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Self-deploying floodlight.

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Since night time is really dark now, I made the V-9c self-deploying light fixture.


It turns this:


Into this:


And adds to the scenic beauty of your KSC.


Another good use for the V-9c is to indicate the position of the runway for planes that are too far away to see the runway itself.



The V-9c starts on the runway, and you can drive it where you want it to be from there. You can park it with the parking brake and move it again later, or if you are certain you won't want to move it again, you can eject the roadgear and leave it as a permanent fixture.


The V-9c is powered by a small nuclear generator, and will never run out of power.

Craft file: OBSOLETE

Edited by Vanamonde
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the idea is to use its rover wheels to drive it off the runway first,

Indeed. As you can see in this pair of reversed-angle images, the lights are parked just to the side of the runway.



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I'm currently working on a SSTO reusable plane system, with fuel tankers to refuel the plane after landing and a crane to put new probes into the cargo bay (Using the new KAS). I love these and they're essential now.

I place two at the head of the runway. One looking backwards and one looking at the runway; And then place another one at the other end of the runway looking at it.

It helps a lot with night landings. 10/10! :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Updated to use the new rover wheels, though I'm too lazy to change the screenshots. It's faster now, and you don't have to worry about those finking fragile tiny rover wheels breaking at the slightest bump. :)

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