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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just how the engine works, but the FS1PE propeller engines centre of thrust is no centred on the engine but about 2/3rd's a propeller length above. It's only that part, no other prop or jet engines do this.

a: thast from firespitter, not b9.

b: IRL props produce more thrust on the donward stroke than the upward, so that may be intentional, but the author mixed up his directions when writing the cfg? go to the firespitter thread and bring that up.

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People with missing parts problems, this may be the solution to your problem.

I would like to add a little to semanticman's revised definition of the installation instructions that ended up resolving the infamous "missing parts" error for me. I had struggled with this for a few days before I got it right (even went through each .cfg file for each part to redefine the model mesh and texture in the asset parameters in order to get it to work, which it did but was a laborious process).

The thing I would like to add/point out in the following instructions is the word CONTENTS.

"Place the contents of the B9-Aerospace-Pack 'GameData' folder into the 'GameData' folder in your KSP directory. Place the contents of the B9-Aerospace-Pack 'ships/SPH' folder into the 'ships/SPH' folder in your KSP directory. If you have previously installed the B9 Aerospace Pack, you will need to overwrite the existing files in those folders."

Most of the people and myself having troubles installing the mod probably made the mistake of copying/extracting the 'gamedata' folder from the B9 Aerospace .zip in the 'gamedata' folder in the KSP directory. You want to copy/extract the CONTENTS of the B9 'gamedata' folder, not the folder itself. The missing parts won't appear if their parent 'gamedata' folder is in another 'gamedata' folder.

My guess as to why this is is due to the way the model files are linked to their corresponding part in the .cfg file's asset parameters of the parts folders where there are multiple .cfg files such as 'Aero_HL_Body' where there are 10. I imagine it was set up this way to cut down on size eliminating the need for duplicate files.

This is what your ksp 'gamedata' folder should look like with B9 installed correctly.


Hope this helps :D

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why there is no reason not to you might as well say dont post images in general

Please don't write like you're nine. Have some self respect.

Also, it very obviously clutters the page and makes posts go unseen because they're sandwiched between someone posting a lot of pics and some child new to forums quoting entire posts worth of pictures because they lack both common sense and proper forum etiquette.

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Please don't write like you're nine. Have some self respect.

Also, it very obviously clutters the page and makes posts go unseen because they're sandwiched between someone posting a lot of pics and some child new to forums quoting entire posts worth of pictures because they lack both common sense and proper forum etiquette.

Let's be calm about this - surely there's a better way to *request* or *suggest* that someone do something than to start ad hominem attacks. There's no need to start saying that people are acting juvenile.

Perhaps posting something like: "I can understand that it is easier to quote a post with images without changing it, but if you were to [insert request here] it would make it easier for the rest of us to see other posts on the forum."

Maybe you'll get angry with me for posting this, maybe you'll just ignore me... but let's try to be civil. We're all here to learn and have fun.

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Well, i was figuring out how to make the Utility_Leg_H50 start deployed, so i try to edit a new cfg for each of two, mimicking the cargo bay config for animation.

I could put the "new landing gear in my plane, and it's animating when i did it, but then i can't select it when in hotkey configuration mode.

What happens? I have unity installed here with the part tools, but it can't open the .mu files.

I have a question for you Bac9, could you help me with this. Of making possible to the landing gears to start open, or giving me a hint?!

Thank you.

Edited by Climberfx
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Hi everybody!

I just downloaded this mod and it's awesome BUT the Mk5 cockpit interior is bugged: it looks like the stock Mk3 (grey and obstructed).

I've read the bug had been fixed by this mod's (awesome) maker, but I have it nonetheless. Does anybody know a fix or a workaround?

Thanks :D

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Hi everybody!

I just downloaded this mod and it's awesome BUT the Mk5 cockpit interior is bugged: it looks like the stock Mk3 (grey and obstructed).

I've read the bug had been fixed by this mod's (awesome) maker, but I have it nonetheless. Does anybody know a fix or a workaround?

Thanks :D

It doesn't have an interior yet IIRC.

