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How to change inclination for dres

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Burn along your negative normal direction at your ascending node (the high point of the inclination, or on the high end of the axis on which it's tilted), which should be pointing near South.

Be sure to use maneuver nodes to experiment and see what the burn does before you do it.

Edit: Clarifying what the normal vector is, in case you don't know. It's perpendicular to your direction of travel. Normal + is facing directly up relative to the planet (front of spacecraft facing North pole), and normal - is facing down. This is different from radial +/-, where you're also perpendicular but facing directly at the ground or away at space.

Edited by ThatBum
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I'm sure the lowest energy solution is as described by ThatBum above. However, note that plane changes are even lower energy when you're at a very high apoapsis. The energy to raise your AP and then lower it again will far outweigh the energy savings, but if you include it in your capture sequence, I think you can save quite a few m/s of delta-V, especially if you want to go from a 0 degree to 90 degree (or even 180) inclination.

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Can't get what - you don't know what normal + or - is?

Maybe this helps


See the arrow pointing up that says Orbit Normal next to it?

So your flying around the edge of the orbit plane -- if your pointing UP then you would be normal + if your - then your rocket would be pointing down... See the green arrow, that is pointing in norm + Think of the point as your capsule.

Now since your already in polar orbit or 90 inclination, just turn that picture on its side. Now with your rocket pointing norm + or norm -, it really doesn't matter if your perfectly 90.. And Burn until your back to 0 inclination..

Keep in mind this does take quite a bit of delta, so you need plenty of fuel.

I'm new to ksp as well - but this was one of the first things I learned to do ;) Its boring always orbiting at 0

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The energy required to raise your orbit might offset the reduced energy to change inclination at said higher orbit. Probably too late at this point, and would be simpler to change inclination where you are. You're pretty close to a polar/90 degree orbit anyway, so it won't take a terribly large amount of Dv to do.

Again, make a maneuver node at where your orbit is highest and tell it to burn down, or antinormal. Alternatively, go to the lowest point and tell it to burn up, or antinormal. Note that these directions are not prograde and retrograde, these will just make your orbit higher or lower.

Maybe this will help.

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Place a maneuver node at the equator and start pulling on the normal and anti-normal tabs (the pinkish coloured triangles), this will change your inclination as well increase your apoapsis, pull on the retrograde tab to bring it back down. As long as you have enough dv to escape whatever SOI you're in (and have a twr higher than 1 if on the surface), then you can do your ejection burn whenever you like.

Edited by Sol_Rokks_Teddy
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Can i transfer without doing a inclination change?

Yes but you need to use the prograde or retrograde handle to tweak it.

You should put your node at equator, simply drag the normal arrow who would make your orbit more upright, then adjust orbit with prograde or retrograde handle, this will change your tilt so you have to tweak a bit here.

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However you do it, changing orbital inclination is going to burn lakes of fuel. Is it really necessary? What are you trying to achieve at Dres?

I am trying to do a transfer to kerbin.

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Then forget your inclination around Dres. Break orbit so that you are moving retrograde relative to Dres. Thats possible no matter what your inclination is. That will put you in a lower solar orbit which is a good start towards getting to Kerbin. Then use maneuver nodes to get you home.

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Yes, your orbital speed around Dres is a relatively small component of Dres' orbital speed around the sun, so HOWEVER you leave the planet is going to be pretty close to an ecliptic solar orbit, and then one plane change burn at the halfway point of the return should get you a Kerbin intercept. But if you wanted to change your orbit around Dres first, move up to a very high orbit, just within the world's SOI, and then do an inclination change burn at minimal cost.

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