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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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That is actually pretty, pretty stunning - one truly amazing creation well done! :D

  Dermeister said:
SInce we are posting shuttle pics i shall post a design that made it to space but i'm tweekign it a bit more :) adding utilitys i nthe bay ect m76byw.jpg

And 30cakg3.jpg

Unmanned test bed .. this needs a bit of work though.. but Damn that engine is efficiant O_O! 2 in 1..... i can almost SSTO with that UAV ... ALMOST but its meant otbe launched in fairings.. which is why the wings need to be small.. so that it fits i nthe KW fairing set to be put o nthe tip of a rockette :)


P.S to save any of you frustrations.. IF you try to copy my design and it dosen't work Be warned you have to MOd the SRBs to have abit more power. Other than that that Shuttle works amzinly.. it surprized me O_O!

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  ReconXPanzer said:
That is actually pretty, pretty stunning - one truly amazing creation well done! :D

thanks .. the unmanned 1 i'm workign on atm is giving me grief thoguh since it lacks lift abit... but i'm limited on wings because it has to fit in fairings.... so i'm messing arroudn with that but if i can get it to work its gunan be amazing for satelite deployment and recovery well... recovery i dunno... it has a pretty small bay not much room for toosl and beign unmaned icant send upa kerbal to operate the winch... i dunno we shall see :) but o nthe mannedversion i wanan try to put a Cananda arm... any 1 knows of a mod that has a workign grapelling arm?

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This STS used to fly (on reentry) quite well. But since the B9 3.1 update, FAR is treating the wings as "shielded" by the cargo bay. So now it's like it has no wings. As you can imagine that doesn't end well.


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  ZRM said:
This STS used to fly (on reentry) quite well. But since the B9 3.1 update, FAR is treating the wings as "shielded" by the cargo bay. So now it's like it has no wings. As you can imagine that doesn't end well.

Also i wonder once you get rid of the SRB's how do you stop from tipping foward? cause you're using 1 big tank instead of makign the fuel travel up to add weight o nthe noze to counter the down pitch force...

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  Dermeister said:
thanks .. the unmanned 1 i'm workign on atm is giving me grief thoguh since it lacks lift abit... but i'm limited on wings because it has to fit in fairings.... so i'm messing arroudn with that but if i can get it to work its gunan be amazing for satelite deployment and recovery well... recovery i dunno... it has a pretty small bay not much room for toosl and beign unmaned icant send upa kerbal to operate the winch... i dunno we shall see :) but o nthe mannedversion i wanan try to put a Cananda arm... any 1 knows of a mod that has a workign grapelling arm?

cant you make the body a lifting body? does it even work in ksp? if it was a lifting body you wouldnt have problems with the small wings. but really interesting design you got there. it has me intrigued

Edited by MAKC
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  MAKC said:
cant you make the body a lifting body? does it even work in ksp? if it was a lifting body you wouldnt have problems with the small wings. but really interesting design you got there. it has me intrigued

Wish i coudl but SO far... i got this.. foun dbigger fairings ... Allowing me a bit more wiggle room. gave me this i havent tested yet. 30kdlrb.jpg


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  Dermeister said:
  ZRM said:
This STS used to fly (on reentry) quite well. But since the B9 3.1 update, FAR is treating the wings as "shielded" by the cargo bay. So now it's like it has no wings. As you can imagine that doesn't end well.

Also i wonder once you get rid of the SRB's how do you stop from tipping foward? cause you're using 1 big tank instead of makign the fuel travel up to add weight o nthe noze to counter the down pitch force...

One word: Gimbal. I have set the gimbal on all engines (including the SRBs) to values actually used by the Space Shuttle. MechJeb flies this craft quite well.

I have now reverted to the old 3.0 cargo holds for the time being. Just had a "successful" landing.


Unfortunately I don't think this satisfies the "reusable" criterion.

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  Van Disaster said:
Well, I've hit the shielding issue also. I can't remember if I read about a fixed version or not, coz I thought I did.

And for informational purposes: put a thin wing piece ( or any other piece ) between the cargo bay and your actual wing.

