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Rune's Slightly Used Vehicles


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Flew the Phoebus twice. Could not for the life of me figure out how to decouple the LEM from the S-IVb. It was just stuck in there. That and the fairing would not eject. Twice. Argh.

Ooohhh I see what happened to you (I think!). Totally my fault. See, the staging is slightly wrong because I like to do things manually, and I did them by the book. The problem is the S-IVb has no probe core! Let me explain. In the original mission, the CM would stage the LM and S-IVb, blowing only half the fairing, turn around, and dock with them as a unit, then extract the LM from the spent stage. So in my replica the order that works is undock the CM manually, dock it to the lander, drop the fairings, and then release it from the S-IVb. If you stage the LM without dropping the fairing, the S-IVb losses control and you end up with a stuck lander. You can still get it out with timewarp, though, but the most foolproof solution is to tweak staging slightly so the decoupler to the LM and the fairings go at the same time.

Rune. Sorry, I'll upload a revised file momentarily.

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I get it. Had to manually undock redock and then jettison.

Did u upload a new file that makes this all controllable with spacebar only?

Yup, now a slightly non-canon mission can be flown, by ditching the firings at the same time as you decouple the LM. The CM and the LM thus leave as a single unit, and you can do the whole undocking/redocking thing after you have cleared the spent S-IVb. You can still undock the CM manually prior to doing the same thing, of course, but I don't know if the staging would mess up then, so play it safe and go all manual. In any case, right-clicking in space is kind of fun, otherwise it would all be keyboard work. :) I do know you can trust the LM's docking sequence, BTW, so an easy liftoff if you thrust-limit the descent engine, or drain the fuel on the descent stage.

Rune. Glad to be of help!

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Yup, now a slightly non-canon mission can be flown, by ditching the firings at the same time as you decouple the LM. The CM and the LM thus leave as a single unit, and you can do the whole undocking/redocking thing after you have cleared the spent S-IVb. You can still undock the CM manually prior to doing the same thing, of course, but I don't know if the staging would mess up then, so play it safe and go all manual. In any case, right-clicking in space is kind of fun, otherwise it would all be keyboard work. :) I do know you can trust the LM's docking sequence, BTW, so an easy liftoff if you thrust-limit the descent engine, or drain the fuel on the descent stage.

Rune. Glad to be of help!

They didnt have right click in the 60s. They did have buttons though. AKA Action Groups. Ill work on a set. :)

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Here is a Phoebus 1.1


Action Groups:

1. Decouple/Undock LEM docking port

2. Decouple S-IVb fairing, Decouple S-IVb and LEM separator

9. Parachutes

0. Decouple escape tower

And of course for those that can't figure out one should hit 1, then redock CSM with LEM, and then hit 2 to eject fairing and LEM, then space bar will do both steps for them.

inigma. For those that find zooming in to a part to right click it tedious but still want a special button to hit to make things work.

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They didnt have right click in the 60s. They did have buttons though. AKA Action Groups. Ill work on a set. :)

Well, it might be useful to the few that use simpits and/or custom controllers, and it's a straightforward mod (the chutes and such were already bound). I'd advise you to add another couple to control the fuel cell, mind you...

Edit: Also, update! Linked the Crys here, since nothing came up in its thread but praise for the compact shape. I'm really proud of that little fella, so I hope no kraken slipped by the beta testing! :)

Rune. Though you probably have enough juice to run the mission without it.

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Rune, since you previously said:

everybody is welcome to customize R-SUV models

Does that include releasing them (with credit?) For instance, if I were to create a weaponized version of the White Dart for KME, would that be okay, or would I need your approval?

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Rune, since you previously said:

Does that include releasing them (with credit?) For instance, if I were to create a weaponized version of the White Dart for KME, would that be okay, or would I need your approval?

Drop in a link to R-SUV with the reasonable credit for the original, and a pic here so I can see what awesome things you did with it, and it will be very fine by me. :)

Rune. In fact, as I said, I welcome it!

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Due to the recent updates I have no clue how to (propperly) do sstos.

If you could tell me their twr and flight profiles that would be great.

Burnout. Can I do this, is it copyrighted, I'm worried now.

Hey! Well, for design tips, basically that part is much more forgiving now. You need a bit more vacuum dV and TWR than before, but with RAPIERs, pack ~1km/s of vacuum dV and you are set. Airbreathing TWR is the really permissive thing now. You can go as low as 0.5 on the runway, if you have enough wing! Though 0.7-1.0 is more reasonable and climbs faster. Oh, and the wing comment is crucial: being a good glider means you maintain a lower AoA for a given trajectory, which minimizes drag, and that is the killer now. You also need a buttload more of fuel (up to twice what would make the perfect rocket LF/Oxi ratio, if you climb very slow), but that is easy and cheap to pack. No, the real trick with SSTOs now is how to break Mach and go hypersonic to over 1,200-1,400m/s, so I leave you with myself, answering that very same question (flight profiles), for an extreme case of low TWR:

