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The ICBM mod from Mark James Space Co

Mark James

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Actually I don't have any record of Mark contacting me about using NovaPunch parts (The fairings and the SRB at least, FASA parts would be frizzank)

Furthermore the download has no license file at all (required to post mods on the forum) nor does it have the NovaPunch license files (required to redistribute NP files) and the author tags were removed from some of the parts, which is a big no no when redistributing other's parts.

Mark: You should remove your download and go study the rules for posting a mod, then do some updates before releasing again:

You need a license for your own parts/work telling others how/when they can re-use them or if they cannot not.

Then you need to properly credit and include a license when required for all parts you are borrowing from other mods (and make sure you have permission from the authors if their license doesn't give it to you.)

I know, it sounds like a lot of work, but its important.

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  Tiberion said:
Actually I don't have any record of Mark contacting me about using NovaPunch parts (The fairings and the SRB at least, FASA parts would be frizzank)

Furthermore the download has no license file at all (required to post mods on the forum) nor does it have the NovaPunch license files (required to redistribute NP files) and the author tags were removed from some of the parts, which is a big no no when redistributing other's parts.

Mark: You should remove your download and go study the rules for posting a mod, then do some updates before releasing again:

You need a license for your own parts/work telling others how/when they can re-use them or if they cannot not.

Then you need to properly credit and include a license when required for all parts you are borrowing from other mods (and make sure you have permission from the authors if their license doesn't give it to you.)

I know, it sounds like a lot of work, but its important.

Yea my bad, had him confused with someone else that was using the Titan stuff. Sorry for the confusion.

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I am not using nova punch as far as I know the mods I used were

a couple fairing and quad engine from KW rocketry the Soyuz parts by

bobcat(sorry I didn't contact you I was in the hospital for a little while and it slipped my mind)I mean seriously im a 14 year old new Modder I don't know the ropes as well as everybody else its not like I was trying to steal credit plus on the mod parts I used that were not mine I left

the authors names there. But whatever I don't get upset over a misunderstanding. Also I have not put all my parts in yet there not done.

Edited by Mark James
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I only see a single part from KW in the zip file (the R36m engine)

The fairing parts and the R-36S Solid Booster are directly from NovaPunch (though you took Captain Slugs name out of the author field on the SRB and added your own)

The three Titan parts are the FASA Gemini Titan parts (formerly of Novapunch, now in the standalone FASA mod)

The rest are from Bobcat Soyuz.

Btw your fairings do not have the PART{} tags in the config files, so they do not load.

It does not matter what mod they are from though, you need permission from ALL of the authors to redistribute their parts (and you need to keep their license document and author/credit tags intact, don't claim it as your own work)

I am glad you want to put mods out there, you just need to make sure you follow the rules and publish them properly; ESPECIALLY when borrowing work from others. You can't really post any link, pre-release or not, without this being done.

Edited by Tiberion
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All releases on the KSP network have to abide by the same rules found here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33079-Addon-posting-rules-May-31-2013, WIP or not. And since this is in violation of several authors licenses I've removed the link.

Feel free to upload again once you've taken out the stuff from other authors you were distributing without permission and added your own stuff. If you have any questions regarding the licenses of individual mods ask the author first next time.

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  Mark James said:
im adding other parts I don't think it should go there.
the parts I made myself I haven't put in the mod yet(im am adding a tri engine and a few fuel tanks for a satellite type launcher) also I am getting permissions now and already have them from frizzank.

I will also add communication parts and deco type parts.

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Note, you can still .craft files (and only them), then post them in Spacecraft Exchange, listing the mods that you used to make them (so that people can download them by themselves).

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Even though the icbm mod looked promising, I say that you screwed up... the staging on the R-7 is wrong, the peacekeeper does NOT have one solid boost stage and a long liquid second stage, the warheads don't even exist on these missiles and the parts are all robbed... (the solid booster that had a renamed author was blatantly stolen from novapunch... and then you denied it), and we have never been given a photo or log on how your mod is going. At least upload your 3d models on sketchfab... if they aren't stolen from another source, of course.

I'm sorry for being so critical, but you kept on making empty promises and just stole a bunch of parts and made inaccurate and non-functional replicas while denying that the parts were stolen, but you should definitely read the forum rules... .

Oh, and good luck.

(BTW, my laptop with 3ds max and maya has had its hard drive scratch itself... I am pretty much unable to make the mushroom cloud warhead I promised, at least for now, but anyone else can take that part over)

Misc: The w10 I posted was downloaded by me off of the ksp forums years ago from one of the first icbm mods... but when I got the file, the cfg was edited so many times, that I can't even id the original author. well, here is the part, Mark: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/08z7b84goc432ny/qf3SmvmzEE

Edited by andrew123
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Those were "my" parts (Author was vaporized in the forum Apocalypse), independent of the mod. I have the link in my last post. And Mark, please don't steal any of the parts from anyone else this time.

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  frizzank said:
Actually he has permission from me and Tiberion to use these parts in his mod. Why would you assume he stole them?

Edit--, He does not have my permission or tiberions, had him confused with someone else using the titan rockets that did have our permission.

is that me? i did ask and you said yes

  andrew123 said:
(BTW, my laptop with 3ds max and maya has had its hard drive scratch itself... I am pretty much unable to make the mushroom cloud warhead I promised, at least for now, but anyone else can take that part over)

sorry to hear that :( but i guess i'll have to be patient.

PS i have a secret project within my Phoenix i'm doing :wink:

Edited by crasher925
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  andrew123 said:
Even though the icbm mod looked promising, I say that you screwed up... the staging on the R-7 is wrong, the peacekeeper does NOT have one solid boost stage and a long liquid second stage, the warheads don't even exist on these missiles and the parts are all robbed... (the solid booster that had a renamed author was blatantly stolen from novapunch... and then you denied it), and we have never been given a photo or log on how your mod is going. At least upload your 3d models on sketchfab... if they aren't stolen from another source, of course.

I'm sorry for being so critical, but you kept on making empty promises and just stole a bunch of parts and made inaccurate and non-functional replicas while denying that the parts were stolen, but you should definitely read the forum rules... .

Oh, and good luck.

(BTW, my laptop with 3ds max and maya has had its hard drive scratch itself... I am pretty much unable to make the mushroom cloud warhead I promised, at least for now, but anyone else can take that part over)

Misc: The w10 I posted was downloaded by me off of the ksp forums years ago from one of the first icbm mods... but when I got the file, the cfg was edited so many times, that I can't even id the original author. well, here is the part, Mark: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/08z7b84goc432ny/qf3SmvmzEE

Like I said Not Finished Yet Im Doing Touch Ups And Getting Permissions

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Look I know I Screwed Up But I Will Finish This Mod I Am Devoted The Link I Put Out Was Like A Temporary Like To Give A Taste Of The Mod My Parts Were not Done And are not done like I said I was in the hospital I forgot I had bigger problems im sorry wont happen again I apologized to all the authors.

Edited by Mark James
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OK guys i think he learned his lesson at this point you are repeating what has already been said. staying on him for 1 mistake is wrong and unfair to him. he made honest apologies and as a new member of the community he is going to make mistakes. This happened to me, I requested my 1st thread be closed because i said some things that made people very angry with me. I almost quit because of that. Mark I know you feel depressed. When people get on Mark for his 1st mistake after this post you are just being a troll.

I'm sorry for being rude but i just wanted to make my point as i see it.

PS. Mark you may want to remove the "so yeah" it seems insulting, but i made the same mistake so it's OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can help you with the textures, however I can't promise ill get any done, if you want you can send the model files and a description/image of the proposed texture via PM, if that is possible or just send a link.

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