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Cupcake's Dropship Dealership...

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She is a bit wonky on landing, but the Fury killed a Bulldog mk2 I set up as a target with flea boosters and anialated a small fighter I built. Also has great maneuverability keep on working:D

I think it's just about there. The thing that's gonna take time is building some scenarios for it. Oh, and there's the small matter of the video too. :wink:


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Thanks btw the new 1.0.5 engines might advance the craft to make it​ faster. Cause I'm all about dat SPEED!!

Even I've found her a pretty hot ship to handle and you want MORE thrust? Sir, you have clearly taken leave of your sences!

In other news folks I've just been through and updated the fleet to be 1.05 happy. The re-worked cockpits now use the small nose cones which I figured were the least bad option as they look pretty good and have about the same mass as the old radial intake, meaning I won't have to bother re-balancing the crafts which is always a plus! :)


I've also decided to streamline my filing system and so will now only include LV versions of my craft as it's not too much work pulling out the individual landers if needbe. I've also decided to bin the standard version of the Puff Puff leaving only the more capable A or advanced model. Hope you enjoy the new look! :wink:


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Activate SAS then launch.

Eject the SRBs and LV drop tanks as soon they become empty.

Once the needle reaches the end of the light blue strip start pitching over on a 90* heading.

By the time the needle gets to the dark blue section you want to be at a 45* angle.

Hold this heading till your apoapsis reaches 40k then gently pitch over and hold course about 5* above the horizon.

Once you apoapsis reaches 80k cut the engines and coast out of the atmosphere.

Once you circularize, undock the Newt and re-dock it to the long range drop tank stack using the cargo port.


1 - Toggle Engines

3 - Toggle Lights (Must Be Disabled When Mining)

5 - Undock/De-Couple Top Docking Port

7 - Begin Mining (Press Twice)

8 - Cease Mining

ABORT - Undock/De-Couple Cargo/Rear Ports


In order to hit the design spec I've had to be pretty brutal in terms of saving weight! Gone are niceties such as reaction wheels, parachutes, landing gear, and the in flight entertainment system. Having to land on the tanks sounds a bit dicey on paper however IMHO the craft is small and agile enough to not need landing gear. It can also make a powered landing back on Kerbin, saving the need for a chute.

A fuel cell/RTG combo will let you operate your Newt in the outer fringes of the Jool system without any loss of performance.

Mining/refining is a little on the slow side. :P If you have to top up some large tanks/other vessels the Pickaxe is a much better bet!

It's recommended to dump any Ore in the tanks before liftoff as it will result in reduced Delta-V if refined in orbit.

Heh folks it's my great pleasure the present the Newt, an all new light weight prospector dropship that can operate independently throughout most of the the Kerbal system.


In line with its intended design spec the the Newt can land on Duna, fuel up and then fly to and land on Ike. It can also mine Ore with a long range X-200 drop tank attached to the cargo port.


The craft comes with a powerful general purpose LV, and long range droptank stack.


On its own the craft puts out a respectable 2.5k with good T/W. This can be boosted by approx 1k with an X-200 drop tank. The craft has been tested on the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike and Val.


Hope you enjoy it! Let me know how it works out for you guys. Cheers. :)



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[quote name='CommanderSonic']This craft is like a Subaru Impreza WRX, I love it!! Has a bit for roughness, but I like that, a departure from the normal fuzzy interior of a Chevy Impala.:wink: This is truly a craft that separates the rookies from the pros.[/QUOTE]

If you liked that you're gonna love this. :wink:


I've been working on a high performance version of the Newt with all the mining gear stripped out. As you can imagine the ISRU, drill and whatnot are pretty heavy and without them the ship just goes like a scolded cat! :D In fact I'm so happy with this version I'm gonna go back to the mining Model and rebuild it using this this new design as a base. :D


I've also decided on a name change from Newt to Cypher, for reasons of er... coolness. :blush:

Cupcake... Edited by Cupcake...
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Nice one, boss. I like the cockpit and the Mk0 tanks, and the name too :)

At least that cockpit should never die! :huh:

Those four flames indicate quite an insane TWR, am I right? Can't wait for the test assignment.

What's the biggest difference/improvement between the new Cypher to the good old Scythe then? Obviously the center bottom docking port will be very handy, but I bet there is more to it.

Keep em coming!
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[quote name='Dafni']Nice one, boss. I like the cockpit and the Mk0 tanks, and the name too :)

At least that cockpit should never die! :huh:

Those four flames indicate quite an insane TWR, am I right? Can't wait for the test assignment.

What's the biggest difference/improvement between the new Cypher to the good old Scythe then? Obviously the center bottom docking port will be very handy, but I bet there is more to it.

Keep em coming!

The T/W is indeed excellent, you've even enough grunt for flying round on Kerbin if you drain the main tank a bit. :D

I'm still quite proud of the Scythe which was my first unibody design but as is often the case it's taken me a few models to really nail the concept. The Cypher is a much more refined, super stripped back design that's made me think twice about parts I used to think were essential such as reaction wheels, landing gear or even parachutes! :wink: I also think it's got a much better engine match which is far better suited for a vessel of this size.


Then of course there's the prospector model (left) which adds 1.05 mining for long range exploration. Cockpit visabilty is also superb. :kiss:


Oh, and BTW: [URL="https://goo.gl/HCbxRV"]https://goo.gl/HCbxRV[/URL] :)


Cupcake... Edited by Cupcake...
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[quote name='BenCushwa']I only registered on the forums yesterday, but I've been playing KSP and lurking the forums on and off since about 0.2something. I've always been a huge fan of your work.[/QUOTE]

Thanks man! That's always great to hear. :D. I hope you like the new designs too. :wink:

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[quote name='Spaceman510']Hello!
I also am a big fan of your craft, and decided to (at last!) sign up on the KSP forum to request/suggest a craft using the new Mk1 cockpit.
Hopefully that isn't too much to ask! :)[/QUOTE]

IMHO I don't think the Lear jet cabin has got much going for it, it's pretty heavy compared to the other 1 man cockpits and unless you're using it in a straight lego set way it's quite awkward to make cool looking designs with. Sorry. :(

Cupcake... Edited by Cupcake...
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[quote name='Cupcake...']IMHO I don't think the Lear jet cabin has got much going for it, it's pretty heavy compared to the other 1 man cockpits and unless you're using it in a straight lego set way it's quite awkward to make cool looking designs with. Sorry. :(

Ah ok, thanks anyway!
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[quote name='AJTheMighty']So how is the deep-space NERVA dropship coming along? Can you show any progress on it yet, or at least a screenshot of it flying?[/QUOTE]

Sorry man, no progress yet. :( I'll try and hammer something out over the weekend. What was the spec again, LV-N and 4 kerbals right?

[quote name='ScriptKitt3h'][url]http://i.imgur.com/q8mqd0u.png[/url]
Dang it Cupcake, you awoke my dropship-building side again![/QUOTE]

Looking good man! :D Don't know if you need a horizontal set of engines though. :wink:

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[quote name='Cupcake...']Sorry man, no progress yet. :( I'll try and hammer something out over the weekend. What was the spec again, LV-N and 4 kerbals right?

Looking good man! :D Don't know if you need a horizontal set of engines though. :wink:


Yeah, two Nervs and actually, I changed my mind - it should at least house 1 Kerbal, like with every one of your dropships ;)
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