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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Awesome. Looking forward to Saturn V. :)

BTW, you may find this interesting:



I especially love the jettisonable nose fairing on the retormotor. Is there a chance you could do something like that?

Also, some Saturn V data:




And a detailed diagram of the top section, LES and all.


Or heck, just read this whole section: http://up-ship.com/blog/?cat=43

All you might ever want to include into FASA. :) Unbuilt projects, manned space program from Mercury to Apollo, and plenty of detailed drawings.

Edited by Guest
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That was actually a proposed plan by NASA lol.


My version will have all bear crew. Don't think that makes it any different though...

And as for the save file thing, users can actually just copy paste the ship directory into their save directory since the folders are exactly the same: Ships -> VAB and SPH. Yeah yeah, I know, that would require knowledge on the part of the user, what am I thinking? I'll go dunk myself into a pool of jelly now.

My "Dragon01 is going to complain in the future" senses are tingling...

Edited by Deltac
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A thought, Frizz--on the S-IC for the Saturn V, are you thinking of including the retrofire package in its real place? (The top third or so of the engine fairings was actually installed at the VAB, because it contained two solid-fuel retrofire separation motors for staging on each side.)

Also, I admit, I don't know much about how difficult it is to do this sort of thing in 3D modeling software, but would it be too difficult to do stretched versions of the S-IC and S-IVB to match certain of the proposed "evolved Saturn" variants that were studied in the late 60s for Apollo Applications and the projected '84 Mars mission? Most of the versions that proposed using strap-on SRBs (either Titan 3 or Minuteman models) would have used the stretched first and third stages, too. (I'd also suggest tankage for the proposed S-N nuclear third stage, but that could basically be handled by a pair of S-II tanks, IIRC.) I know, I'm not suggesting much. ;) These could, of course, always be later-phase additions to the pack. (And it's not like it's as crazy as the proposed "500 tons to LEO in one throw" version that clustered four Saturn INT-21s under a single massive payload bus...)

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A thought, Frizz--on the S-IC for the Saturn V, are you thinking of including the retrofire package in its real place? (The top third or so of the engine fairings was actually installed at the VAB, because it contained two solid-fuel retrofire separation motors for staging on each side.)

Also, I admit, I don't know much about how difficult it is to do this sort of thing in 3D modeling software, but would it be too difficult to do stretched versions of the S-IC and S-IVB to match certain of the proposed "evolved Saturn" variants that were studied in the late 60s for Apollo Applications and the projected '84 Mars mission? Most of the versions that proposed using strap-on SRBs (either Titan 3 or Minuteman models) would have used the stretched first and third stages, too. (I'd also suggest tankage for the proposed S-N nuclear third stage, but that could basically be handled by a pair of S-II tanks, IIRC.) I know, I'm not suggesting much. ;) These could, of course, always be later-phase additions to the pack. (And it's not like it's as crazy as the proposed "500 tons to LEO in one throw" version that clustered four Saturn INT-21s under a single massive payload bus...)

Regarding stretched tanks, that actually would be quite simple to do with a cfg file that creates a new part, then you just change the y-axis scale and add in the required amount of new fuel. No modeling needed!

edit: Or you could even just use stretchy tanks to create what ever length/diameter tank you need, but of course then it would look as cool as whatever frizzank is going to come up with.

Edited by Scripto23
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More fun news time, to celebrate the "Official" release of Saturn 1B, the Mobile Launch Platform....

electronicfox the original creator of the caterpillar tracks mod is teaming up with FASA to make the mobile launch platform. He is doing the crawler, and I will do the tower. Pieces will be modular for what ever your rocket creating desires are.

You can fallow his thread here.









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This version of FASA is significantly larger and will consume more memory than the last. You should turn DOWN your texture resolution in KSP. You have been warned....

You MUST delete the old version of FASA in your game data folder. BEFORE installing this one.

I also moved the stock craft in FASA to it's own save game. I didn't like forcing stock craft on people.

Before posting crash bugs you must install FASA (ALL OF IT) and only FASA on a clean install of KSP. I am not responsible for incompatibility with other mods or FASA breaking because you deleted part folders, but I will try and help.

