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[0.16] KW Rocketry v0.5


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Currently the service module consists of a 3m fuel tank (1.5m tall), our standard 3m RCS tank and a new 3m SPS engine for mid-course corrections and orbital insertion burns.

The capsule, once decoupled from the SM, will enter the atmosphere of a planet, deploy a parachute to decelerate, jettison the heat shield and drop the lander out of the backshell for a powered landing.

Hopefully you\'ll be able to fit a variety of landers inside the capsule for trips to planets with atmospheres.

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I\'m getting a texture not found error for kwPLFDecouplerAdaptor3m. I\'ve re-downloaded and re-installed the pack and still get the same problem.

Are you using the low resolution textures version? It could be a problem specific to that. Here\'s the part in question straight from my KSP folder (high res version) http://www./?tlqi6o6ufn4bxh5

Hope it works.

damnit kyle

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I\'m using high res, with .12. I\'ve deleted the part for now because I haven\'t had a use for it just yet, but for the purpose of actually having the complete pack, it would be nice of it to work. ;D

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Been playing with this pack for a day or so.

It\'s a very sexy pack, but unfortunately my engineers need to go back to the drawing board to work on a rocket design that can consistently get into orbit. From there, I guess we\'ll work on getting to the Mun.

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the only problems I\'ve noticed so far are bendy rockets (below), and rockets that shift at connection points... usually struts help with the shifting rockets, but the bendy rocket was weird.


After this image was taken, the rocket bucked back around and pointed backwards then bucked back forwards separating my command pod, and hurtling it (like a pumpkin in a trebuchet) out of the payload faring into the wild blue. I deployed parachute and watched as my crippled rocket flew on without me.

edit: didn\'t save the .craft file.

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Having longer tanks would help since you\'d have less points for it to bend. A two-stage rocket with two 3x6 tanks and the 5x engine mount+tank doesn\'t bend all that much.

Ah okay, thanks.

Am I the only one who finds this mod unusable as of 0.13?

I\'m finding it quite difficult to get into orbit with this pack in 0.13 .... BUT I\'ve reached orbit 1/4 times. Getting to the Mun is going to be difficult.

But nobody ever said rocket science was easy :D

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Ah okay, thanks.

I\'m finding it quite difficult to get into orbit with this pack in 0.13 .... BUT I\'ve reached orbit 1/4 times. Getting to the Mun is going to be difficult.

But nobody ever said rocket science was easy :D

Jebs famous last words.

NAH, they were 'We could have used more boosters!'

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I decided to make a quite obviously Orion inspired multi-purpose spacecraft.

The pod itself is a shade under 1.4m wide, so the whole craft will fit snugly our 1.4m fairings and carry 4 or 5 crew members.

The heat shield will be an ASAS until entry-heat is added and it is required to do its proper job.

It\'s still a work in progress.



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