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Dragon Rider Capsule [0.23 (2/14/14)

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hey guys slight update. still been thinking about this things IVA scene. big_don wants to do the texturing for it. but I need inspiration of what all should be inside it still. images and stuff. as it is a side project I cannot spend alot of time thinking aobut it. any references and stuff you would like to see or sketches of what would look good idnside would be great.

I think the stock interior of the real Dragon (mockup) is really cool:



I love the naked aluminum isogrid on the inside of the fuselage.

I can't find photos of it right now but Mir had a padding everywhere that always reminded me of the rubber carpet padding mat:


I can probably provide more later, but these are the ones I could think of off-hand.

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Hi Cardboard. First I just have to say your Dragon is amazing, by far the best I've tried so far. I feel I should apologize for giving it a negative comment over on KerbalSpacePort by accident (I mistook your page for someone else's, another dragon that had no crew carrying capabilities).

I was toying around with it and I think I found a small bug. The "Trunk" seems to be just a bit out of alignment. And the Q & R keys only rotate in big 45 degree increments, so it stays out of alignment despite my best efforts. It's not too big a deal, but it does make the solar shrouds clip through when you try and put them on.


Also I don't know if it's been brought up yet, but since you've removed the Dragon Brain it seems that the 2 ships you included in your pack don't load properly anymore. Attempting to do so brings up an error message. Hope this helps, and that I'm not stating obvious issues that are already being worked on... keep up the great work!


Another small problem that might not be a problem with the trunk. The adapting part doesn't appear to snap onto it. It works fine on the capsule itself (connecting neatly to 2.5 m parts) but when I try and connect those same parts to the trunk they just sort of... float there.


Edited by PTNLemay
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Ah, that worked like a charm, thanks.

as for the floating. I am pretty sure there is another node for the trunk that willl make another adapter appear if you attach it a tad lower.

yes sorry those need to be manually placed because of the weird angle. i could fix it now that i can specify their exact attacment rotation. but then they would eject weird. shift wasdqe is not too much hazzel I figure.

as for the interior that looks pretty nifty. I suppose the main issue is what to put the controls onto. ans should it have cargo inside or jsut people mover?

I suppose if I finish this capsule Up I will make my next un finished project the Orion capsule :/ lol It has cargo hold, 8 kerbal chairs, and a life support system inside with integrated HALON system lol. It is actually fully UV wrapped and flies like a dream hahaha. not touched it in months though. KOSMOS is my main baby :D


Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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Hey cBBp its me again!, This capsule is the best way i found to fill the missing kerbals space on my space station, And almost take a kerbal back at Mun orbit (Actually not returned back to Kerbin) But atleast i also got a new Emergency Escape Vesell For almost all the station i have on kerbin :P..... Well maybe 2 kerbals will lose their seats at the escape pod and die during re-entry to kerbin Atmosphere :P.

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Hi Cardboard. First I just have to say your Dragon is amazing, by far the best I've tried so far. I feel I should apologize for giving it a negative comment over on KerbalSpacePort by accident (I mistook your page for someone else's, another dragon that had no crew carrying capabilities).

I was toying around with it and I think I found a small bug. The "Trunk" seems to be just a bit out of alignment. And the Q & R keys only rotate in big 45 degree increments, so it stays out of alignment despite my best efforts. It's not too big a deal, but it does make the solar shrouds clip through when you try and put them on.


Also I don't know if it's been brought up yet, but since you've removed the Dragon Brain it seems that the 2 ships you included in your pack don't load properly anymore. Attempting to do so brings up an error message. Hope this helps, and that I'm not stating obvious issues that are already being worked on... keep up the great work!


Another small problem that might not be a problem with the trunk. The adapting part doesn't appear to snap onto it. It works fine on the capsule itself (connecting neatly to 2.5 m parts) but when I try and connect those same parts to the trunk they just sort of... float there.


There's a part in the structural category that's called "Dragon Trunk Adapter"


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Sent you that link Big Ron but if anyone else wants to try their hand at coming up with a nice interior design https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1417259/DragonGuts.rar

I am getting more interested in seeing this thing finished now.

what I am thinking is i will jsut add in a half circle above the seats and around the top hatch will be a cargo holder and life support sort of en casement.

Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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There's a part in the structural category that's called "Dragon Trunk Adapter"
Took me a while, but I spotted it. The tricky part is that there are two connection points, one right on top of one another. When you try and click onto the top one the adapter doesn't appear, but sure enough the bottom one works like a charm.


yes sorry those need to be manually placed because of the weird angle. i could fix it now that i can specify their exact attacment rotation. but then they would eject weird. shift wasdqe is not too much hazzel I figure.
Yeah, I later realized that rotating the trunk offsets the solar panels... What could solve it is if you offset the solar panel covers. So that when you place the piece it's default state is aligned with the misaligned trunk. If that's possible.
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  • 2 weeks later...

This little ship is beautiful and fills another thing i was lacking in my constructions: a transfer vehicule between the stations around Minmus/Mun/LKO :D

Some small issues i've found (constructive criticism or me making mistakes)

-There is some wobbliness between the adaptater/bottom decoupler and the trunk section on takeoff, even worse when the trunk payload is there.

-I I think i got how to attach stuff in the trunk, do you attach everything to the capsule then use the other node for the trunk ? Seems to be that way, maybe just a bit of instructions on this

-The demo ships in the spaceport zip file are both missing an obsolete part, dragon brain.

-MechJeb seem to be unable to retrieve the mass and engine thrust properties of the capsule for its dV stats, it has 1300 m/s in space, right ? The part.cfg has the right info on the ModuleEngines section, so i'm not sure how it can't compute the values (another MJ infowindow gives me the right weight and a TWR of ... 58 on the Mun) i'm using, not quite the latest.

But it still will get on my main install, great work!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, CBBP!

I just discovered this excellent mod a few weeks ago, after trying and very quickly deleting the LazTek version, and I must say that yours is far superior in every respect. Yes, even the fact that you have no IVA to speak of is STILL better than having a botched one where the seats (the only thing in their capsule, btw) are upside down, for Pete's sake!

But I hugely dig the built in landing gear and ladder and lights, you've got everything in ONE part. Awesome! :D

I'm saying this only because I don't normally even bother to use a traditional 'capsule' style of command pod, I play with more of a sci-fi style, so I'm usually using B9 or LLL cockpits, but lately I'm drifting back to a more realistic, quasi-near-future oriented design style, and this should fit in perfectly with my plans. :)

Thanks so much for the great work you've done so far, and I look forward to seeing even more new stuff from you in the future, CBBP! :D

P.S. I just wish you'd focus less on the Russian Kosmos stuff and more on this type of thing here, lol, but that's just me :P

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remember the Dragon uses RCS not Fuel. so as long as you fueling station has RCS you should be able to do it like normal. i add some RCS tanks to the inside of the trunk (8) and i can to the MUN and back. you can also go in to the .CNFG file and up the amount of RCS. i will have to look at the older dragons i have and see what the old default is. hope this helps

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Greetings, CBBP!

I just discovered this excellent mod a few weeks ago, after trying and very quickly deleting the LazTek version, and I must say that yours is far superior in every respect. Yes, even the fact that you have no IVA to speak of is STILL better than having a botched one where the seats (the only thing in their capsule, btw) are upside down, for Pete's sake!

But I hugely dig the built in landing gear and ladder and lights, you've got everything in ONE part. Awesome! :D

I'm saying this only because I don't normally even bother to use a traditional 'capsule' style of command pod, I play with more of a sci-fi style, so I'm usually using B9 or LLL cockpits, but lately I'm drifting back to a more realistic, quasi-near-future oriented design style, and this should fit in perfectly with my plans. :)

Thanks so much for the great work you've done so far, and I look forward to seeing even more new stuff from you in the future, CBBP! :D

P.S. I just wish you'd focus less on the Russian Kosmos stuff and more on this type of thing here, lol, but that's just me :P

The Dragon 2 Seats are intended to be like that, have you seen pics of the real one (prototype)?

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The Dragon 2 Seats are intended to be like that, have you seen pics of the real one (prototype)?

Ah. I did not know that. :)

Why are they set up like that, though? The way they're arranged in the LazTek pod, it looks like the seat frame would block the hatch door, if I recall correctly...

Anyway, I don't really use the IVA feature except as a curiosity. I certainly don't fly or perform maneuvers using it. :) But thanks for the info, Darth. ;)

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