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Odd, I must have a mod that is not allowing me to adjust your wheels... ugh time to troubleshoot

You have to go to the action-groups tab, then look under brakes and remove the wheel in question. That's how I've always done it anyway, not exactly obvious though. If that editable action groups mod is kicking around, might be able to use that to do it on the fly.

Edit, so it seems lower is better. But even with 0.1 you still get a fair amount of lift-up at the back. Might try dropping the brake torque as well.

Dropping that's a bit better, still suffers a wee bit in the last few meters. It really could do with an adjustable curve like the other traits.

Edit 2;

Okay, braking should be a bit more forgiving now. brakeTorque = 35, brakeSpeed = 0.1 seems to work quite nicely. Although it does weirdly like to get 'stuck' after you finish braking and requires a bit of wiggling.

Edited by Lack
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Hi all brake torque is one of those many things that will never be perfect for all occasions, ideally it would be adjustable for each rover you built. However watch this space, as in the near future, with Lacks permission the wheels will be rebuilt to use a very special and very clever custom wheel module, that makes the wheels behave so much better than the standard module that is controlling the wheels concerned. In the meantime you can either (A) alter the brake speed and brake torque in the cfg, by altering the following

brakeTorque = 10
brakeSpeed = 0.5

Brake torque is fairly obviously the amount of torque applied to stop the wheel rotating, and brake speed less obviously is the speed at which the braking torque goes from 0 to full on, tests have proved that altering the brake speed is a better adjustment than brake torque, as it still allows firstly for a decent stopping power, while creating the effect of heavier vehicles taking longer than light vehicles to come to a stop and a much nicer effect of adjust brake speed is that you can safely apply small amounts of braking in low g without taking off or flipping.

(B) build heavier rovers

or of course © put up with it for a little while



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Loving the work Lack! One problem is that I cannot get KSC++ to work with .24.2 for whatever reaso. I've done all the troubleshooting, and I've installed Kerbtown .24.2 and no luck :(. I've installed everything correctly aswell.. any help? Thanks and keep up the good work!

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Is there anyone else having " Hatch obstructed can not exit" troubles with the trucks? I have the latest updates for the mod, and ksp, and running 32 bit.

I made a Fuel truck and ran into trouble when I was trying to go and attach the KAS winch to my other craft.

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Steering, brake torque, etc can be adjusted in the config. It would be nice if Squad added those to the tweakables, but a plugin to deal with it is outside the scope of this mod.

There actually is a mod for doing that. There's just one little problem with me sharing that information... I have a lot of mods and I have no clue which one is giving me the adjustment functionality, nor do I know if it would even be recently updated or posted to the new, undoubtedly cursed, file-sharing system. It has helped me many times though when I needed a wheel to brake, not flip-me-over-and-toss-me-into-orbit.

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There actually is a mod for doing that. There's just one little problem with me sharing that information... I have a lot of mods and I have no clue which one is giving me the adjustment functionality, nor do I know if it would even be recently updated or posted to the new, undoubtedly cursed, file-sharing system. It has helped me many times though when I needed a wheel to brake, not flip-me-over-and-toss-me-into-orbit.

This might be what you're looking for: Tweakable Wheels

I'm working on adding more functionality for it, I don't know what LLL uses for its wheels but the stock moduleWheel is supported at this time.

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there is a duplicate 2.5m circular fuel tank in the current release part name: LLLCirc2b2F causing a "part requires purchasing in R&D" for the 2nd




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Kerbcity is neat too, they have an airport underc construction, and everything you can take off from there too. Spannermonkey and I are going to be building a town as well, it will have Construction plants and such for LLL and MWI :)

@BobsYerUncle yeah, that is going to be fixed in the new release, sorry, you can delete the Circ25Fuel folder, it is the errant folder.

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I have a question, On the drop cargo hold thingy, if you attach something to the floor is it supposed to move with the floor or is it just stuck in place? Was trying to make a MLRS type launcher and the rockets would not move at all and were stuck in the air where they would be once the cargo hold was opened.

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To be honest, I have only used that unit once or twice and never have I had anything in it. but it is usually with a rover unit from what I remember. I know that rovers can be deployed from it, but I don't know what would happen if you essentially radially attached something to the deck, this may cause problems. I would have to check it for you.

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I have a question, On the drop cargo hold thingy, if you attach something to the floor is it supposed to move with the floor or is it just stuck in place? Was trying to make a MLRS type launcher and the rockets would not move at all and were stuck in the air where they would be once the cargo hold was opened.

Can't really be done with stock, I think the attachment of parts realises on a co-ordinate system. It might be possible to rig it up with infernal robotics, but quite how, I'm not sure.


@Damaske's previous comment,

Have you tried downloading the latest version of the testing copy, gregox had the same issue and it turned out I'd uploaded an older copy from before fixing the hatch obstructed issue.