If you already have Raster prop monitor or the reflection shader this will override it as they are included in the mod.

Oh god...

That gave me an idea. If this was like too big for a person to handle, maybe you could split up the pack into smaller ones that a person can handle? Just download the Gemini, Mercury, or Apollo part of the pack like you do with the launch clamps.

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Oh god...

That gave me an idea. If this was like too big for a person to handle, maybe you could split up the pack into smaller ones that a person can handle? Just download the Gemini, Mercury, or Apollo part of the pack like you do with the launch clamps.

Frizz, we need another official statement in big bold text.

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Denny already has one for his parts.

FASA is getting big, and I like it....

Im sure KW and NovaPunch have loads of people screaming the same thing. "Can I just get a download for the engines I really like the engines!"

The crawler tracks and platform are going to be a separate download for their mod so there is that. Also the Saturn V launch tower is going to have to have to be built different to work with the mobile launch platform.

I am sure just having an Apollo download would be hugely popular so I may do that, no love for poor Mercury and Gemini :(

The large FASA download with everything will stay, and there will be nice extras if your downloading all of it.

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I have to have this MOD. I tried what you said I deleted the plugins, I have a 64 bit computer. I deleted the mod folder reinstalled ksp, redownloaded the mod, installed the folders, and now the game wont even load. When it does load the main screen is grayed out and white and I can’t click anything. Everything is perfect when the mod is not installed. its probably something stupid I am doing but I followed the instructions very carefully. Just fyi I have a mac book pro and i am using steam. Please help! I successfully used this mod for about a half hour and now I need it.

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Awesome. Looking forward to Saturn V.

BTW, you may find this interesting:



I especially love the jettisonable nose fairing on the retormotor. Is there a chance you could do something like that?

Also, some Saturn V data:




And a detailed diagram of the top section, LES and all.


Or heck, just read this whole section: http://up-ship.com/blog/?cat=43

All you might ever want to include into FASA. Unbuilt projects, manned space program from Mercury to Apollo, and plenty of detailed drawings.

While these are fun interesting bits they dont really have a purpose in KSP (some were used just to give some acceleration to settle the fuel in the tank). Also they would increase my workload, add to the part count and make it even more memory intensive. I understand the enthusiasm of having your own snap tight modeling kit to build a perfect replica of Saturn V that you can digitally play with, BUT, This is not what your going to get.

Your going to get a fun, pretty looking model that kind of looks like the Kerbals built Saturn V for their own dubious needs. Along with some really useful parts for expanding the stock game play.

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Love for Gemini... :D Jeb in particular likes it (on the left, Bill isn't smiling as big), he thinks it's a "neat little sports-car"


Sounds Great Frizz, personally, I'll be sticking with the big FASA download, I like all the little extras :P keep up the good work!

Edited by UltraVires
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Oh, then I'll add four Titan SRB's on the side. I MUST BE DIFFERENT!

Err, One of the various Saturn II Proposals had 4 UA1205 (Titan SRBs) included..... Stage one was often the S-II Stage and 4 Titan 5 or 6 Segment SRBs were strapped on.

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While these are fun interesting bits they dont really have a purpose in KSP (some were used just to give some acceleration to settle the fuel in the tank). Also they would increase my workload, add to the part count and make it even more memory intensive. I understand the enthusiasm of having your own snap tight modeling kit to build a perfect replica of Saturn V that you can digitally play with, BUT, This is not what your going to get.

Your going to get a fun, pretty looking model that kind of looks like the Kerbals built Saturn V for their own dubious needs. Along with some really useful parts for expanding the stock game play.

My "Dragon01 will complain in the future" senses are definitely tangling now. Perhaps NathanKell might drop by to add his two bits, as well.

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Oy, have I ever been less than grateful here or elsewhere? I totally respect frizzank's choices, not least because I play with ahistorical rockets myself. I mean, I also need ullage motors, but worst comes to worst I can make myself. no biggie.

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uh frizzank what folder contains the small mystery goo experiment because i am trying to cut my mods down and i need to know where it is because i can't seem to find it

uhh anyone come on i amtrying to hold out until 0.24 so can some one point me into the right direction

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