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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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SO i made a kick ass shuttle... only problem is now that alot of mods that i used to use are no longer updated for 2.2 theres alot of engines i don't have anymore and alot of the stalk engines are not Tiltable due to the large base... its simply to big and dosent fit whne you tilt them in an angel IE the space shuttle engines.... so i was wondering if any of you know a mod currently updated for 2.2 that has smallish medium but powerfull engines that don't have a large base?

If no is b9 planning to add more shuttle-esque engines? thanks :)

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I have made a Spaceshuttle that works very very well and comes surprisingly close to the real one - looks wise. Reaches 200km orbit with 1000 LF / 1200 Ox left. which should be around 1500-2000m/s dv with this vehicle. I will post a video of it soonâ„¢.


Craft file?

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You're going to need KW Rocketry, B9 and NovaPunch Remix Pack for this.

I also made a video for this fine craft:


Clever how you're cutting engines to counter the shift in CoG. Some people insist 'classic' shuttle launches are impossible in KSP due to limited gimbal and shifting CoG. You just proofed beyond any doubt they are wrong. :cool:

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Clever how you're cutting engines to counter the shift in CoG. Some people insist 'classic' shuttle launches are impossible in KSP due to limited gimbal and shifting CoG. You just proofed beyond any doubt they are wrong. :cool:

In an earlier try I had extra engines strapped to the Shuttle to be switched on when needed - but that looked really silly and also just increased the weight of the shuttle without being of any use once the external tank was dumped. I'm quite happy with what I've achieved with this iteration, so far it handles the best and is the easiest to get into orbit out of all my Shuttles.

Thanks for your affirmations ;)

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Ya im trying to take that thing to Duna, i orbited kerbin w. half a fuel tank left, the things 180~ tons. Need to see what its gonna weight once its filled w. 32,000 kethane.

if possible, i would love to see a video of you getting this thing to Duna

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So I don't know if this is an issue or not, but whenever I use SABRE engines (large or small), I fly up to the point where I transition to rocket mode, and when I do it just eats through my oxidiser in under 20 or so seconds, leaving me with a half full tank of liquid fuel, but no oxidiser. It says it's supposed to be highly efficient, but I can't actually get into orbit because I run out of oxidiser before I can circularise.

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Clever how you're cutting engines to counter the shift in CoG. Some people insist 'classic' shuttle launches are impossible in KSP due to limited gimbal and shifting CoG. You just proofed beyond any doubt they are wrong. :cool:

I think people are referring to shuttle designs that lack engines on the external fuel tank when they speak about "classic" shuttles, since the actual space shuttle lacked engines on the external tank. This, while technically impressive, isn't exactly a "classic" shuttle launch.

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Noob post alert:

Im having some issues....on top of the usual sucksalad that is my airplane building skills. I can make prop driven planes and airships all day long, granted some fly like wet poo, but they fly none the less. I come to find with prop plane if you get CoL right ontop of CoM you can make a brick fly. I cant seem to build a jet to save my life. I see the B9 craft included (the ones for atmo only use that is) have CoL behind CoM, but that don't seem to work for me, I get the flips if airborne at all. Is it just that theres not 'sweet spot' for CoL/CoM to line up for jets like on prop planes? Or are my building skills the culprit?

Im guessin its the latter.....

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There is no sweet spot, the further behind the center of mass your center of lift is, the more stable and less prone to flipping your aircraft would be. You just won't be able to take off after a certain point if you have CoL too far in the back, that's all.

Other reason for flipping would be thrust vectors or center of lift situated on a different axis than center of mass (e.g. if you are overly enthusiastic with offset wing positions), but that can be solved too, most of example crafts are vertically asymmetrical and are still flying well.

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Clever how you're cutting engines to counter the shift in CoG. Some people insist 'classic' shuttle launches are impossible in KSP due to limited gimbal and shifting CoG. You just proofed beyond any doubt they are wrong. :cool:

I could probably do it if i could throttle the main and the shuttle engine separately 1 feature i think ksp should have and someones going to say how would you control it well you have 2 shifts and control keys and on top of that you assign second throttle in the action groups seems like a straight forward idea dont you think

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úþýфûøúтуõт ú úõтðý üþôþü ø Ñ Modular Fuel System.

conflicts to Kethane mod and Modular Fuel System.

