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We are fighting an imaginary war...


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Edit: Have I said what did "we" refer to? Oh, that's not in this Forum, and we are playing just for fun for the upcoming Summer Holiday.

Imagine two neighbor and relatively small countries on Kerbin fighting, and we, as the munitions merchants provide them military instruments...

I won't say what's the neta...

Now it has been heated, and heavy cruiser tanks, bombers and missiles accepted...

Edited by Cesrate
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I'm with the devs on this. They make a game about peaceful space exploration, which is an utterly amazing concept all by itself, and people want to build weapons in it. What does that say about our species? :(

It says this.....

Well looks like someone conquered the entire system. We need something to do.

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@ComradeGoat (apt name in this instance) ... Too right! Why, just last night I had another catastrophic failure on the launchpad exactly 0.01 seconds after takeoff. 700 tons of rocket fuel makes for a nice fireworks show. They tell me it will take all of (...checking how long it takes to add 8 new struts and click "launch"...) 1 minute and 17 seconds to fill in the crater.

Who needs to watch videos of NASA's early days when you've got KSP, eh?

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Meh. The thing I love most about KSP is the distinct lack of any military aspect. War games have been done to death, and the surest way to doom KSP would be to turn it into just another mindless, pointless war game. The developers have chosen a wise course.

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You have a million shooters and such to choose from. If you really want something with more depth and complexity but still want things to explode go try a good combat flight sim. There are a couple old space sims on GOG with realistic physics also.

I will just enjoy the non combat beauty of this game myself.

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I think there will always be a want for weaponry in KSP (and I'm, well not quite a pacifist, but close), just because its another challenge. Trying to hit a target is not the easiest thing to do while flying past in a plane of your own design, trying to launch a missile from one craft in space to hit another, that takes pub-darts to a whole new level. And weapons don't have to be used in combat, I use a robot-thing (

) armed with (frickin) lazers to clean up debris round the launch site. Ok so I did do a vid of FRANK going on a
, but mainly he's a very helpful janitor.
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Though i'm a fan of plenty of shooters and war games, what makes KSP special is the fact that it is a purely peaceful game with a focus on building rather than destroying. Though i make plenty of warships in KSP this isn't the intent of the game and as it is developed more stuff will come along to make weaponry less and less nessecery to entertain people.

More games need to be about building inventions and utalising the players creativitiy rather than mindlessly twitch shooting everything that moves.

Saying all that does anyone know any other good physics building games other than GMOD and KSP. These are the only two that i know of that really let your imagination be the only limit :D

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Guys, I'm pretty sure Cesrate wasn't suggesting the addition of weapons to the game.

If I understood correctly, he was just making a thread to post all of those silly missle launchers and the like that half the people here make when they've got nothing better to do. For instance:


This is a missle launcher I use to shoot stuff on the pad. It makes stuff explode. I'd say that's pretty Kerbal.

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One thing that gets overlooked is that space combat in a purely Newtonian physics setting would be crushingly, mind-numbingly BORING. Sci-fi movies makes it look exciting, but the only way they can make it work is with heavy doses of fiction, hand-waving away physical laws, and ships capable of moving at the speed of story plot. :D

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Kerbal Space Program's big selling point for me is that its not about war. We've got hundreds, maybe thousands of war games. KSP is one of the few games dealing entirely with the peaceful exploration and colonization of space. So no, I don't think it needs armies, weapons, invasions, or anything of the sort.

Though, I have to admit, sometimes I do wish I had a Standard Missile 3 available, purely to take out low orbit space junk.

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Jack Wolfe, have you read Scott Westerfeld's Risen Empire/Killing of Worlds duology? There's a really nifty and exciting, mostly-Newtonian space battle. The ship maneuvers play out over the course of days, but there are intervals of action. It's one of my favorite science fiction battles, but it's only part of the story.

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