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White Owl's KSP Video Series

White Owl

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Hello there. Around here I'm White Owl, on YouTube my name is TheWinterOwl, and my real name is Matt; call me whichever one you like.

I've been making "Let's Play" style videos of KSP for some time, starting back in whatever version introduced the Mun. I call it "Let's Fly Kerbal Space Program". You can find all the videos, both new and old, at my channel: Slipping the Surly Bonds

Many many thanks to all the long-faithful viewers, and a big welcome to new folk. :)

The current series is

Here's a google drive where I'll share requested craft files from various series: craft files upon request

I tend to use a lot of mods in my games. The plan is to list them all here, in the first post of this thread. Please note that this list (hopefully) includes every single mod I have ever installed while recording the current series. If you attempt to install all of them at the same time, your copy of KSP probably won't work very well, even if you have some kind of warp speed supercomputer. I've recently had to make hard choices about exactly what mods to use, and you may have to as well.

Note: many of these mods are incompatible with KSP win64. Always read the individual mod's thread for updates and solutions to problems.

These mods are necessary for several other mods to work. Always keep them updated.

Module Manager - Lets mods alter parts with simple config files.

Toolbar - Adds a clean and simple GUI for multiple mods' different buttons.

Active Texture Management - While not an explicit dependency for any other mods I know of... if you have a lot of mods, you'll need this. I'm using the basic version, because aggressive makes things look too bad. (Despite writing all that, I am no longer using ATM. Now I use the force openGL trick instead.)

These mods affect the core gameplay, usually for increased realism.

Ferram Aerospace Research - The stock game's aerodynamics system is its biggest flaw, and has always been a placeholder; the devs said they do intend to eventually improve it. Until then, FAR is the single most indispensable mod in this list. It makes vehicles interact with atmosphere in a manner similar to reality, so aircraft design and piloting actually make sense. I'd be willing to lose any other mod on the list if it meant I could keep FAR.

Real Solar System - Makes it possible to rescale the planets and moons.

6.4x Kerbol System RSS Config - You need this config to tell the RSS mod exactly how to rescale things. (No longer using this. I've spliced together my own config.)

Deadly Reentry - Adds heat to the reentry effects. Also adds a few heatshield parts. I'm using the "normal" setting.

Real Fuels - Instead of the stock liquid fuel, oxidizer and monopropellant, this mods adds several resources imitating real world rocket fuels, RCS fuels, and oxidizers. I tend to use only a fraction of the included resources, though. Real Fuels also corrects the way Isp works in KSP, so an engine's thrust varies with Isp.

Stockalike RF Engine Configs - A set of configs for engines and RCS to work with Real Fuels. I like this one instead of the Realism Overhaul config because all the engines still have the same thrust as stock, and not so many things are rescaled. I'm not using the optional RCS changes; all my vehicles use monopropellant.

TAC Life Support - Kerbals consume air, food, and water. They excrete waste products. I'm using the default settings.

MunSeeker Greenhouse - Grow plants in space. Consumes waste and produces food.

Karbonite - Adds a mineable mineral that can be converted into multiple fuels and other resources. I haven't really looked at the Karbonite Plus system yet. (No longer using.)

Karbonite / Real Fuels Integration - Integrates Karbonite and Real Fuels. (No longer using.)

Dibnah Engineering Water Splitting - I decided to axe Karbonite and use this instead. Collect water, crack it into hydrogen and oxygen.

USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) - Gives Kerbals a place to live and things to do, in space and on other planets. (No longer using.)

Kerbal Attachment System - Makes it possible for Kerbals in EVA to pick up and reattach parts. Very useful for cleaning up extraneous bits after docking, in order to keep part count down. Also strut together orbital constructions.

A Mechanic is Jeb - A big config file that gives lots of small parts KAS grabbable status.

VTS: The Versatile Toolbox System - I deleted the containers that come with KAS. These parts are much better.

Custom Asteroids - I dislike seeing a near-Kerbin asteroid spawn every day. This mod corrects that behavior and more.

These are parts that can change size and shape in the vehicle editor.

Procedural Fairings - Cover up those un-aerodynamic payloads in nice, smooth aerodynamic fairings. I said above that FAR is the single most essential mod for me... well, Procedural Fairings is number two! I could happily play KSP with only those two mods installed. (Although I wouldn't mind having the other procedural mods too.)

Procedural Wings - An absolute must for making good looking aircraft. Also useful as a variety of structural parts.

Procedural Parts - Fuel tanks of any size, decouplers, and nose cones. Between this mod and Procedural Wings, you can delete almost all fuel tanks and aerodynamic parts from stock and/or many mods. They're not only versatile, but great RAM savers as well.

Procedural Parts Textures - Nice looking textures for Procedural Parts.

