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resurrect "Rocket Builders" subforum?

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I've noticed that the "Rocket Builders" subforum has disappeared since the forum restoration.

If the mods still think it's worth having, can we get it restored and legitimate KSP company threads migrated over?

P.S. - One thing I might suggest is to choose a more suitable name, such as "Aerospace companies" or something like that. As "Rocket Builders" kind of pigeonholes us as only concerning rockets, when we really build all kinds of craft.

Who's with me?

Edited by segaprophet
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It would be great if you could make three different subforums, one for genuine landers/probes, one for spaceplanes/SSTOs, and another for space stations. I don't like spaceplanes or space stations, and that's generally what the Rocket Builders subforum is full of.

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  HoY said:
I always liked your "Slightly Used" ships name lol

Really? Well, due to lack of ideas, R-SUV is still the first choice, so you might get lucky, I'm horrible at naming stuff ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could try Rune's Gently Crashed Ships? I too would like to see the rocket builders subforum restarted. The crafts thread is getting cluttered with 'companies' that really need their own subforum to thrive.

Edited by Scoundrel
missed an apostrophe!
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  • 3 weeks later...
  sal_vager said:
No progress yet, but it and the other subforums have not been forgotten :)

(And I really want my Tutorials subforum back!"

Two weeks later . . any progress? I don't mean to be a pain in the a**, but . . pleeeeaaaassse?

Edited by segaprophet
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