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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Possible bug - or it could be just the way the game works. The extendable docking port doesn't have an accessible connection node on the docking port side. This prevents you from stacking anything on this port during construction. For example you can't have a probe attached to the top of your ship to be undocked once at the destination. I was able to use a regular LLL docking port on the extendable version but it either got clipped through when extending or exploded.

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The stock probe cores don't have SAS, so I didn't add it to the LLL ones.

Actually, the stock probe cores do have SAS.

GameData/Squad/Parts/Command % grep -r 'ModuleSAS' .
./advSasModule/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./asasmodule1-2/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./avionicsNoseCone/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./cupola/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./landerCabinSmall/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./Mark1Cockpit/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./Mark2Cockpit/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./mark3Cockpit/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./Mk1-2Pod/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./mk1pod/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./mk2LanderCabin/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeCoreCube/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeCoreHex/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeCoreOcto/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeCoreOcto2/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeCoreSphere/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeStackLarge/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./probeStackSmall/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS
./sasModule/part.cfg: name = ModuleSAS

That's everything but crewCabin and seatExternalCmd...

Edited by Gaius
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@Gristle: Yeah, that's unfortunately just the way the game works with the extendable CBM. I did have a top stack node initially, but as you found out, when extending it'll cause it to explode or clip. Similar if you dock when extended and then retract it, but with less exploding.

@Gaius: Hmm, perhaps I'm running an older version of the game then, as



name = ModuleSAS


isn't present in any of my stock probe core .cfgs. Nor is it's effect present in game.


I'm running Reckon I might just add it to the LLL cores, it's too accepted a part of the game and this only seems to be causing confusion.

Edited by Lack
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So I found out the hard way that you can only dock to the extendable docking port when it's extended. Now I have TWO derelicts in Kerbin orbit....good thing is the are right next to each other so they are only one navigation hazard.

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I gotta say Lack, you've really out-done yourself this time. Great work on the parts! Here's a few pics of a drilling rig I did up to mine Ore for the Extraplanetary Lauchpads mod. I'll add some more pics once I've gotten the base totally done.

Thanks a bunch for all your time/effort you've put into this, it's definitely a must-have mod!

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I am brand new to this game and My question is what link do I click to download this Great looking mod? I see a few links in the main post and not really sure what one to use.

Yes, for some reason Mr. Lack doesn't update the original post, no idea why, and I've not had the opportunity to ask. :) In any event, the latest version - - is found on page 70 of this thread. Have fun, this parts pack is seriously cool, IMHO.

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I gotta say Lack, you've really out-done yourself this time. Great work on the parts! Here's a few pics of a drilling rig I did up to mine Ore for the Extraplanetary Lauchpads mod. I'll add some more pics once I've gotten the base totally done.

Thanks a bunch for all your time/effort you've put into this, it's definitely a must-have mod!

Can you upload a craft file for that?? I've been searching for a good miner to mine ore for EPL...

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Sure thing Rail, there are a few parts that aren't in the LLL pack though. You'll need the Heavier Strut in the NovaPunch pack, HexCans for the racks (not sure if the Extraplanetary Launchpads' HexCans for the Ore will load without it), Infernal Robotics, B9 for the single light that's added to both drills and a quick .cfg addition to the HexRack (which is in the HexCans mod).

You can download it Here

This addition should be saved as an additional file named "Huge.cfg" in the HexRack folder. All rights go to the original author, this is just a simple rescale to fit the larger Can's that Extraplanetary Launchpads adds.

The code tag messed up the code on a few lines so you might have to go back in there and clean it up.

model = HexCans/Models/Rack
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25
rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
//texture = HexCan000, HexCans/Parts/HexProbe/Probe
// --- general parameters ---
name = HexRackHuge
module = Strut
author = Greys

// --- asset parameters ---
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 4.0
specPower = 0.3
rimFalloff = 3
alphaCutoff = 0

// --- general parameters ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_top = -0.035, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 200
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = HexRack Huge
manufacturer = PanSpace Manufacturing Inc. Ltd. LLC. Co.
description = A small truss section for holding Huge sized HexCans

// --- general parameters ---
mass = 0.08
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 18
breakingForce = 400
breakingTorque = 400
maxTemp = 2900

Also updated the album located above with a few more shots.

Enjoy :cool:


Edited by GhostChaser
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Some eye candy back from the 10.1 closed beta release. Enjoy!

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EDIT: THese probes are fully mission controller compatible and will also be compatible when sceince comes out. They have all instruments and 4 antennas.

Just more reasons why LLL is one of the few parts only not stockalike mods I use.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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Here are the screenies I grabbed while working on mine. These are just the LL relevant ones.

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I actually did a whole miniature space program sending out a recon probe, finding an ore deposit, harvesting it, slowly building up a base, and then building that thing. Most of it got wrecked when I tried to hot-drop that rover in with kerbals :(

Edited by PringleMan
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Lack, can you whip up a 'cryo-pod' for kerbals? About the same size as the little hatch door, just... with space for a single Kerbal, so they can be used as cryo-pods.

EDIT: specificly, so that the kerbal within can enter and exit through that pod, sized so that it is just a bit larger than a single kerbal.

Edited by Mekan1k
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