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I could probably do it if i could throttle the main and the shuttle engine separately 1 feature i think ksp should have and someones going to say how would you control it well you have 2 shifts and control keys and on top of that you assign second throttle in the action groups seems like a straight forward idea dont you think

Yes, the game definitely needs throttle grouping. You should be able to fire up all engines, and then switch manual control over to say, the main shuttle engines themselves. Bonus points for being able to use a throttle quadrant controller!

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I figured I'd show just two of my B9 creations

First is my shuttle:


As was mentioned before balance is kept during flight by staging the engines to maintain controllable center of thrust. (Ie on take off only 1 of the shuttle engines is active and as your staging progress the others come online.


And of course, I needed to make something super awesome for it to dock to. Thus my kerbal odyssey inspired space station.:P



It also has extending solar panels alternating on the outside of both rings.

But what I find most fun is doing VTOL craft with FAR. Though I'm still working on my VTOL SSTO creation. It can only do about a 1/2 orbit in space so far, and reentry is problematically unstable.

Edited by Relic13
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Thanks for this awesome Mod. Because of this mod i build my 1st real SSTO Shuttle =D Is is called Valkyrie can ,take off and land on runway and is capable of reaching < 150 Km Orbit.

Oh and very cool this new "F22 like" Jet engine.


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So I'm having another problem, I find that when I put multiple sets of control surfaces or winglets on a plane, the flaps on some will pivot in the opposite direction to the others, so I get some that are trying to pitch me up, and some that are trying to pitch me down. This basically means that when I build larger planes with more surfaces, I can't take off because their lifts all cancel out. Is there any way I can fix this and make them all pivot in the same direction?

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I tried to make two SSTO's around the SABRE Engines and both do what I dub "the chicken walk", as soon as they reach 100 m/s, they start to yaw and roll to one direction. Since the wheels won't allow the side to sink in, it will go to the opposite side and bounce back and forth, till wings and the overall craft are destroyed. I'll attribute to KSP's broken wheel physics, that make vehicles steer to one side as speed increases and you are pitching up or down.

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Bac9, as much as I love your mod and the effort you put into creating your parts, i feel that it's a bit too extensive for KSP's part browser.

Do you think it's possible to create custom folders in the VAB for your structural/aero parts so we don't have to click through 3 pages of wonderfully crafted fuselages to find a strut? or maybe just put up a "light" version of the mod that only contains the more vanilla friendly parts (engines, cockpits, utility items, etc)

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I tried to make two SSTO's around the SABRE Engines and both do what I dub "the chicken walk", as soon as they reach 100 m/s, they start to yaw and roll to one direction. Since the wheels won't allow the side to sink in, it will go to the opposite side and bounce back and forth, till wings and the overall craft are destroyed. I'll attribute to KSP's broken wheel physics, that make vehicles steer to one side as speed increases and you are pitching up or down.

I had this problem too.(in my case) I found out that it have to do something with the position of the front gear. I moved it more to the back and than it worked.

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Bac9, as much as I love your mod and the effort you put into creating your parts, i feel that it's a bit too extensive for KSP's part browser.

Do you think it's possible to create custom folders in the VAB for your structural/aero parts so we don't have to click through 3 pages of wonderfully crafted fuselages to find a strut? or maybe just put up a "light" version of the mod that only contains the more vanilla friendly parts (engines, cockpits, utility items, etc)

See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35018-1-0-PartCatalog-Create-Order-out-of-Chaos!



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Bac9, as much as I love your mod and the effort you put into creating your parts, i feel that it's a bit too extensive for KSP's part browser.

Do you think it's possible to create custom folders in the VAB for your structural/aero parts so we don't have to click through 3 pages of wonderfully crafted fuselages to find a strut? or maybe just put up a "light" version of the mod that only contains the more vanilla friendly parts (engines, cockpits, utility items, etc)

I would like the default parts to appear before modded parts that would be the only improvement i would like to see as far as organization but i think its fine the way it is now

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