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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Finally got the fairing to work. Turned out it was the normal thing of a spelling mistake in the config. Which I repeatedly managed to miss, doh.



And the launch vehicle,


Haven't decided on stats quite yet, I've currently got it set up as essentially a 4 x NERVA (thrust, weight, etc.). Might alter that to 3x, perhaps increase the max isp by a little, to account for the different nozzle and all. Could nerf the thrust a little to compensate in that case, already dropped down the atmospheric isp.

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I'll have a look over the weekend.


(the qoute is originaly "OMG!OMG!OMG! I'M IN SPPPPAAAACCCCEEE!!!" by the space sphere in portal 2 if anyone of you were wondering where you've heard something similar)

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Lack, that's really cool, but its really big. It's so long it's almost hard to use. The KSPX 2.5m NERVA is about 2 NERVA thrust and 3 NTR weight, slightly improved Isp.

I imagine that's gonna be cumbersome to use.

The really long engine bell going on there too.

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Lack, that's really cool, but its really big. It's so long it's almost hard to use. The KSPX 2.5m NERVA is about 2 NERVA thrust and 3 NTR weight, slightly improved Isp.

I imagine that's gonna be cumbersome to use.

The really long engine bell going on there too.

True, but no point having a direct copy of Claira's work, although I've checked her config to see what's been done. The length adds an extra challenge, which is a good thing, so I'll need to think of a suitable way to reward that, but not one that's over-powered. As for the bell, it's built off the same proportion as RL nerva designs.



Try changing all instances of 'thrust_transform' to 'thrustTransform' in the config, with a bit of luck that should work, but I haven't tested it myself (still haven't got a directory of 0.23 with LLL-Full, just the Lite and SXT).

Edit 2:

Could always go for a more portly design.


Edited by Lack
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True, but no point having a direct copy of Claira's work, although I've checked her config to see what's been done. The length adds an extra challenge, which is a good thing, so I'll need to think of a suitable way to reward that, but not one that's over-powered. As for the bell, it's built off the same proportion as RL nerva designs.



Try changing all instances of 'thrust_transform' to 'thrustTransform' in the config, with a bit of luck that should work, but I haven't tested it myself (still haven't got a directory of 0.23 with LLL-Full, just the Lite and SXT).

Edit 2:

Could always go for a more portly design.


Lack although i'm not using your parts at the moment (due to "lack" :rolleyes: of space)

Maybe the nerva could have an in between length/width between those engines, like a little more fat than the original but not as stubby as the large ones ;)

Edit: also I hope you make it a bit more powerful than some of the large nerva's due to how most of them are incredibly boring to use

Edited by Boamere
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Lack although i'm not using your parts at the moment (due to "lack" :rolleyes: of space)

Maybe the nerva could have an in between length/width between those engines, like a little more fat than the original but not as stubby as the large ones ;)

Edit: also I hope you make it a bit more powerful than some of the large nerva's due to how most of them are incredibly boring to use

Heh, just how many are you using? Although I decided to check SXT's RAM usage, seems to be about 20-25Mb which surprised me a bit, since the current dev version I've got only weighs in at 6.45Mb on the disk, and that's 95% .mu files.

Edit: ATM reduces that down to ~11Mb, must be something to do with how it loads the textures, given that they're all either 1kb or 5kb in size.

Edit2: The stouter Fat Mun


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it works but now i gotta find the FX for them... i may copy and paste them again. hmmm also the lights don't go off when i turn the engine off so i'll try fiddle around with that. thanks for diverting from SXT a lil to talk and figure out my problem.

oh uhm if someone were to ask for them what should i do? i'm not to familar with linence stuff

edit2: got everything working (1000m/s in atmo and well... they're cheaty... i'll just try to balance them out) the lights... they don't light up that much but at least they work so thanks alot. i can't believe that little typo could do something so wrong.

Edited by AntiMatter001
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The KSPX 2.5m NERVA is about 2 NERVA thrust and 3 NTR weight, slightly improved Isp.

Eh? The KSPX LV-NB is 2.5 times the thrust and 2.22 times the weight of the LV-N, with absolutely identical Isp.

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Not decided on stats, but I'm considering varying it from essentially being the same as clustered LV-Ns.

Current testing:

The long one:

Mass = 9

Thrust = 240

ISPatmos = 180

ISPvac = 840

Gimbal = false

May drop the mass and thrust down to 6.5 and 180 respectively.

Fat Mun Atomic 450:

Mass = 8

Thrust = 450

ISPatmos = 260

ISPvac = 680

Gimbal = false

Haven't really got any actual justification for the FMA450, just wanted something that was a little different to the rest. I suspect I'll need to properly sit down and work something out rather than just winging the numbers.

Edited by Lack
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Lol, only 45? Pff... Lightweight...

Also- [ imgur ]album link here (the... code-y part, not the entire link)[ /imgur ]

how many mods do you use?

also for those who are wondering about the rapier part here is the code just copy the code paste it into a blank document/file (not folder!!) and rename it: "rapier Engine.cfg" put your "rapierEngine.cfg here LLL/Parts/Engine/LLL2x1Engine

it should come up as "rapier test" in the vab and sph.

