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What is this I don't even...


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Error! Cannot continue due to (insert arbitrary reason)!

1) Try again

2) Give up

3) Give up, curl up in a ball, and cry yourself to sleep

Edit: Forums broken, no line breaks! :(

Edit 2: Never mind...

Edited by OrbitusII
Forum broke
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Run recover_lost.exe

Attention. Recover_lost.exe is conflicting with restoredesktop.exe

End program? Y/N


restoredesktop.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close

recover_lost is not responding, end now? Y/N


Cannot find file Desktop

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ERROR: 1700

mrhelperpaperclipguy.exe has become corrupted. Please run a disk check at this time.

dskchk.exe has crashed. Please reboot your system to restore data.

no boot device detected. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to retry

ERROR: no BIOS detected. Press any key to terminate system.

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