun (*facepalm*). Worst moment I ever felt, especially since I could never get any of my rescue craft working! :D

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My cat likes to co-pilot... errr, jump on the keyboard. Ever seen what happens when every stage of a Saturn stages at full throttle, simultaneously? Sadly, I have... a few times. Yay for escape systems!

I think my biggest personal failure was forgetting a heat shield, with deadly re-entry. Unplanned rapid disassembly... check.

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yeah, my other major failure was FORGETTING to stage a rocket during launch, remembered when it was too late. Currently, I have this installed in a secondary version of KSP with RSS installed (thought I'd try it out). Pretty fun, though, now I gotta remember a new altitude to orbit at (I orbit at 90Km in stock)

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I usually default to 100, though with a few rockets (like the 1B) I have to set that lower, if I want to have a bit of fuel left to come home with. I might have to try for a historical landing later, or go searching for other crazy ideas we had about mun landings, and give them a go with the appropriate hardware. Gotta love challenges.

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Yeah, for me, my early failures with the 1b were merely running out of fuel on the orbit insertion burn (the CSM engine is SO week when it comes to those burns). I have also considered the direct approach, but the resources would have been unimaginable. My stock lander attempt was brought up on a separate rocket from the crew capsule (like what would have happened in Project: Constellation aka return to the moon). Unfortunately, I was an idiot and forgot to attach solar panels and it ran out of power. The mission was scrapped shortly thereafter.

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