JebediahKerman42's Procedural Part Textures - More nice looking textures.

Goodspeed Aerospace Parts - I use the resizable truss pieces for all kinds of orbital constructions.

Wenkel Corporation - RealChute Parachute Systems - Greatly improved and versatile parachutes.

Adjustable Landing Gear - Aircraft landing gear that are simply perfect.

These are more conventional mod parts packs.

Aviation Lights - Red on the left wingtip, green on the right wingtip, white on the tail.

Bolt-On Mission Probes - My preferred probe cores. The stock probe cores are especially terrible because they don't fit smoothly with a 1.25m or 2.5m fuselage, so I deleted them.

RLA Stockalike - The 45 degree offset RCS ports are great.

KW Rocketry - For consistency's sake, I decided to only use rocket engines from one mod pack this time around. Not using the fuel tanks or fairings, just the engines. (No longer using. I'm going with stock rocket engines for now.)

Wolf Aerospace Perfectrons - These are good looking and more functional replacements for the hideously godawful stock sepratrons. Seriously, I can't decide whether the sepratron or the 1.25m nosecone is the ugliest part in the game. Be glad there are replacements available!

LackLuster Labs - SXT - I'm mostly interested in the Kossack 2.5m airplane cockpit, which is a work of art.

USI Exploration Pack - The Packrat rover is great, especially because it's designed to be assembled in the field with KAS. This is one of the very very few times I'm interested in using a pre-built vehicle design.

Near Future Technologies - I love all of Nertea's parts!

FusTek Station Parts - Very good looking space station parts. (No longer using. I switched to Stockalike Station Parts.)

B.Dynamics - I'm using the retractable RCS ports, and maybe the CritterCrawler.

TT's SPP MK2 Nose - Great looking pointy nose for MK2 fuselages.

KOSMOS - Great looking parts, but I only have room for a couple of them. Using the trusses, strut connector and the fuel line.

Modular Rocket Systems - I like the little jet engines.

FTmN Atomic Rockets - Big nuclear engines are better than little nukes.

RemoteTech - Listed here under simple parts mods, because I'm not using the plugin. Just the parts.

NEBULA engineering EVA handrails - Shiny gold EVA handrails.

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion - Best station parts around.

Taurus HCV 3.75m Crew Pod - Big, beautiful capsule. So now I have conventional crewed capsules in three standard sizes.

Speedy's Hex Truss System - I like these better than rectangular trusses. (No longer using; going with trusses from SXT and Kosmos.)

Space Shuttle Engines - I may be mostly done with space shuttles, but these are still very good engines.

Corvus Two-Kerbal Capsule - Fun little capsule, inspired by Gemini.

FASA Launch Towers - Greatly improved launch clamps.

Kip Engineering - I'm using the universal docking ports.

These mods make KSP look and sound better.

Chatterer - Adds radio chatter and electronic beeps, so space isn't so silent all the time.

Distant Object Enhancement - Stars dim when the camera looks toward the sun or other bright light. Distant planets are more visible. Distant spacecraft are visible as small points of light.

Distant Object Enhancement bis - DOE recompiled, bug fixes, and new features.

Texture Replacer - This is how I changed my skybox. Also removes Kerbal helmets when they're EVA somewhere they can breathe.

Endraxial's Planet Textures - Use with Texture Replacer.

KSPRC Renaissance Compilation - I'm using a few planet textures and the helmet visor color from here.

Robau's Jool Texture - This, surprisingly enough, is a texture for Jool. Change the filename to gas1_clouds.png to make it work with Texture Replacer.

NavBall Changer - A well hidden mod to change the NavBall texture for beauty and readability. (Superceded now that Texture Replacer has this functionality.)

White Owl's NavBall Texture - This is the texture I made. Some of the others in that thread are probably better... but dammit, I made this one so I'm going to use it!

PlanetShine - Reflected light from planets and moons will shine on spacecraft; a subtle but beautiful effect. This mod also replaces Ambient Light Adjustment.

Stock Part Revamp - The improved stock clampotrons are the best parts.

Environmental Visual Enhancements - Clouds over Kerbin, Eve, Duna, and Laythe. I had to remove the Jool cloud textures because of excessive z-fighting in RSS.

Astronomer's Visual Pack: Interstellar - I like the cloud textures. Not using most of the rest.

Spacescape - Now this is not a KSP mod. Spacescape is a nifty program for making your own skybox, with tons of options. I decided I wanted semi-realistic looking stars, with very unrealistic blue nebulae scattered around everywhere.

These mods all enhance IVA gameplay.

RasterPropMonitor - Makes multifunction displays possible, as well as a variety of single purpose instruments, both analog and digital. Incredible mod!

Kerbal Space Industries - Great content for RPM screens.

