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The ICBM mod from Mark James Space Co

Mark James

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Should be posted in Add on Development mate :)

for the ICBM "homing capability" maybe someone could write you a plugin that kind of works like mechjebs land at target feature, but only as fast as possible instead of a slow landing

Sry just caught that also just for the pepole right now this mod is in early development but once things get rolling i will be updateing normaly.

also(again) i think i will try to implament the laser systems plugin by romfarer

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You should probably also be able to use the LazorSystem plugin to make something functionally similar to the RIM-161 Standard Missile 3, an anti-ballistic missile that was developed, tested, and is currently in use by the US. It would be useful as both a defense against the ICBMs you are working on (several successful tests done IRL), as well as a handy and explosive way to eliminate spent stages that end up stuck in LKO by using it as an anti-satellite missile (a modified SM-3 was used to shoot down one satellite IRL, specifically USA-193)

As a matter of fact, I think someone else on the forum was working on a 3d model of a SM-3 missile, and had developed it to the point of getting it to show up in KSP. I think it was from before October 2012, but I'm not certain. If you can find it, you might want to ask them if you can use it. IIRC, they gave up on the project and were thinking of releasing the models "as-is", so I doubt they would have any objections to you using them.

It's a shame they gave up on it, I really wanted to see a working version of it!

Edited by SciMan
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I made an ICBM using the nova punch pack which was equipped with 6 MIRVs and I do have to say, it worked well. I tried basing the missile off the Minuteman III (LGM-30G) which I eventually derived a SSTO from and used that as an ICBM. That thing was waaaaay over powered, it could reach the Mün... one engine... some how, I don't think normal missiles could do that.

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To answer little square dots question my mod will include 2 american icbms(minuteman and peacekeeper) and

2 russian missile (undecided) I also may include different veryints (short and long range) there will also be guideince parts

So you can manuly control or set a target

Ps sorry about the delayed pictures my development program has been not letting me export

Sry about my bad english

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