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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Okay, I did say I hadn't been planning other hull sizes. But I ended up making some 1x3 and 1x4 ones, I'll get them uploaded at some point. Wont come with a full set of adaptors or anything, mind, but I'm sure someone will find them of some use.


Also, if anyone fancies playing around with that Real-Solar-System re-ordering I showed earlier. Here it is: Requires Nathan's Real Solar System, obviously.


Been having some fun with it myself, changes the dynamics of the game quite nicely.

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has anyone tried this with 0.23? im not home now, so i can't test it myself

I have, and it seems to hang KSP on loading (on a mac here).

@Lack If there's anything I can do to help debug the problem, please let me know.

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There shouldn't be any problems with LLL itself, benefit of not having a plugin with the main download. Mind you, haven't actually tested that, I'll likely be sticking with .22 till I get bored of my current career save.

Edit: Actually, I'm pretty sure I should have switched over to unlimited broadband now, should be alright to download the new version as well.

Edit 2: Some pictures. Who doesn't like pictures? (Well, probably quite a few people really)

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The game wouldn't let me load ships I built in .22. This really sucks, cause I spent a long time building a lot of them for my upcoming machinima series....

When I went to load the ships, it said "Craft contains invalid parts" or something along those lines.

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@Lack If there's anything I can do to help debug the problem, please let me know.

Is that with just LLL installed? Normally things like that are related to plugins, but it's possible that they've changed one of the MODULEs in the cfg and that's causing problems.

@SaurKraut, Does it say anything about which parts are invalid? I've never managed to get craft files to work between versions of KSP anyway.

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Yeah, if I can figure out how. I'd originally intended to add in a screen like that at the time, but couldn't get the firespitter one to work.

Also, I've dl'd .23 so I'll have a look and see if I can find any problems on my end.

Edit: Well, I ran out of memory on start up.

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Okay, loaded up and checked through it all briefly. Can't see anything immediately wrong.

I'll see if I I'm able to add the tweakables to a few of the modules like the EAM as well. Edit: Seems like a no for now, although I remember seeing one of the devs mentioning that that'll be addressed in a patch at some point.

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...Okay, I know I just posted, but holy **** Lack these new parts and the readdition of that old capsule sweet kerbal jesus YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON.

Hah, thanks. I'm adding the Buster back in as well with the next update. Can't remember why I haven't released that actually, I'm sure there was something. Eh, I'll upload it and I'm sure someone will tell me why. There are a few new things in there I think. I really ought keep a change log.

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Well, I'm having problems with media-fire actually uploading the damnable thing, been hung on 'verifying' for a few minutes now.

Edit: Whey!


I think there's a few things in there I'd been planning to remove like a 3 and 4x1 hull and a 6x2 tank. But, eh.

@Nelson, Which other sites would work for you? Also, have you tried just using another browser?

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Hah, thanks. I'm adding the Buster back in as well with the next update. Can't remember why I haven't released that actually, I'm sure there was something. Eh, I'll upload it and I'm sure someone will tell me why. There are a few new things in there I think. I really ought keep a change log.

What was the Buster? I don't know the names of many of the old parts; back when that version was out I was a little stupid modding seedling who didn't know that it doesn't matter if a parts-only mod says 0.20 instead of 0.21. I just saw them on Robbaz videos and went "WHAT WONDROUS SORCERY IS THIS"

EDIT: Okay, I know what the Buster is now. By the way, just something to point out: cargo bays of both varieties (drop ramp & regular doors) have no tweakable option to start undeployed.

Edited by Liam Sheepman
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Wow, i like those docking lights! I want to put them on every craft i have! Is there a way to rescale them to make them look smaller, without making the lights shorter? The part itself is too big for most crafts

I think it might just be a matter of changing the scale factor in the config file.

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Scarab Buggy says the hatch is obstructed even when there's nothing obstructing it at all. Just thought I'd let you know about this bug.

Not to butt in, or speak on Lack's behalf, but it's a known bug, Liam. :) Read the part description in the VAB / SPH, it says right there 'crew hatch currently broken'.

I hope, Lack, that this is fixed soon, though, because now that the BobCat DEMV's are totally broken with 0.23, your Buggies are now my rover of choice, and not being able to get out to plant a flag or do science puts a major crimp in my gameplay. Also, are there any plans to do a proper cockpit with IVA and instruments, etc., instead of having to use the stupid useless command chairs? The buggies would be almost perfect with that addition. And finally, I suggest/request removing the permanent red light from the cockpit section, or at least being able to turn it off, as well as having the 'headlight' controllable independently of whether the cockpit is open or closed. The auto-deploying built-in ladder is absolute genius though, fantastic feature there! :)

Thanks, Lack, once again for your great mod parts, and your continuing work in support and development of them. :)

Later, everyone!

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