Super Hyomoto MDF - Even better content for RPM screens.

ASET Props, for ALCOR - I decided not to use the ALCOR part itself, but several of the instruments developed for that project are great.

KerbTrack - Adds head tracking, so the IVA camera moves when you move your head. I'm using a TrackIR system.

NOTAM IVA Altimeter - Changes the nonsensical and nigh-unreadable stock altimeter into an instrument that makes sense and is instantly readable.

AeroKerbin Industries Modified IVAs - Several configs to rearrange instruments and add RPM features to different cockpits.

RetroFuture - I'm using the PanOpticon command pods for increased IVA visibility, but have disabled the transparent external window effect for better game performance.

Mk2 Cockpit Internals - Adds an excellent cockpit view to one of my favorite stock parts.

Vessel Viewer - Displays a lot of information about your vehicle on a RPM display.

Here are some fixes and improvements for stock game bugs/features.

Stock Bug Fix Modules - Fixes stock bugs.

StockScalingBugFix - My stock scaling got bugged once. This fixed it.

ModuleRCSFX - Fixes problems with RCS.

DefaultThrottle - Now my throttle starts at zero, just like it should.

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Reduces part joint wobble, so you typically only need a few struts.

KSPStockTweaks - Precision control mode, navball in the map, and free camera mode all set to default behavior. Also adds a nifty control limiting function to joystick use in precision control mode.

Tweakable Everything - Everything that should be tweakable, is.

FreeEVA - Kerbals in EVA aren't forced to align with the camera.

These mods enhance the vehicle editor, so building is more fun.

Crash Dummies - Adds one Kerbal's weight to the Command Seat, for calculating balance and delta V.

Radial Mk2 Cockpit - Place my favorite cockpit part anywhere, easily.

Editor Extensions - Many wonderful tools for building smarter, not harder.

Editor Part Highlighter - Makes it easier to see what you're highlighting.

SelectRoot - Now the first part you place doesn't have to be the root.

Part Angle Display - Fine control over exactly at what angle to place parts.

Simple Part Organizer - Easy organization of the parts list.

UbioZur Welding Ltd - Stick parts together into one big part.

Crossfeed Enabler - Enable crossfeed on several parts, so you don't need so many fuel lines.

These mods enhance and add features for actually flying your missions.

SCANsat - A system for scanning and displaying information about planets and moons. Gives a purpose for many missions.

Enhanced Navball - Adds more useful icons to the navball. Like the improvements in 0.25, but better.

Kerbal Alarm Clock - Fantastically useful utility for keeping track of what's scheduled to burn, when.

Alternate Resource Panel - More useful resource panel, for keeping track of fuel and other consumables.

NanoGauges - While I'm kinda undecided about the actual NanoGauges themselves... I love the simple trim indicators that come with this mod.

Navball Docking Alignment Indicator - One of my all time favorite mods! Adds a simple and tremendously useful icon to the navball, that displays your vehicles alignment with a targeted docking port.

Precise Node - Adds a feature-rich GUI for precisely tuning maneuver nodes.

Ship Manifest - Fine control for moving crew, science, and resources around inside your ship.

Time Control - Slow motion is way cool, dude. Also grants control over warp rates.

These mods are generally useful for planning, calculation, and management.

MechJeb2 - Very useful for calculating delta V and displaying lots of flight info. I generally stay away from the autopilot features, though. (No longer using.)

Kerbal Engineer Redux - After episode 4 of Project SOAR, I switched to KER instead of MechJeb. It's as capable a planning tool and now has equivalent inflight displays, without all the autopilots.

MechJeb and Engineer For All - Now it isn't necessary to add a specific part to use MechJeb features.

Kalculator - Ingame scientific calculator.

InGame Notepad - If you want to remember something, write it down!

Transfer Window Planner - Visualize different planetary transfer options ingame.

FireCrew - So far I've only used it to fire Bill, Jeb, and Bob so I can use more interesting Kerbals... but that's enough.

Here is a Google drive I set up to share edited textures: link

Right now it contains Procedural Wings slightly modified with black edges.

Edited by White Owl
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  steamypete said:
Which of these mods lets you control engine gimballing?

Damned Robotics. Attach a powered hinge or rotatron where you want the engine to go, set up two keys to rotate it (I use 7 and 8, but I have a really weird keyboard, so you might want something else), attach the engine. It takes some practice to manually control the gimbal through launch, but I think the added flexibility in building assymetric launch vehicles is worth it.

