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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Just wanted to say thanks Lack. You made all my ships, from small explorers, to interplanetary tankers/freighters stylish(not to mention my space station). Ill post pics of my fleet when I get the chance for tips from all of you. Currently working on making my mun and duna base over again Lack-stlye. Any tips guys?

Also, Ember, your stuff looks fun and pretty, good job.

you guys lemme know if there is anything I can do to help.


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Do you think we could get some other angles on your craft? I'm curious how it'll stay together after launching off duna and how you've attached the base to the centre in the first place :-)

I'm not launching the whole thing off duna, the Centre is a return rocket, to LDO. The mission plan is, Find a spot that looks flat, send a rover to check and mark the landing zone, send the base down, using parachutes and the vtol engines on the side so it lands soft, send down 2 manned pods with a couple of solar panels to put away from the base and connect using the KAS mod. Explore Duna for a while In the previously landed rover. Then launch the centre return vehicle to orbiting return stage, and happily land back on kerbin. Here is some picture >>>>> http://imgur.com/a/lILln

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well i have no idea what to try and make next, still waiting on word from Lack about the stuff i have sent him as well, so dont know if i need to make changes to those

so anyone got anything i can try to make for the mod? please try to keep it simple, nothing elaborate like an entire base inside of one part

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so anyone got anything i can try to make for the mod?

How about a few different varieties of LLL styled wheels? E.G Landing gear, small rover, big rover, Tank steer? Maybe get some features like OmniWheels throttle controlled hydrolics to control the height? Now that (in the LLL style) would be awesome!

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Will we ever get a spaceport download? I've wanted to use your mod since it first came out, but you've always had it on a file-share site, and my network blocks just about all of them. And no, changing internet providers is not an option, I only have access to filtered wifi (even if I throw money at the problem).

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Will we ever get a spaceport download? I've wanted to use your mod since it first came out, but you've always had it on a file-share site, and my network blocks just about all of them. And no, changing internet providers is not an option, I only have access to filtered wifi (even if I throw money at the problem).

Use a proxy?

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Now that the B9 Aerospace pack is updated, i'm just curious now what size you changed the b9 landing legs to, Lack? (and how to do it myself)

From earlier in the thread:

Changed the rescaleFactor to 0.45 and the weight appropriately. I did the same with the underside legs (except used rescaleFactor = 0.7). That way they fit the sides quite nicely.


H-50 legs: rescaleFactor = 0.45

H-50P legs: rescaleFactor = 0.7

Those variables are both found in the .cfgs for the legs (just use note-pad to open them). Which is in Gamedata\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Utility_Leg_H50\H50.cfg, H50P.cfg for the new one update.

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From earlier in the thread:


H-50 legs: rescaleFactor = 0.45

H-50P legs: rescaleFactor = 0.7

Those variables are both found in the .cfgs for the legs (just use note-pad to open them). Which is in Gamedata\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Utility_Leg_H50\H50.cfg, H50P.cfg for the new one update.

Thanks a lot!

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I thought i'd show off my Hog Kethane miner on Duna :



The wire leading off to the left is a KAS connector linked to the first lander. Next mission is to get the Duna base , which i showed off on page 27, down so i can have a permanent base. Just waiting for decouplers, Lack :P

Edit* I'd like to add that those wheels were resized, tank steer wheels are far more stable so i resized the XL3 rover wheels.

Edited by ickli
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Just waiting for decouplers, Lack :P

I've got a .cfg for decouplers now.

Go to \Structural\LLL2x1BiCoupler\

Create a new text document and copy in:



name = 2x1decoupler

module = Part

author = Lack

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1.25

rimFalloff = 5

node_stack_top = 0, 0.08, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.08, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.08, 0, 0, 1, 0

fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple

sound_decoupler_fire = decouple

cost = 600

category = Structural

subcategory = 0

title = 2x1 Decoupler

manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs

description =

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

stackSymmetry = 1

mass = 0.3

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 30

breakingForce = 200

breakingTorque = 200

maxTemp = 3400

fuelCrossFeed = False

stageOffset = 1

childStageOffset = 1



name = ModuleDecouple

ejectionForce = 250

explosiveNodeID = top



and name the file 'Decoupler.cfg'

So that can act as a 'quick-fix' till I get proper textures done.

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Just used the Decoupler CFG you posted, Lack. They work great! Definately launching my modules after tomorrow's exam. I cannot wait for V0.1

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Grr I want to try that engine fairing badly.

Well, then, it's not the fairings but, have a new part.

It should fit in well with the stock parts and be useful in walkways, air-locks and the likes. Anyways, I'm rather pleased with how it's worked out.










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Any idea of the ETA of version 1.0 with the airlock hatch plugin you mentioned? I am really excited for that feature

I keep putting that one off. Kreuzung's updated Vanguard now so I should be able to start making it but I'll need to find the old work which had the .cfgs set up, it'll be somewhere on my HDD but I've hardly kept it well organised so far. Lost the PMs with Kreuzung about it in the forum crash as well, which certainly doesn't help.

In the mean time just use Crew Manifest.

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