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Challenging YouTubers! w/ HOCgaming and TheMattDennis - Submission Thread

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I notice you dock things to reduce pieces that lay around. Would not undocked pieces have less processor demands due to the lack of physics calculations between the docking ports?

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CHALLENGE: a race to get to the second secret VAB

-you both start at the same time and it does not go off of mission time

-you must land (or end up on in working condition) on the launch pad

-no quick saves

-you must both use the same vehicle

-no modifying the vehicle

-the vehicle must be created by "Danny2462"

-and there is no guide lines or restrictions on how he can make the vehicle

-try not to explode

Edited by Kamikazikangar00
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Orbit Kerbin once, and re-enter without using parachutes. Retro rockets can be used to lower orbit into atmosphere, but once below 70,000m only freefall is alowed. Only one Kerbal has to survive, so bunker up! Closest to KSC wins.

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I have suggestion for a further challange: If you like the idea, I can create a scenario:

Build a rover with a plane on top. With the rover, drive as near as possible to the south pole. Then: Launch your plane from the rover. This can either happen with the rover givng the initial speed to make the plane lift off, or you can build a VTOL. Fly to a specific point at the south pole and return to KSC. I may add some constraints such as maximal fuel or maximal parts for the plane.


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Emulate the Shagohod from Metal Gear Solid 3.

Build a land vehicle that reaches 300MPH (about 117m/s) over land, launches a guided missile that hits the Dirt Runway, then have the vehicle reach a stop safely and return to the start point.

Order of success:

Complete challenge

Mission time (start to return)

Missile accuracy (closest to tower)

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What you guys should do is a mission with the requirements of Episode 13 but you need to drop of a probe (more similar to Matt's) off at all the major Easter Eggs (i.e. the Island, Second Space Centre, Pyramids) and major geographical features (craters, the poles, etc.). Use in game time, multiple plane launches can be used but before a launch can be made the previous plane must land at the KSC or if the plane crashes. In the event of a crash the probe must be dropped off again. Add up all segments of in game time (not including testing). As long as a parachute is deployed above the target at a reasonable altitude to maintain accuracy it is counted (due to some disagreement over the winner of episode 13). Take as long as you want. Sorry for the length, I just wanted to be thorough.

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I've been sitting on this idea for a while:

The Coat-hanger challenge.

Build a ship that can hang underneath a Mun Arch by use of a hook made from structural components, and attempt to successfully do so.

No fail conditions, try as many times as you like. First successfully hanging ship wins.

For bonus points, add a second hook under your vehicle and hang a second craft beneath it.

Edited by Mecha Pants
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First to the South Pole-with a twist!

No SAS, fine control, or parachutes! (phys-warp is fine)

Can plant anywhere on the south pole to win.

First there IRL time to plant there flag on the South Pole WINS!



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budget space program build a space craft costing no more then 50,000(hard),75,000(medium),100,000(easy) kerbucks and send it to orbit(easy), mun/minmus(medium),duna(hard) then back to kerbal

p.s. i tested kerbal to orbit with 50,00 and i did so pretty easily

p.p.s. the win conditions can be race if you chose mutual cost and destination

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Build an aircraft capable of landing on land/water, rescue a Kerbal in the ocean, and return safely to the KSC. Kerbal can be located anywhere in water, although you must use one of the stock rockets to get the guy stranded.

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Attempt to recreate the Top Gear Reliant Robin Space Shuttle. The score should be based on how high and far it can fly/how close to the actual Reliant Robin it looks. One point should be rewarded for flying the highest, and one for the furthest and two points should be given to whichever ship looks the most like the Reliant Robin. Part clipping is allowed. I recommend picking a photo for you to both use for reference.

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Id reccommend a Craft that has to reach the Antarctic set up a Probe or a Rover that looks like it could scan the ice in the area (Doesnt actually have to and all it requires to look it is 2 Dish Communotrons) and then be able to transport another rover of the same type to the Arctic Rules are

1.Unless it Returns to KSC to Re-fuel or pick up another probe No other flights may be started

1a. Probes must be manually picked up if picked up after the first one

1b. The Craft me be refuelled Via a Fuel Truck of some kind

2.The Probes have to be able to either stand or free wheel with some way to control them

3. Space worthy Space planes must be able to safely shield the probe during Re-entry

3a. If unshielded the probe is rendered "Damaged" and requires a Kerbal to check the Craft over prior to undocking

4. Drop Tanks are Permitted but must me smaller than the main fuel tank.

5 "Colonial Research" craft are Air dropped Modules designed to be landed and deploy Kerbals it must be able to reach Radio Home more effectively and Has to be free standing.

6.Craft that were dropped Via Chute if they didnt land safely upon first attempt but were meant to try again

6a. If it fails again test manually if it works then count as Success upon Mission end

Bonus points

1 Point per extra Rover you drop at either Drop zone or on the Journey (Provided they survive)

1 point for Probe in space that Relays all Data to KSC

3 Points for All Craft being Intact upon landing

Points for Main Rovers

Small Unmanned Rover = 1 Point per rover

Small Manned = 1.5 points per rover

Medium UM = 1.5 per rover

Medium Manned = 2 per rover

Colonial Research = 5 points Per station

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Try to make the biggest plane that the vehicle assembly building can hold and start it off of the launch pad try to correct the flight and not die you then must let a buggy go and land it on the runway without any explosions. have fun. :D

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Introducing the "Hunter Challenge"

Objective:Land within 2.5 KM of as many of the 8 targets as possible.

Limitations:You have 20 minutes(adjustable) to land near as many targets as you can. Leave your crafts at the targets, use different crafts for each target.

Win:Person who has most craft within 2.5KM of each target after 20 min. will win.

Here is the scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u8w8n17cyrostdk/HUNTER%20Challenge.sfs

Have fun!


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