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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Well thank to snjo engines can now have separately gimbals for each axis so the new gimbal blocks will look a lot nicer that that corny ball joint that is used currently. :)

be sure to thank snjo :)

also, what engine nozzle looks better :/


In my humble opinion, the first one looks better than the rest.

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like all things KSP the devs probably made it and left it half finished. so it is probably not optimized at all... So I am sure it is something only they can fix.

look at plantary annilations. 1000s of units on screen and no FPS lag at all.

KSp. 10 URm 1 length tanks and lags like hell. It jsut needs to be optimized code wise i am sure.

The thing is, he says it is only the URM parts that cause lag, and I have the same experience - that is, I can build 300-400 part ships with few problems, but as soon as I include any of your URM engine covers, KSP starts lagging a lot. It's only a few of the engine covers that do it, but it's really annoying. By the way, why did you remove the auto-fairings from the engines? That makes it quite hard to use them if you want to, say, attach them to a 2.5m stack.

EDIT: I don't think I wrote this very clearly, so here's what I intended to say: I think it might be a bug with your parts especially, as it doesn't happen with stock or most other mods. I have also heard about B9 lagging a lot when using many B9 parts, and I heard that it was due to MODEL{} and/or texture sharing. I know your URM uses shared textures, and since they're 1024*1024 by default, well, it might actually be a source of the lag.

Edited by wasmic
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(snip)... and I heard that it was due to MODEL{} and/or texture sharing. I know your URM uses shared textures, and since they're 1024*1024 by default, well, it might actually be a source of the lag.

It could be very poor handling of multiple-model parts in KSP/Unity. Go look at the cfg for a URM fuel tank - it's composed of many parts. If the game engine is not handling that efficiently, it could be the culprit. I'm not seeing any significant lag, but I rarely get above 150 parts, and I have a fairly high-end PC.

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yes, as i previously stated. the model{} instancing is not optimized yet and thus all URm parts (which are all instanced) are going to cause lag. hopefully 0.22 will fix this.

It is a catch-22. you all complained about memory. In order to end this complaint for my users/fans I used instancing (model{}) to add many many parts while only increasing the mod size a few megabytes by taking advantage of shared resources between parts. The trade off is using the optimized inefficient instancing. It is a dev issue. there is little I can do. and I really hate it :/

In my humble opinion, the first one looks better than the rest.

you do you that first is a free for all in this case. as there is no one set side to start from and call first.

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I'll take a bit of lag over perpetual crashing between the pad and VAB whilst trying to refine a design. Love the look of the new engines!

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yes, as i previously stated. the model{} instancing is not optimized yet and thus all URm parts (which are all instanced) are going to cause lag. hopefully 0.22 will fix this.

It is a catch-22. you all complained about memory. In order to end this complaint for my users/fans I used instancing (model{}) to add many many parts while only increasing the mod size a few megabytes by taking advantage of shared resources between parts. The trade off is using the optimized inefficient instancing. It is a dev issue. there is little I can do. and I really hate it :/

you do you that first is a free for all in this case. as there is no one set side to start from and call first.

Indeed, what I meant to say was the first one from the left to the right.

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I can't seem to install the pack properly, the downloads fine everything's in the folder. But when I go to play the game only half the engines are there and none of the tanks or faring. NK-33 is there but no RD-0146 (which is my favorite engine)

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You should have a folder in GameData called KOSMOS (note it's all caps) and under that a Parts folder. (You should also have Keramzit and Firespitter folders along with KOSMOS). If you renamed anything, or put anything anywhere else, then the MODEL {} calls won't work.

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Thanks to a few revelations of techniques UV mapping the RD-58SS engine should UV mapped super quick. It is always nice when your brain goes. "Hey wait you know... if you did it this way.. it would be so much less work" Which is good because i am starting form scratch texture wise where as before it shared components. so in the end the net time saving will be zero hahaah.

In othernews the Dual Axial gimbals system was successful integrated (thank to SNJO) and modeled so a that ball joint is gone and it uses a more realistic RD-58 gimbal system. I based it off the RD-58 prototype's Gimbal system since the real RD-58 has no gimbal system lol. I might possibly stick it onto the RD-275K. The real RD-275K has only one axis to gimbal on in between to thick metal beams. But I would not do that.

Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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Hello, I am pretty new around, and trying various mod. I'm very interested in the Kosmos one, but sadly it seems that the file on Spaceport has a problem. That's the 4th time I try to DL it, and it stop around 19MB.

Hope you could do something about that when you have some time.

Thanks in advance.

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This is a problem with Spaceport, and not something that mods-makers can do anything about. If a mod takes too long to download then Spaceport times-out and stops the download too soon. It can be fixed by using a download manager that has an automatic facility to resume downloads.

Good luck!

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Is anyone else having trouble with URM rockets in 0.22? *every* rocket I try to load from 0.21 game falls out of the stability enhancers. Even something as simple as a VA capsule, lockdown, 2.5->1.5 Salyut adapter, URM L09, and RD-275K with 2 stability enhancers on the fuel tank. On the launch screen, it vibrates a little and the rocket falls out. I'm going to try a stripped down installation, in case another mod is interfering somehow, but it looks like the stability enhancers have become a little less stabilizing.

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Have you tried re attaching them several times in VAB? I had that problem with another mod and that fixed it.

I did. They worked consistently as expected in 0.21 (at least 50 launches with the same lifter configuration). Every time on the Launchpad in 0.22, the rocket falls out of the clamps.

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I did. They worked consistently as expected in 0.21 (at least 50 launches with the same lifter configuration). Every time on the Launchpad in 0.22, the rocket falls out of the clamps.

I checked with a clean directory (stock + KOSMOS only, no plugins), with a new game and a new ship. Every time I go to the launch pad, I see one or more structural failures between the TT18 and the URM fuel tanks. I tried putting the clamps down on the bottom of the tank, I tried adding more clamps, and nothing seems to hold them now. Arrrgh.

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