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The user below me...


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The user below me will know where I took the following sentence:

Ærage ! Ædésespoir ! Ævieillesse ennemie !

N'ai-je donc tant vécu que pour cette infamie ?

Et ne suis-je blanchi dans les travaux guerriers

Que pour voir en un jour flétrir tant de lauriers ?

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But I will explain that play :P

It's a french play(named Le Cid) made by Pierre Corneil.

The story: Don Rodrigue will be married with Chimène.

The father of Chimène(don Gormas) slap the father of Don Rodrigue( Don Diegue).

As we are in the 17th century, Don Diegue try to take his sword and kill Don Gormas(!) but he is too old and cannot take the sword out of the case.

The sentence I took is when he's despairing(after, he has been SLAPPED!).

He will then ask her son to kill Don Gormas(the father of his loved one).

Don Rodrigue do that.

I will skip some details(in fact,I will skip a lot of details) but at the end, the two loved one get married(even the Don Rodrigue killed the father of Chimène).

For more details, you can go on Wikipedia.

PS: I tried to find a english traduction of the extract but,unfortunately, I didn't found any.

The user below me didn't read the explanation.

Edited by goldenpeach
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