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Re items moving with animations, after many attempts myself and exactly as many failures I bit the bullet and instead of an animation I made the whole part, part of the IR tree, in the case of a deployable bay or launcher the main body would be the fixed mesh and the bay part the moving mesh, actually not that difficult to do, once you've setup a few but it is very sensitive to hierarchy positions. I'll have speaks with MW and see if theres anything suitable for a demo currently in production.

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Hilarious :P

I think having some more train traffic would be nice. It's either sitting in the station or gone for most of the time. I like watching it pull into the station but having more train traffic would make it easier to watch it leave, which is what I really want to see.

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That just goes to show that in life beauty is always related to perspective....

Second thing... That your picture or just one ya found online!?

Third thing @ AlphaAsh Actually no, Leaves is the correct pluralization of Leaf, accept it is acceptable at least in the US for it to also be spelled Leafs. However, while the Websters Dictionary states that is acceptable it states the more common usage is Leaves. It is also interesting that my Oxford Dictionary lists the only pluralization as Leaves. This follows Loaf; Loaves, calf; Calves, Half; Halves... etc. It is safe to say that the English language really is becoming more a version of what a lot of role-playing games call "common" because it has incorporated parts from so very many different languages that it has a great many acceptations to its rules. This is also why older English is not very well understood by people who speak modern English because it is the more pure version of the REAL original language.

Edited by MrWizerd
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That's the wrong kind of leaf.
Third thing @ AlphaAsh Actually no, Leaves is the correct pluralization of Leaf, accept it is acceptable at least in the US for it to also be spelled Leafs. However, while the Websters Dictionary states that is acceptable it states the more common usage is Leaves. It is also interesting that my Oxford Dictionary lists the only pluralization as Leaves. This follows Loaf; Loaves, calf; Calves, Half; Halves... etc. It is safe to say that the English language really is becoming more a version of what a lot of role-playing games call "common" because it has incorporated parts from so very many different languages that it has a great many acceptations to its rules. This is also why older English is not very well understood by people who speak modern English because it is the more pure version of the REAL original language.

Sorry, but you're missing a British joke, there. In the UK, the rail system is famously bad at keeping to time, with many many trains delayed or cancelled, and one of the most famous excuses ever given on the station PA systems is that the train was late beacuse of "the wrong kind of leaves on the line". We've also had "the wrong kind of snow", "cows on the line". I was once on a train, stationary, half way between stations, when the conductor came on the PA and asked "Is there a driver on board?".

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That's the wrong kind of leaf.

I wonder if there's actually such a thing as the right type of leaf.

I quite like that the trains are relatively infrequent, it's only meant as a bit of an 'easter egg'. It is just a looping animation, and is unaffected by timewarp (physics warp might work) as far as I can tell. 'Time table' from the animation in Unity, presumably starts off when the asset is initially loaded at one of the menu screens.

Idles at station: 6 min

Movement from station: 2.5 min

Idle in tunnel: 1 min

Movement to station: 2.5 min

Animation resets


Progress report on SXT :

Cost balancing: In progress, command pods done, on fuel-tanks and engines at the mo.

Filling in part descriptions: In progress, will be moving most to stock agencies. Have added two new ones, with logos and behaviours. Considering switching Korolyov Design Bureau to Kerbolyov Design Bureau, would match Rocketdyne/Kerbodyne.

Tweaks: Fixing a few minor bugs, tweaking part stats. Added a fairing to the stock PB-ION. Disabled a number of 3.75m parts, since there's stock equivalents nowadays. Can be enabled again by deleting or editing the 'part disabler' config, won't break existing craft using them.

New parts: Trying to flesh out the early tech-tree a bit.

> New 1.25m engine: Provides an alternative to the LT-Vs early on. Cheap, nice TWR, but inefficient and not as powerful. Good for smaller craft, but outclassed by the LTVs quickly.

> Small 0.625m SRB for probes: Trying to make probes a bit more viable early on. Great if you just want to get a probe somewhere, but you'll need to keep the probes small or you'll see the d-v drop quickly.

> 0.625m in-line mystery goo pod: Same stats as radial, but makes probes look a bit less ridiculous. Or you could put in atop the Mk1 pod if you're running DRE.

> New 3.75m engine: More punch than the S3 KS-25x4, but cruder. So far less efficient (275-320), but a better TWR and a bit cheaper.

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Sorry, but you're missing a British joke, there. In the UK, the rail system is famously bad at keeping to time, with many many trains delayed or cancelled, and one of the most famous excuses ever given on the station PA systems is that the train was late beacuse of "the wrong kind of leaves on the line". We've also had "the wrong kind of snow", "cows on the line". I was once on a train, stationary, half way between stations, when the conductor came on the PA and asked "Is there a driver on board?".

THAT is bloody classic!

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