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[0.21.1] KAS v0.4.3 - Struts, pipes, part storage, containers, merged winches & more


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can someone send me a link/download for this one, please ?

There no separate link. KAS version will be with new KAS(if KospY will incude it). As I said it didn't have sense without functionality he added to it.

Edited by zzz
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  5thHorseman said:
I could have done it. I swear. However, Physics decided he'd fly off in a random direction again and he was on a fast descent. I tried to catch him but I only had one chance. He actually bounced off the ladder but I either didn't hit f on time or he was going too fast for it to register (maybe 10 m/s). This was at 60km so I didn't dare try again, lest I lose the ability to switch back to the pod and lose both of the men.

Jergard (the pilot of that pod) will surely pour one out for Wilben tonight.

Well great, now I haz a sad all night. ;.;

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  5thHorseman said:
I had the saddest thing happen today. Wilben Kerman, the only guy on my space station currently, accidentally got the detachable connector stuck to his helmet and his little Kerbal arms couldn't reach it. His suit reacted oddly to the off-centerness of his new mass distribution (read: the physics went all weird) and he quickly ran out of suit propellant. It never dawned on him (read: me) to turn off his suit thrusters and now he's floating, propellant-less, about a half a KM from the now abandoned station.

Today we save him. I don't know how, exactly, but that's what we're doing.

You could use that connector on his head to his advantage and winch him back to the station.

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Finally released KAS 0.4.0 !

I think that will be my biggest update so far :

> Features

•Added eva constructible struts and pipes

•Added containers for storing grabbable parts

•Added supports for storing containers on the ship

•Winch & connector are now merged into the same part

•Rewrited the magnet module to make it usable without a winch.

•Added a configuration file for adding grab module to parts without modifying their original .cfg file

•Some smallest stock parts are now natively grabbable and storable in container (RCS Block, battery, etc...)

•Added two new radial winches (horizontal and vertical)

•Added a new part (pylon) as ground support for attaching stuff (pipes, solar panels, batteries, etc...)

•Added a new part for attaching a hook in a fixed position (hook support)

•Grabbed parts now move in accordance with the eva kerbal movement

•Added a "reaction wheel" to connector ports for rotating winch attached part

•Part bay module now support multiple storage position

•Existing attach node on parts are now used for grab and attach

•Winch speed can now be changed from the winch GUI.

•Winch now have an acceleration effect

•Anchor will now sink in the water

•Kerbal EVA can attach to a winch while a part is grabbed.

•Attach mode now align the part to the target orientation by default.

•Added an option in the config file for enabling physic joint between eva and grabbed part.

•Grab module now support multi-colliders parts (ladders, wheels, etc...)

•Added a setting file for configuring keyboard shortcuts

> Bug Fixes and Tweaks

•Fixed attach problem appearing when orbiting some planets (mun, minmus, etc...)

•Grabbed parts will now be dropped before entering a pod instead of being destroyed

•Using winch keyboard control key will no more give input to others winches nearby

•Alone parts attached on the ground will no more disapear after a save/load/warp

•Greatly reduced sounds radius of KAS parts

•Changed some default keyboard shortcut

•Removed the attraction effect of the magnet (better performance and unnecessary complexity)

•Removed the portable connector port and made the standard one grabbable

•Removed the hook bay as containers are now better for storing parts

•Debug menu can be used by pressing a key combination instead of adding lines to part.cfg

•Rewritten most of the modules, moved some to KSPAddon

•Cleaned code and removed unused stuff

•Misc fixes

Hope you enjoy it :)

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Fantastic! An update to KW Rocketry and KAS within just a couple of days? Truly this is a sign of the impending apocalypse! Now we just need a B9 Aerospace update and we'll be set.

Anyway, I'm sure this update is going to devastate my moon base, but looking over the upgrades/bug fixes, I'd say it will be well worth it. The EVA attachable struts alone are going to be amazingly useful.

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  KAO said:
darn, right after I built my Duna base



I added the KAS grab and attach module to a slew of parts. When I download 4.0, will the things that I added KAS to still work?

Grab and attach module has been merged, so some parameters will not work correctly with old config file.

Anyway, That will be better for you to use the new "addModule.cfg" file located in the KAS root folder. The plugin look into it at start and add the corresponding grab module to defined parts in the file. So there will be no need to modify original config files anymore.

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Ok, here's an oddity. I filled some bins and made a rocket with no generation capability. In orbit, I got out and stuck on a solar panel, got back in and extended it. It tracked the sun, showed a 0.99 flow but nothing was added to the battery. When I lit the engines (little ones with no generator) though it suddenly started working, as if the first RequestResource of the engines firing noticed the panel and started drawing from it?

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Looking good on the pipelines and containers. I'm going to have to re-work some mun infrastructure to make these new methods work. First to recover my two rover designs so they can work with the new parts.

I'll like having stowage containers on my trucks!

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  PolecatEZ said:
I call dibs on making the first jet pack...oooh the possibilities. Should have a working prototype after the kids go to bed.

Sorry...already been some jet packs built =P

This is awesome, cant wait to test the changes

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