(any trouble just message me i used lacks models and parts so everything belongs to him... apart from the engine code... that was Bac9s)

the code!

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// There once was a man from Nantucket

// --- general parameters ---
name = Rapier TEST
module = Part
author = Lack

// --- asset parameters ---
model = LLL/Parts/Engine/LLL2x1Engine/radialjet
scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.6
position = 0.0, -0.23, 0.0
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1
rimFalloff = 5

// --- node definitions ---
//node_stack_side = 0.5, 0.15, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
node_attach = 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.65, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
// --- FX definitions ---

fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, power
fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, power
fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout

// --- Sound FX definition ---

sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_jet_low = running
sound_jet_deep = power
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
entryCost = 0
cost = 600
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = Rapier TEST
manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs
description = Turns out building nuclear engines is really hard and expensive. So we just crammed jet engines in all the ones that didn't quite work. Good news is the residual radiation levels are almost safe. Probably wouldn't park any plane using these too close to a school, though.
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 1.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 5
breakingForce = 800
breakingTorque = 800
maxTemp = 3400

channel = Ship
clip = sound_rocket_spurts
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 0.5 0.5
pitch = 0.0 0.2
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike //fx_smokeTrail_light //fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
transformName = thrust_transform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.05 0.0
emission = 0.075 0.25
emission = 1.0 1.25
speed = 0.0 0.25
speed = 1.0 1.0 //1.0 1.0
localOffset = 0, 0, 0.5

channel = Ship
clip = sound_rocket_hard
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 1.0 1.0
pitch = 0.0 0.5
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true

modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue
transformName = thrust_transform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.05 0.0
emission = 0.075 0.25
emission = 1.0 1.25
speed = 0.0 0.5
speed = 1.0 1.2


channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_deep //sound_rocket_spurts
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 1.0 1.0
pitch = 0.0 0.2
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
modelName = Squad/FX/fx_exhaustLight_yellow //Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small //Squad/FX/shockExhaust_red_small
transformName = thrust_transform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.05 0.0
emission = 0.075 0.25
emission = 1.0 1.25
speed = 0.0 0.5
speed = 1.0 1.2

channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_low
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 1.0 1.0
pitch = 0.0 0.2
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike //fx_smokeTrail_light //fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
transformName = thrust_transform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.5 0.0
emission = 0.075 0.25
emission = 1.0 1.25
speed = 0.0 0.25
speed = 1.0 1.0 //1.0 1.0
localOffset = 0, 0, 0.5

channel = Ship
clip = sound_vent_medium
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false
channel = Ship
clip = sound_vent_soft
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false
prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 //fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
transformName = thrust_transform
oneShot = true
channel = Ship
clip = sound_explosion_low
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false

name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle

//engine mode 1
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = AirBreathing
directThrottleEffectName = power_open
runningEffectName = running_open
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 215
heatProduction = 200
useEngineResponseTime = True
engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.4
engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.7
useVelocityCurve = True
//fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.5
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 1
DrawGauge = True
name = IntakeAir
ratio = 9
DrawGauge = True
// Atm.P. Isp iTan oTan
key = 0 2351 0 3.26E+07
key = 7.5E-06 2564 0 0
key = 0.0006 2159 0 0
key = 0.11 2413 0 0
key = 1 2084 -660 0
// m/s %F iTan oTan
key = 0 0.85 0 -0.0007
key = 300 0.75 0 0
key = 1500 1 0 0
key = 1650 0.88 -0.003 -0.003
key = 1800 0 0 0


//engine mode 2
name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = ClosedCycle
directThrottleEffectName = power_closed
runningEffectName = running_closed
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 185
heatProduction = 300
//fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.5
useEngineResponseTime = False
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 385
key = 1 370


name = ModuleGimbal
gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
gimbalRange = 3

name = ModuleAlternator
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.8
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

name = ModuleAnimateHeat
ThermalAnim = 2x1ENGanim

insert (i think it'sthe) creative commons licence here... but then again as i've said the original code belonged to Lack and Bac9 i just took both codes and slammed them together.

Edited by AntiMatter001
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I've been ignoring this for about 6 months as while it's really great, the cubic aesthetic of the rockets was difficult to fit in with the rest of the game if you mixed the parts.



I love them. Gaaah I'm going to have to trawl through my mods folder to remove Parts I'm not using, KSP is already as stable as paper-mache landing legs.

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Lol, only 45? Pff... Lightweight...

Also- [ imgur ]album link here (the... code-y part, not the entire link)[ /imgur ]

Ok, I lied; I just did a count up and I have 87 mods... 0-0 and I haven't even crashed once! Boulder co. texture compression is a godsend (but i'm on the edge, so close to running out of memory :P!)

Edited by Boamere
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Ok, I lied; I just did a count up and I have 87 mods... 0-0 and I haven't even crashed once! Boulder co. texture compression is a godsend (but i'm on the edge, so close to running out of memory :P!)

O.O geez i'm wondering how your computer still works!

also lack are those tanks form a different mod? i think i've seen simular things somewhere but it could be my imagination.

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