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i sunno what to tel lyou i havent had any issues so far.. other than the Low frame rates onrentry for soem reason al lstalk parts gimmie good frames... but the b9 parts.. seem hard on my pc In certain situations ... not always.

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I've got a reasonably fresh install, I've found it's the terrain that's causing all the slowdowns atm. Still crashing regularily though...

Well mine flies now after finding the wing workaround, but it got a bit bloated... need to go remove most of the wings :P

You can guess what it's called, no real suprises.


The ascent profile is really fun.



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  Van Disaster said:
I've got a reasonably fresh install, I've found it's the terrain that's causing all the slowdowns atm. Still crashing regularily though...

Well mine flies now after finding the wing workaround, but it got a bit bloated... need to go remove most of the wings :P

You can guess what it's called, no real suprises.


The ascent profile is really fun.



Where you got this wheels?

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  bac9 said:

That's pretty weird, BRV-4 Heinlein is extremely overpowered (five engines, large fuel reserve, little mass, no payload), so it can go into orbit using less than half of the fuel reserves and is forgiving to absolutely ridiculous mistakes. It's pretty hard to waste all the fuel on it and just get into orbit.

Flying it is very simple, just climb fast to 10-15km then level out, kill most of your vertical speed and gain velocity as high as possible. Climb slowly from 15k, preferrably within 10 degrees over the horizon, so that you can push the plane to the fastest possible speed without losing air. As you go faster, you get more air intake, allowing yourself to climb even higher without flameouts, allowing yourself to speed up more due to lesser drag. When air intake gets into 15-10% area, cut the throttle of the engine to 75% and continue to climb, that will cut air intake requirements significantly and will delay the flameout further. Cut the throttle further just before the switch if you can sustain the vertical speed with it. Also, don't forget to watch your prograde vector on the navball and pitch upwards: at high altitudes, nothing ever flies horizontally oriented as there is too little air to hold you. If you want to fly horizontally, find an angle of attack that will keep you there, which will be noticeably higher than horizon. When I'm saying "climb within 10 degrees" , that's your prograde marker, not your spaceplane orientation, which could be 30 degrees up even.

Ideally you should be going no slower than 1200-1500m/s and no lower than 25km at the point of switching to oxidizer. Return to full throttle upon switching to it, keep going almost horizontally while stabilizing yourself with RCS. It's best not to burn upwards, keep burning almost horizontally, maybe 20 degrees upwards if you insist on reducing little drag that is left at this point even faster. Getting extremely long trajectory to AP is better than getting up there with a steep trajectory as it will be a lot easier to circularize when you already have most of the orbital velocity needed. Ideally, you will only need a quite short push at AP to raise your PE over the surface and into low orbit.

I seem to have similar issues. I'm using mechjeb2 to get every last bit out of it. I climb to 27km at a speed of 1650 m/s that seems to be the maximum I can get out of it using the air breathing mode. Then I set the pitch to 10 degrees and switch to rocket mode. Mechjeb shows that I have enough oxidizer for 1564 dV in Vacuum. I burn at full throttle until I reach an ap of 100km. At that point I have 767 dV left. Unfortunately the drag is still strong enough to rapidly decrease my speed so I have to burn continuously to keep my ap. I settled with an ap of 85km which left me with about 300 dV which was enough to circularize and a burn that brings me back in the atmosphere.

I had better results with a pitch of 45 degrees when I switch to rocket. That left me with about 350 dV after the circularize @90km.

What am I doing wrong? Please Help

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Re-installing this mod with a fresh KSP - When I use the Mod Manager, it installs B9 with only about half the parts it's supposed to have. When I install it manually, I get all the parts except the SABRE engines. Can anyone help?

What is the folder names for the SABRE engines?

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  TopGun904 said:
Re-installing this mod with a fresh KSP - When I use the Mod Manager, it installs B9 with only about half the parts it's supposed to have. When I install it manually, I get all the parts except the SABRE engines. Can anyone help?

What is the folder names for the SABRE engines?

Isn't that because of the parts sharing the same texture ?

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  Devo said:
Or they could just Hire Bac9 :sticktongue:

Also a good idea. But the issue with that is you would be stuck following the direction of SQUAD. By remaining independ you can work at your own pace, choose what you develop, etc. You're free a free agent.

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