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I'm not happy!


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I just "lost" my save game! All my hard work for nothing! The save game itself is still in place (never touched the folder), but the game doesn't recognize it anymore; I guess it got corrupted and it's probably my own fault. I messed around with the robotic arms mod (for building a Mun base) and noticed that there was a problem with handling the targets. Each time I docked a piece of structure to my main habitat that didn't have a control module on it, the piece just fell off but the docking port remained where I just placed it. When I switched to flight control, the just docked piece and its "mother craft" were gone in the list as well as the crane (robotic arm) that had placed the part. After I noticed this, I decided to restart and put a control module on the part that I wanted to dock with, but I never got the chance. The save game simply doesn't show up anymore ;.; Now I lost 3 Kerbin orbiting stations, 1 Mün orbiting station, 2 Mün bases, 3 rovers and a whole bunch of Kerbals :confused: Not cool!

Anyone else encountered this while using the robotic arms?

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Do you have the quicksave?

Backup the quicksave.sfs then rename it to persistent.sfs, then load your game as normal :)

Thanks for the suggestion, too bad it didn't work. I guess the quicksave.sfs was made after I fooled around with the robotic arms. I´m afraid there now is no other option than to start anew and avoid using the robotic arms mod. It´s a hard loss, but from now on I WILL make backups. My space program has been reset :sealed: Time for a new one.

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I just "lost" my save game! All my hard work for nothing! The save game itself is still in place (never touched the folder), but the game doesn't recognize it anymore; I guess it got corrupted and it's probably my own fault. I messed around with the robotic arms mod (for building a Mun base) and noticed that there was a problem with handling the targets. Each time I docked a piece of structure to my main habitat that didn't have a control module on it, the piece just fell off but the docking port remained where I just placed it. When I switched to flight control, the just docked piece and its "mother craft" were gone in the list as well as the crane (robotic arm) that had placed the part. After I noticed this, I decided to restart and put a control module on the part that I wanted to dock with, but I never got the chance. The save game simply doesn't show up anymore ;.; Now I lost 3 Kerbin orbiting stations, 1 Mün orbiting station, 2 Mün bases, 3 rovers and a whole bunch of Kerbals :confused: Not cool!

Anyone else encountered this while using the robotic arms?

Back up the save file, then open persistent.sfs in notepad, scroll down the HUUUUGE list until you find the massive entry for the moon base that you think caused the problem, and delete the whole damn thing.

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That's why i always have 1 or 2 backups for everygame that has savegames.

The game should had backup saves, this saves you if it crash during save.

Pretty common for programs to do this, instead of overwriting then saving it save as an temp file, then delete old backup, rename old save to backup and temp to save. It will however not stop you from an bug who let the game continue but corrupt the saves however this is far rarer.

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I'd use notepad++ Available here as I've had notepad eff up the carriage returns, but if you've got a specific part that's causing your trouble you can simply load up your save file, find and delete the craft entry and try again. You can clean up debris while you're in there too.

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Thanks for all your help. Too bad for me, it didn't work. Due to all of your suggestions I was able to start the "lost" save game, but the game lagged beyond belief. I decided to do a clean install, but I kept the corrupted saves for further investigation - of course not in the newly installed directory.

It's a sad loss, but on the bright side: I now know what I'm doing (gameplay-wise) so I think my new program will be more successful. Also, in the future I'm sure to create backups whenever I try new mods... Guess I had to learn that the hard way :mad:

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Im gonna use this thread to ask "any guesstimation by the community on when the next update coming out" Because the last time I got a HUGE station in orbit and released my parts pack on spaceport... the version update happened like 12 hours later and I lost my station lol.

(yes THIS station. The one that took me HOURS to get looking so magical)


Ever since the forum wipe I havent heard a peep on when the next patch is due. A "not even close" reply would satisfy me lol.

I know this is a forbidden question though but dont hate ; ;

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OOH! OOH! I have made software especially for this case!

If you send me the persistence, I can probably fix it!

Being tipsy and handling files is not the right combination. After I've manually deleted all the registry entries, I more or less accidentally deleted the persistence file (read the whole game directory) as well... Sorry, I really would have liked to help you.

Have you tried copying a ship or two from your corrupt save to your new one? You may not be able to recover your entire game, but you may be able to get your station back.

This has crossed my mind (including sub assembly), but a CLEAN install means a clean install. I don't want to clutter my new game with debris leftovers ;)

Just think of it as an opportunity to make a better base.

I've already started anew. I've managed to map Kerbin and now I'm going to make a new station; I hope this time I can eliminate the horrible wobble it had to it. As for a permanent Mün Base, I´m not sure... Since the robotic arm didn´t serve me well, I guess I´ve got to come up with another concept. (suggestions?)

Edited by Peenvogel
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Suggestion for next time: back up your save folder to Dropbox. I play on a couple of different machines, and use dropbox to synchronise my Parts, Plugins, PluginData, Resources and saves folders between them. Gives you an easy way to revert to previous revisions of your save files as well. I've used it once or twice in similar situations.

If you're familiar with revision control systems like git or subversion, then you could also use them to manage your save games and ships, but I like the automation of dropbox - as soon as you hit F5, your quicksave.sfs gets synced.

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I cant imagine defective parts will corrupt a gamesave...but maybe..so if the files have parts as part of the gamesave...?? well I guess they do...this is defintely disconcerting...I have had a part or 2 seem to mess up; I could move the part around, reattach it, and fix the bug...never had lost things tho...I will try to watch out for this and work with the robotics...I did once and it did seem slow and cumbersome; not sure what to really use this mod for; I havnt got to that point yet...thanks for the update...

cdr Zeta

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I don't think these were defective parts. Here's what happened:

I made a (habitat) base with stock parts

I sent a rocket with a rover including the robotic arm (to be a crane)

I sent some constructional parts to the Mun; fuselage (stock) with docking ports (lazor docking cam, but still stock) but with no control modules (the ones you chose as the FIRST part of ANY assembly)

Once I connected the `non control module` (just the fuselage with the docking ports) to the already established habitat, the game didn't seem to grasp what I was doing. It connected the ports as they should, but they didn´t merge the vessel into one. Instead of that it just decayed the structural part and dropped it.

After that both ships got deleted; the one I docked with as well as the ship I was docking to.

Edited by Peenvogel
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I don't think these were defective parts. Here's what happened:

I made a (habitat) base with stock parts

I sent a rocket with a rover including the robotic arm (to be a crane)

I sent some constructional parts to the Mun; fuselage (stock) with docking ports (lazor docking cam, but still stock) but with no control modules (the ones you chose as the FIRST part of ANY assembly)

Once I connected the `non control module` (just the fuselage with the docking ports) to the already established habitat, the game didn't seem to grasp what I was doing. It connected the ports as it should, but it didn´t merge the vessel into one. Instead of that it just decayed the structural part and dropped it.

After that, my save game was corrupted.

The most obvious reason would be that no part was selected as a place to "control from" and it confused the game.

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The most obvious reason would be that no part was selected as a place to "control from" and it confused the game.

Yeah, I think that's what happened. Nevertheless, it killed my save game. :(

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+100 on DropBox. Even with the free version, you get something like 30 days worth of backups on any file. You go through their web interface (You can't yet go back in time via the desktop application) and step back in time to a revision that worked.

But the idea of automatic backups... *brings out the software development packages*

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I usually have them chuck stuff incredible distances (the best I've seen so far was one that got the altimeter up to whatever Z is in about 10 minutes)

I believe I have defeated that, I had an acceleration of over 300,000 light years/s once.

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