Do you use some information-providing mod? If not, it'll be harder to control vertical speed with the crappy stock indicator (it's on the top, to the right of the altimeter). Basically, you climb at 15º until 10kms (make sure to use the runway to get the RAPIERs some initial bite in the air, or spend some time at 10º to build speed up to 200m/s, you'll climb faster). Then you go supersonic either manually dropping the nose slowly, or by putting the autopilot on prograde and back to standard stability assist a few times to drop the nose gradually, to zero out your vertical velocity. It's tricky to go over the Mach barrier, so I usually help myself by lighting the nuke briefly until I go over 340m/s. I achieve it at about 5-10º AoA over the horizon, as you can see in the pics. From then on it's much easier, you start building speed quickly and the wings bite more air, so watch your vertical velocity like a hawk and every time it goes above 50m/s or so, you drop the nose a bit (again, on and off the prograde autopilot is a handy trick). Give yourself time to accelerate. At about 15kms, drop all vertical speed (climb rate about zero), and lock stability assist in that heading: you will speed up mucho mucho mucho, and as the planet curves below you, your AoA will slowly creep up, building vertical speed for the climb to orbit. When you notice your speed stops increasing as fast, light the nuke again, and when the RAPIERs go under 50kN thrust you can switch them to closed cycle. When they give out, you should have a very respectable apoapsis, so change the autopilot back to prograde to save drag, push it out of the atmosphere, coast, and finish the orbital insertion on the nuke.

Rune. Not copyrighted, more of a custom that took a life of its own. :)

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A sneaky peek of the armed version of the Dart: A battle rover that can be dropped off. Much clipping. (Apologies for the UI, F2 was being derpy)


That is sneaky! And you know, if you had some method of reliably flipping it over, you could use it's weapons while it's stowed in the bay in flight!

Rune. Clip some more toggle-able reaction wheels in there! :)

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That is sneaky! And you know, if you had some method of reliably flipping it over, you could use it's weapons while it's stowed in the bay in flight!

Rune. Clip some more toggle-able reaction wheels in there! :)

Hmmmmmm... I hadn't thought of that!

Hobbes. Commence Flippage! :sticktongue:

EDIT: Yay, 400th post!

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Working on the weaponized Spatha, kind of a stealth theme going on:


Normal, right?




Really happy with the gun :)

- - - Updated - - -


Are you okay if I retrofit your Shuttle Phase A to SSTO capability, and weaponize it for KME? (With credit of course) I really like the design and the premise.

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Working on the weaponized Spatha, kind of a stealth theme going on:


Normal, right?




Really happy with the gun :)

- - - Updated - - -


Are you okay if I retrofit your Shuttle Phase A to SSTO capability, and weaponize it for KME? (With credit of course) I really like the design and the premise.

Awesome! But you know, I slightly tweaked the Spatha once 1.04 came along, now she can do the same job with two less RAPIERs, which means she is actually quite a bit more capable... and good looking! I also removed the upper wings, since they were of the crappy airliner kind (max. Temp half of what BigS wings can handle!). Anyhow, the link is updated on the OP, so you might want to check that out. Pic for reference:


And of course, feel free to update/twek/do whatever you want with the Lockheed Phase A Shuttle replica! I have a feeling that, by the time you are done with it, it'll be quite a different beast. be sure to show me what you come up with!

Hum, R-SUV models are gettign a lot of stealthy military refits... Is anybody planning some covert operations with civilian-looking spaceships?

Rune. Hey, as long as we get paid the √, the CEO is of the opinion that "we only care when the rockets go up, not where they come down" (or on top of whom!). ;)

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Hum, R-SUV models are gettign a lot of stealthy military refits... Is anybody planning some covert operations with civilian-looking spaceships?

Ermmmmm... Nope. Not at all. Nothing to see here, definitely no plans for an assault on the Laythe base... Nothing at all...

- - - Updated - - -

Seriously, nothing.

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**clicking sounds from a suitcase closing**

Nope, apparently some routine debris disposal operations. And seismic experiments. Anyhow, due to client confidentiality, we can neither confirm nor deny, but remain assured of the responsible use all our customers give to our products, which fully comply with the standards of KITAR regulations.

Rune. End the press note there. And go find me a listing of islands for sale! :)

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Now that I've started work on the White Dart, I just realized-I have no idea how to fly it in 1.0.4. All my KSPing has been KME projects and screwing around with modded jet battles since 1.0, and since you released that awesome Von Braun station, I've been getting back into "Serious Stuffs," as I've named that save. You said you wrote up an ascent profile for the Dart on this thread, but I can't seem to find it. If you could point me to it or just give me a rundown that would be great.

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And I'm in quite a fix, because I'm trying to develop Grand Tour SSTOs, but I hate NERVAs, so I don't use them; Which means I can't build Grand Tour SSTOs. See the issue?

Well, you could use KR-2Ls or whatever that 3.75, single nozzle engine is called. Or you could use NERVAs, try clipping them inside the fuselage, so it's easier to get into orbit. With only one NERVA, you only need a couple of radiators.

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