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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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I just want the Intakes from 3.0C back please. If someone has those, could they post the cfg please so I can fix these useless intakes we have now? I really don't know what happened, but they are 6 times bigger and 4 times heavier than the in game intakes. THE REASON THEY NEED TO BE GOOD IS SO I DON'T HAVE TO USE 25 INTAKES TO MAKE MY SSTO WORK!

My shuttle that has four of the giant moving ramp intakes can't get to 15k without running out of air. I was forced to add SIXTEEN stock ram intakes. I am sorry that some people choose to abuse this so they don't even need rockets to get to 100k apokee. That is their prerogative. You always could airhog. You always could infiniglide. You can still do it. This Intake nerf is just making those parts useless. They are effectively the worst Intake in the game now. No reason to use them.

I Agree with Payload. Why having a 3x sided intake if it is not better air catching then the little one? And Worst, it has the same config of the little one. This is pointless and erroneous.

FIX the default config for B9 big intakes. I know i can do it in my config, but is better if fixed on original. Just because it is wrong. Bigger part, more area for air to get in. Easy.


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The cockpit S2 Hypersonic animation was been removed a long time ago by the creator of the mod.

Ok. I understand that. And the reason why it was removed. Which has now changed apparently. Now if it wont upset you too terribly I'd like to continue trying to see if we can find a way to add it back in.

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Yeah, obviously it didn't work for me either :D

I'd be pretty fine if I could just have the hypersonic-animation and either two cockpit-versions (one lighted, one dark) or just a small entry in the cfg to make it a lighted version (without animation. just light). Because yeah... hypersonic is way cooler :D

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I just want the Intakes from 3.0C back please. If someone has those, could they post the cfg please so I can fix these useless intakes we have now? I really don't know what happened, but they are 6 times bigger and 4 times heavier than the in game intakes. THE REASON THEY NEED TO BE GOOD IS SO I DON'T HAVE TO USE 25 INTAKES TO MAKE MY SSTO WORK!

My shuttle that has four of the giant moving ramp intakes can't get to 15k without running out of air. I was forced to add SIXTEEN stock ram intakes. I am sorry that some people choose to abuse this so they don't even need rockets to get to 100k apokee. That is their prerogative. You always could airhog. You always could infiniglide. You can still do it. This Intake nerf is just making those parts useless. They are effectively the worst Intake in the game now. No reason to use them.

The Big Intakes were to powerful in early versions, they allowed nonsense like being able to use engines to some degree at 50k and shooting for a 250km apoapsis. For me it felt almost like cheating, but now they are weaker than sabre-s intakes, which of course makes them pointless. Weird thing is, B9 mentioned at some point he wouldn't nerf the geometry intakes, because they would just show far to high numbers and were actually balanced.

Anyhow, if you (usually) need 16 RAM Intakes, then you are doing something wrong (or to big) - aside from that, i'd recommend sabre-s intakes, they are a bit more powerful and look better^^

You should not expect usual spaceplanes to use their conventional engines at full speed above 20k. Rather try switching sabres at that point to rocket mode, which leaves more air for additional jet engines to still do some work. Also Mechjeb can automatically regulate your thrust to avoid flameouts, which is incredible helpful.

Edited by Temeter
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I have a question:

I downloaded this mod for the 0.20.2 version of the game.

To install the 0.21 mod version can I just overwrite the new mod on the old one? Or should I delete all the old files and then nstall the new ones?

Thanks :D

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Ok. I understand that. And the reason why it was removed. Which has now changed apparently. Now if it wont upset you too terribly I'd like to continue trying to see if we can find a way to add it back in.

Not at all Orphican. I love that cockpit with the move. And now we don't have anymore the one animation restriction, it is just with Bac9 or Firespitter can search the old one with anymation and put it again on the next release, with the lights and the cockpit Hypersonic. But i think i understand the problem. Is because the lights is not realy a light, but an animation on texture, what would make not 2 states of animation, but three. One Two no hypersonic (lights, no lights) and Two hypersonic (lights, no lights)

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I have managed to find an old archived copy of 3.0c on my hard drive and compared the radial ramp intakes new and old. I made the changes to my cfg and the intakes preform as they did. I did not look at the radial engine mount ramp intakes. I suspect that the situation is much the same.

I won't go as far as to tell b9 that he needs to change his own work to reflect my wants. I think that is a little over the deep end. I just wish that I could have at least been informed of the change. Certainly the patch notes say the change was only cosmetic and it clearly isn't.


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Regarding all questions about the balance, here is a quote by Taverius.


If you remember parts performing differently from what's stated there, then it was a bug that was since fixed. Nothing in this mod pack was ever intended to be significantly more powerful than stock parts.

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i got a weird issue i hope one of you may have encountered. just installed the latest b9 pack for .21.1. Played quite a while last night, game loaded no issues. Came back today to get my ksp on and ksp gets stuck at its loading screen. usually seems to stop on a squad part but i know thats conincedence as what really happens is the screen stops refreshing. well, the odd thing is that if i remove all the b9 related stuff the game loads up just fine, consistantly. i encountered this twice now. i'm curious if anyone else has seen this? could be a particular plugin that b9 is using? maybe cached files somewhere, i dunno..

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So I just finished updating the reaction wheel/cockpit troque values for .21.1 and updated the crafts - mainly adding some hidden RTGs and some solar panels for the spaceplanes.

Mass of the reaction wheels is off from stock because stock has no clue what its doing.

Stock SAS: 20 torque, 0.3 tons.

Stock ASAS 1.25m: 20 torque, 0.5 tons.

Stock ASAS 2.5m: 20 torque, 0.2 tons.

When whoever did those values sets a standard I can use I'll rebalance the B9 reaction wheel masses, until then I can't be arsed to chase an indistinct moving target, so for now the B9 reaction wheels do more torque per mass compared to stock.

Hopefully that's all we need for a fully-0.21.1-compatible R3.4, as 0.21+ bluescreens my machine with frightening regularity.

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