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We owe the devs/CMs/mods an apology


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  Deadpangod3 said:
This is ment for the people who posted in the thread linked above, if you didn't you don't need to say sorry (though I think they'd still appreciate it)

While I wasn't in the linked thread, I would like to say thanks to Damion, as well as everyone else involved in running this community. Those of us who dearly enjoy this wonderful game are very appreciative of Squad's collective efforts. The trolls in the other thread are nothing more than whiny 12-year-olds who clearly have an entitlement complex - pay no mind to them. At a previous job, my boss would have called them "customers we need to fire".

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I feel bad now and don't even know why I should...

*Actually lack of sleep and a very eventful day with no access to tea might do that to a man...

Edited by Trux
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Wow guys that was rough. I am srry it went that far. I didn't post on it but I had looked on it when it was just two pages and I had no clue it would go that far. I have enjoyed this game a lot in the four weeks that I have had it, even though it might make me fail a collage class, Jk, but almost , I am seriously addicted and hope that this games becomes what it's ment to be.

Edited by Exal
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Wow, I'd missed that thread completely till I saw this. You're right, apologies are needed, followed by a big heaping dose of patients and understanding for what software development and running a community actually entails. I really hope that we haven't driven Damion away, that would be a huge loss to this community.

Can we all just show a little maturity and wait calmly for whatever answers/updates come 'when they are ready'. Even if that means waiting for a couple of months (which is software dev terms is nothing). In the meanwhile I'd suggest building a rocket or two.

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I've read the mentioned thread and it seems Squad has entered a (very) turbulent phase. Could be the accumulation of earlier problems, like the DLC-crisis and the disappearance of half the forum because of a DDos-attack. Speculation ofcourse. Lets hope the situation isn't too grave.

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  Stealth2668 said:
Although I didn't post in that thread (yet) I understand where they are coming from. If this were a free game, w/e, but since we paid we have expectations.

Let's not start another argument, in this thread, please.

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  Bekiekutmoar said:
I've read the mentioned thread and it seems Squad has entered a (very) turbulent phase. Could be the accumulation of earlier problems, like the DLC-crisis and the disappearance of half the forum because of a DDos-attack. Speculation ofcourse. Lets hope the situation isn't too grave.

Well stop speculating then! this is what started all the mess to begin with.

[mod snip - mind the language]

Edited by KasperVld
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Too much speculation and downright conspiracy theorising. The thread ended up getting closed because of a downright falsehood, and the person who posted it should be first in line to apologise for disgraceful conduct.

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Call it greedy but personally, I just want updates/news so I can spend ALL of my free time on this game that I've been waiting my whole life for (I'm in my early 30s). Delay and/or not talk about it like you usually do upsets me, only because I care about it. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here.

Let's have a fresh start. Come back to us.

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  Catullus said:
Too much speculation and downright conspiracy theorising. The thread ended up getting closed because of a downright falsehood, and the person who posted it should be first in line to apologise for disgraceful conduct.

No, I don't think there's a specific person to blame here, and if there is it's not the topic starter. :)

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  Psychoholic said:
While I wasn't in the linked thread, I would like to say thanks to Damion, as well as everyone else involved in running this community. Those of us who dearly enjoy this wonderful game are very appreciative of Squad's collective efforts. The trolls in the other thread are nothing more than whiny 12-year-olds who clearly have an entitlement complex - pay no mind to them. At a previous job, my boss would have called them "customers we need to fire".

This so much. You guys are awesome.

Damion, even though I didn't enter, thank you for I Dream of Space. Thank you for organizing the forums. Thank you for keeping order.

You're an awesome person.

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We all know the devs, but not only them, do a great job. Also the ICT people who had to deal with the server problems and everything. Community Manager for getting all the crap. And go on like that. But I personally don't feel the need to be sorry. My opinion; that topic don't get out of hand. People want to know what's going on. That's all. Damian being cryptic and all. Skunky being almost brutal/hars. Not professional. I don't know how you guys see it, but that for me a big, big questionmark that raises more trouble than it solves it. Right now they do have a serious communication problem. And you know it. Your hear it soon. We got the answer soon. Soon. Always soon. Again, I don't say sorry. I own a site. I maintain a site. I know how it works. They eat me alive if I don't have a good reason why not..

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I feel ashamed for the community for some of the posts on that thread :(

Just because its not always obvious what someone is doing doesn't mean that they aren't doing it. KSP is one of the best games I've ever played despite its early development status and the staff and moderators are always very open and helpful about what is going on. If they are currently unable to comment then there will be a good reason for it and patience is the only thing needed so people can get on with their jobs in peace.

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  sal_vager said:
Well said ilikemoneygreen :)

The idea that you are only allowed to post if it's agreeing with what the devs say is a ridiculous one. It's a discussion forum, not a hugbox.

Yes, personal attacks on devs is not ok, but you are giving the impression that anything that's not "oh yes definitely, I agree, you're so great" is frowned upon.

  Comrade Jenkens said:
I feel ashamed for the community for some of the posts on that thread :(

Just because its not always obvious what someone is doing doesn't mean that they aren't doing it. KSP is one of the best games I've ever played despite its early development status and the staff and moderators are always very open and helpful about what is going on. If they are currently unable to comment then there will be a good reason for it and patience is the only thing needed so people can get on with their jobs in peace.

Considering all we've had in the past few weeks is a screenshot or two of flags, I wouldn't say they're being very open.

They are still being very secretive about KSP Weekly and the streams.

Edited by whatisthisidonteven
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  whatisthisidonteven said:
The idea that you are only allowed to post if it's agreeing with what the devs say is a ridiculous one. It's a discussion forum, not a hugbox.

Yes, personal attacks on devs is not ok, but you are giving the impression that anything that's not "oh yes definitely, I agree, you're so great" is frowned upon.

While I completely agree with you, the point of this thread is to be a hugbox. Any discussion of anything else is essentially offtopic, and I don't think this thread is really worth having because of that.

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  whatisthisidonteven said:
The idea that you are only allowed to post if it's agreeing with what the devs say is a ridiculous one. It's a discussion forum, not a hugbox.

Yes, personal attacks on devs is not ok, but you are giving the impression that anything that's not "oh yes definitely, I agree, you're so great" is frowned upon.

Well that's true, but I didn't say anything about people being allowed or disallowed did I ? ;)

Everyone's getting their say, that's what you want isn't it?

It's nice that there is a thread like this, it shows that people do care enough to speak up.

(accidentally clicked on edit and not on quote)

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  ilikemoneygreen said:
Ill just throw this in here "If you don't have anything nice to say, or aren't going to apologize, don't post at all" Cough cough...
The way you say it, it's almost like a religion. People can have a opinion. You can and should think for yourself. Squard is run by people too. There not perfect :sticktongue:
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