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White Owl's KSP Video Series

White Owl

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A thought for a mission inspired by, oddly enough, suggested videos at the end of one of yours.

Recreate the X-1 flight, taking a rocket plane (SRB?) up to altitude using a jet powered carrier vehicle, releasing it and breaking at least Mach 1 in level flight. Might want to check what altitude the Chuck Yeager's X-1's flight was at (13km?) and modify this to suit Kerbin's compressed atmosphere. After flight a gliding landing and hero's welcome (i.e. no fiery crashes or bailing out ;) ).

Anyways just a thought, keep up a most excellent series :)

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  TheCardinal said:
Matt, may i suggest starting a separate thread for the (sub-)series on how to design a spaceshuttle?

With a complete list of mods. At the start of the first video, you name a few but you don't name them all.

That's a good idea. I think I'll do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a link to my Wings mission pack, which starts with the first powered flight and proceeds to high altitude research. link

Here's a link to the current - incomplete - version of the Space Race pack: link

This early version of the Space Race pack goes from the first satellite launch to manned landings on the Mun and Minmus. I intend to keep writing more missions for this pack, leading all the way up to colonizing the outer planets and moons. I'd love some feedback on this one... especially on the reward amounts for a successful mission, since those are just blind guesses at the moment. :P

The Space Race itself was PD TV's idea, and Ryan Turner has also been participating. We three agreed to play on Mission Controller's default medium difficulty, 50,000 krone kerbal insurance per crew member, and a starting budget of 200,000 krones. I'd love to see some more people participate! :)

Whoever gets to the Mun and Minmus and back with the best budget wins! Or... maybe the winner is whoever does it in the least number of launches. Or the shortest total time played in the savefile. Or whoever has the most elegant designs. You see what I'm getting at? I personally love that there is no explicit victory condition specified in this race; thus is the true sandbox nature of KSP exemplified.

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  White Owl said:
Here's a link to my Wings mission pack, which starts with the first powered flight and proceeds to high altitude research. link

Here's a link to the current - incomplete - version of the Space Race pack: link

This early version of the Space Race pack goes from the first satellite launch to manned landings on the Mun and Minmus. I intend to keep writing more missions for this pack, leading all the way up to colonizing the outer planets and moons. I'd love some feedback on this one... especially on the reward amounts for a successful mission, since those are just blind guesses at the moment. :P

The Space Race itself was PD TV's idea, and Ryan Turner has also been participating. We three agreed to play on Mission Controller's default medium difficulty, 50,000 krone kerbal insurance per crew member, and a starting budget of 200,000 krones. I'd love to see some more people participate! :)

Whoever gets to the Mun and Minmus and back with the best budget wins! Or... maybe the winner is whoever does it in the least number of launches. Or the shortest total time played in the savefile. Or whoever has the most elegant designs. You see what I'm getting at? I personally love that there is no explicit victory condition specified in this race; thus is the true sandbox nature of KSP exemplified.

I'm doing a shadow using mostly the same mods except for deadly reentry since I have enough trouble already with ferrum

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Hey Matt, thanks for sharing the mission pack. Here's my progress so far:

Initial Budget 200000

Craft/Mission Cost/Reward Note

Viking 1 - 11405
|> 1.1 First Launch + 50000
|> 1.2 First Landing + 50000
|> Recycled + 6961

Viking 2 - 14804 Failure (Loss of control during ascent)
|> Recycled + 6627

Viking 2b - 15329
|> 1.3 First Orbit + 50000

Viking 3 - 36775
|> 2.1 Maps Are Fun + 60000
|> 1.4 Reentry is Fun + 60000
|> Recycled + 3666

Deepeye 1 - 52571 Failure (Loss of control during ascent, vehicle destroyed)

Deepeye 1b - 52571
|> 2.2 Take the Long View + 60000

Explorer 1 -152225
|> 2.3 Dark Side of the Mun + 80000
|> 2.5 Crash For Science + 70000
|> 2.4 Wrong Side of Minmus + 80000
|> 2.6 Crashing is Fun + 70000

517874 Calculated by MissionController
511574 Calculated by my calculator

I can upload some uncommented videos of those missions if anyone wants to see it.

I had to change two things in your .mpkg to make it work properly:

- If you use minInclination you also have to specify the maxInclination. Otherwise it will default to 0. Getting your inclination to be bigger than 80° and smaller than 0° is non-trivial :)

- There's a typo in mission 2.5 that prevents you from doing mission 2.7 because the requirement-checks seem to be case sensitive.