IMO, the stock hinge and rotatron are too fast for this job. I edited mine to make them turn significantly slower, like so:

// toggle parameters
rotateJoint = True
rotateAxis = 1, 0, 0
keyRotateSpeed = 6.0
rotateLimits = True
rotateMin = -60.0
rotateMax = 60.0
rotateLimitsRevertKey = False
jointSpring = 0
jointDamping = 0
onActivate = False
rotateKey = up
revRotateKey = down
fixedMesh = Base
servoName = New Hinge

  panzerhacker said:
Winter, can you do a tutorial on how to install all of these mods. I tried it and i either can't launch anything or the game crashes when i launch anything. Or can anyone help?
I don't install all of them at once, and I only install a few parts at a time out of the larger packs. I don't think the game can run with all of them loaded up. For example, I have all the KW fuel tanks and engines, but none of the KW fairings, since I don't need them. I have only a few of the Kosmos parts. Recently I also started getting rid of several of the stock parts that I never use.
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Dear Mr. Winter Owl, I just want to say that a while back I quit playing KSP. You have inspired me to continue playing this amazing game. You have also inspired me to start up a channel with my own videos. Thanks so much, your videos are awesome, keep up the amazing work!

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  Netris said:
What is the mod where the gears on the Eagle come from ?

Those came from Tiberion's space shuttle. They're great parts... but I wish I could find similar landing gear that would start retracted, but about three times longer, so I could more easily avoid tail strikes upon landing. The resized landing gear in TV Aerospace is tall enough, but won't start in the retracted position. :/

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  White Owl said:
Those came from Tiberion's space shuttle. They're great parts... but I wish I could find similar landing gear that would start retracted, but about three times longer, so I could more easily avoid tail strikes upon landing. The resized landing gear in TV Aerospace is tall enough, but won't start in the retracted position. :/

I think it's possible to edit the animation this way. But I don't know how to though ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Avsnoopy said:
I found dynamic warp mod, the threads gone but the download still exists, heres were i found it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27524-Where-is-the-Dynamic-warp-mod

Thanks very much!

Since we're on the subject of finding lost mods... does anybody know where the Better Maneuver Nodes plugin can be found? This isn't the older plugin that lets you type in exact numbers for the node, but a totally different plugin that smoothly moves the nodes around by holding down keys on the numpad. It was posted on the plugins forum just an hour or two before the Great Forum Implosion, and I was lucky enough to grab it in time. I don't remember the creator's name, and the plugin doesn't seem to have been posted on Spaceport.

Anybody know something about this one? Anything at all? :(

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No sign of what your describing on the spaceport under plugins as of yet. I've been on a mod trawl lately and it definitely is not on the forum under completed plugins. But I just watched the last episode and loved it. Very nice job saving those kerbal's lives! :D I had put together something similar to your Kethane station a few months ago. I'm naming my ORES (Orbital Resource Extraction Stations) after elements on the periodic table. That DSM reactor is ridiculously heavy so congratulations doing what you did to save the bird.

Orbital Resource Extraction Station


ORES "Cobalt" 50km Mun orbit


I think im going to switch to a smaller lighter reactor design for the future. On another note you are right about launch profiles using FAR versus stock atmospheric model. I think your the only KSP youtuber using FAR and Deadly Reentry, your also insane for doing so :cool:, AND doing an amazing shuttle program. Great series, cant wait for the next one.

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As far as I can tell, Kethane transfers through the entire vessel like RCS fuel, so a liquid fuel/oxidiser tank is what you need to be connected to the converter.

To change the gear to being retracted at the start, put "animSwitch = True" in the animation module definition. I think you'll have to switch around the retract/extend names as well.

Awesome videos by the way.

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  Supernovy said:
As far as I can tell, Kethane transfers through the entire vessel like RCS fuel, so a liquid fuel/oxidiser tank is what you need to be connected to the converter.

To change the gear to being retracted at the start, put "animSwitch = True" in the animation module definition. I think you'll have to switch around the retract/extend names as well.

Awesome videos by the way.

Hmm. Maybe I should make some attempt to test this kethane conversion whatsit before launching a potentially useless station. Again. I've never tried it before...

Oh, and I found something kind of strange with the landing gear. Using the resized gear bays from Taverio's Aerospace, I changed one module like so:

name = ModuleLandingGear
startingState = RETRACTED

That one change makes all the resized gear start in the retracted position. That's what the Great Eagle is using now. But the original small gear bay part won't start retracted, for some bizarre reason. Change that line for a copy of the stock part, and the game refuses to even load it. Weird.

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  Assassin_55 said:
for the Main engines you used for your shuttle, what mod was it in? (Bear cat engine the Real Shuttle used).

P.S Love you videos *THUMBS UP*

Did I never answer this one? Sorry! Those Bearcats were either from NovaPunch or Tiberion's shuttle mod. One of those.

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I've been learning a fair bit from your Let's Play series. I'm curious if you'd be interested in sharing the Eagle's craft file? I'd like to look at it close up and play around with it a bit. I still get lost in the construction phase.


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