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Is it possible to make a request for 2 parts? Or atleast some advice how to obtain the 1st of them :)


In the process of spaceplanemaking i've found that the S2 liquid fuel tank contain WAY more fuel then I need, and when leeching from the liquid+oxy tank I tend to end up with slightly less then I need, and/or obviously. I figured a quarter size liquid tank would be nice, so I tried to 'copy' one of the RCS-tanks, but to no avail.

I went to the ~gamedata/B9/parts/Cockpit_S2_control and copied the RCS.cfg and .mu, and renamed them to Fuel.cfg and .mu, and edited the contents of the .cfg to this:

// --- general parameters ---
name = B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Tiny_fuel
module = Part
author = bac9

// --- asset parameters ---
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_S2_Control/RCS
scale = 1.0
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0825, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 550
category = 2
subcategory = 0
title = S2 Tiny Fuel Tank
manufacturer = Tetragon Projects
description = Small liquid fuel tank

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.36
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 20
breakingForce = 21600
breakingTorque = 21600
maxTemp = 3000
fuelCrossFeed = True

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 150
maxAmount = 150

But the part will not show up ingame.

Any clues?


A slim S2 to double-1,25m mount similar to the S2 to 2,5m mount would be nice. Currently I use the stock 'add engine to here'-part (cant remember the name atm)

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Yes a S2 wide tail ramp is a must! like right now!:D I was making a kick buns SSTO with the wide body when I realized there was no way to load a rover in it with out 1 throwing the HL tail on it. (UGLY!) or 2 using a robo arm.:(.

With a S2 wide tail ramp we...we......we..... WE COULD LOAD ALLLL THE RRROOVVERSSSS!!:D

29a2n.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker

Edited by Tidus Klein
Had to make a pic :D
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found a conflict between b9 r3.1c and ferram aerospace as the both use modulemanager.dll i believe if i update to the latest release of b9 the problem should resolve (please please please gtfo haha) heres my write up.


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I installed your addon on KSP 20.2 but it crashes on 8/10 cases.

@Also, I used few of your parts to create a plane, but it keeps turning left on the airport which seems stupid because I used symmetry for all parts, what might be the issue?

Edited by redheadpapa
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I installed your addon on KSP 20.2 but it crashes on 8/10 cases.

Well i'm no expert but I think either the mod is not installed correctly, your computer has internal issues with running games, or your computer doesn't have enough ram to load such a large mod.

drifting on the runway plagues wheels that are not perfectly flat together on the same surface. example: if the front wheel/s is/are not completely perfectly placed (even by an splinter) then weight will prefer to lean on one side more or maybe your getting a little bit of air because your actually not facing dead 0^o therefore lifting the front just a little and the craft shifts its weight and lift around a little; proving instability.

Argo BR Revision D

WOW where can i get an embossed logo like that??? :0.0:

Edited by praise the suuun
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I'm obviously missing something critical, but I can't get the example crafts to fly. I start by toggling the engines and air intakes. The total amount of air reads 0.8/0.8 under the resources tab before I start throttling up the engines. I then throttle them up the least amount I can and the air requirement is rapidly increasing, resulting in a flameout after a couple of meters. What am I doing wrong?

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Well i'm no expert but I think either the mod is not installed correctly, your computer has internal issues with running games, or your computer doesn't have enough ram to load such a large mod.

drifting on the runway plagues wheels that are not perfectly flat together on the same surface. example: if the front wheel/s is/are not completely perfectly placed (even by an splinter) then weight will prefer to lean on one side more or maybe your getting a little bit of air because your actually not facing dead 0^o therefore lifting the front just a little and the craft shifts its weight and lift around a little; proving instability.

WOW where can i get an embossed logo like that??? :0.0:


I made it.

You can download it here.


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I'm obviously missing something critical, but I can't get the example crafts to fly. I start by toggling the engines and air intakes. The total amount of air reads 0.8/0.8 under the resources tab before I start throttling up the engines. I then throttle them up the least amount I can and the air requirement is rapidly increasing, resulting in a flameout after a couple of meters. What am I doing wrong?

Intakes start open, so you're probably toggling them shut.

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Intakes start open, so you're probably toggling them shut.

Haha that might be it then, gonna test it when I come home but it most likely seems to be the culprit. Why would you ever want to close the air intakes and turn on the engines at the same time though? Misleading Action Group in my opinion ;)

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