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  Hogdriver said:

I had to change two things in your .mpkg to make it work properly:

- If you use minInclination you also have to specify the maxInclination. Otherwise it will default to 0. Getting your inclination to be bigger than 80° and smaller than 0° is non-trivial :)

- There's a typo in mission 2.5 that prevents you from doing mission 2.7 because the requirement-checks seem to be case sensitive.

Thanks very much! I just found the min-maxInclination bug myself, and will upload a corrected version soon. Thanks for bug checking. :)

Power5000, the 1/2 meter airplane parts are from Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace.

Edit: Okay, the mission package is corrected and updated. I need to start writing more real soon.

Edited by White Owl
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Hey there,

so while waiting for 0.21 i player through your mission pack. I finished all the missions except for the mun landing. I went for a apollo-style vehicle with a 3 man CSM and 2 man lander. For some reason MissionController won't let me finish the second objective after landing on the mun, hm. I finished the first objective in the docked CSM+LM configuration... the lander alone is technically a different vehicle, that might be the problem. Any ideas?

Anyway... i really enjoyed your mission pack. Having to optimize vehicles to stay within a given budget can be quite the challenge. Please keep up the great video series on YT and i hope you'll eventually add some more missions :)


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You only have 2 Kerbals on the Mun, the package was written for you to have 3 Kerbals there.

EDIT: NVM, I'm an idiot.

You do need to dock them to the CSM and bring everyone home though.

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  Fox62 said:
You do need to dock them to the CSM and bring everyone home though.

I tried that but it wouldn't let me finish the mission, only had the option to recycle the craft.

After undocking my lander from the command module and landing on the mun i don't get the "Hide finished goal" button because MissionController won't let you finish a mission's goals with different vehicles. That seems like a huge limitation, hmm.

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  Hogdriver said:
I tried that but it wouldn't let me finish the mission, only had the option to recycle the craft.

After undocking my lander from the command module and landing on the mun i don't get the "Hide finished goal" button because MissionController won't let you finish a mission's goals with different vehicles. That seems like a huge limitation, hmm.

Ouch. Yeah, that's a problem. The solution evades me for the moment...

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  White Owl said:
Ouch. Yeah, that's a problem. The solution evades me for the moment...

I don't know how this all works, but I was looking at how to write missions out of curiosity and noticed a "vesselIndependent" field. The way I understand it is it allows you to use multiple vessels to complete the same goal. I suppose it could be abused however...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Winter Owl! Im loving the Shuttle development series so far so keep it up. :) Those B9 Turbojets you took off the "Roc" are meant for high speed/high altitude work. I think B9 and co were thinking "Concorde" when they made them. Since you said you dislike the stock sepratrons here's something you might like better. Forum post - Wolf Aerospace Perfectrons. They're an integral part of my launches and I swear by em. :wink:

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Yeah, I tried those perfectrons once. They look great, but for some reason they don't mirror properly. The mirrored part was always pointing the wrong direction.

In other news, tonight I'm working on updating the mod list. Also, watch this space for the craft file and required mod list for the failed Enterprise shuttle. Maybe somebody else can tinker around and get that ship working. I honestly hope so; I'm sick of the thing.

Edit: Here's the promised craft file for the Enterprise, pictured below. link


You will need these mods:

Kerbcom Avionics

Ferram Aerospace Research

AIES Aerospace

Aviation Lights

B9 Aerospace

Advanced SRBs

TV Aerospace

Procedural Wings

Stretchy Tanks

Procedural Fairings

and my own Shuttle Parts, available in the first post of this thread.

I have to warn people, I never did successfully land this shuttle. I came close a few times, so I know it's possible. I stopped developing it when it became clear that changing it to make it easier to land would move the design away from the stated goal of resembling the real-life shuttle. You're welcome to play around with editing it yourself to make it work better. I'm very very done with it.

Besides, in a few days I'll be sharing the ROC. :D

Edited by White Owl
Forgot a required mod.
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I tried it out. I had a ton of trouble launching it, because it just seemed uncontrollable once the SRBs are done. I watched the vid and wasn't able to get that result. I was finally able to get it into orbit with a test payload by moving the mount for the tank and transferring fuel from the large tank to the empty rear engine structure right before dropping the large tank. The test payload probably had a lot to do with why I came out alive on my last trip:

test payload:


new mount sitting on the P-wing behind the old mount:


Edited by Nazari1382
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