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See space on micro-parts.

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Does exactly as it says on the tin.


You have to see the edge of the atmosphere using only stock, 0.625 meter parts.

The less it weighs, the more points you get.

You DO NOT have to orbit. just see space. you will get more points if you do orbit.

Point System:

10 points - See space, experience weightlessness.

20 points - Orbit kerbin

50 points - Enter mun SoI

+55 points - Mun land

100 points - Land at a munar anomaly

150 points - Survive mun landing, and return to kerbin.

200 points - Return to KSC from orbit.

300 points - Meet minmus. You will get the same amount of points for landing on it.

500 points - Leave kerbin SoI

1500 points - Meet an inner planet (Kerbin ((kerbin not included!)) inwards)

2500 points - Meet an outer planet (Duna and outwards)

+3000 points - 'Goodbye, kerbol!'

50000 points (yes, an extra 0!) - Any interplanetary mission with a return to kerbin.

500 points - Mini space station (awwww yeah!)

+20 points - <15 tonnes

+10 points - <20 tonnes

+50 points - 3.14 tonnes.

+100 points - Break-dance

+30 points - re-entry / mach effects during launch phase.

+45 points - Survive re-entry (Requires deadly re-entry)

+30 points - Take up some (micro) cargo

+87 points - Make a shuttle design

+30 points - Refuel in space

+40 points - Large, 3 man capsule

+42 points - Secret achievement. (Hint: Requires 2500> points)

+40 points - Aerobrake

+60 points - Aero capture

To be updated.


The only things that are allowed to be larger than 0.625 meters are engines, parachutes and command pods.

You must have an apoapsis of at least 70,000 meters

The ship does not have to be manned. It does not (kinda) effect points

Video evidence is preferred compared to images. If you have only taken images, just put them in a video. It makes it easier to judge. (Whether the evidence is video or image, it will not effect your score.)

You must have proof you attempted the challenge. It could lead to a disqualification if you don't.

Heres the only cheats or mods you can have: Mechjeb, KSPX, Part clipping in editors

Good luck, and as always, have fun :)


5. Tachy0n - 60 points

4. Atanar - 2500 points

3. Kelmoir - 50000 points

2.Jason patterson - 50000 points

1. Orz - 50050 points

The following non-micro parts are allowed:

Ballz o' RCS

RCS itself

Donut fuel tanks

Any micro stuff from KSPX

Avionics package

SMALL VTOL propellers from Firespitter mod

1 meter engines


<1 meter wingz

Solar panels

science equipment


decouplers, both radial and stage

Couplers (Bi and tri)

Nuc. engine (NERVA)

Thanks for making this thread 'hot' and helping us get 90 replies and 8000 views! - Team Pug

Edited by Pugspaceprogram
Mass updates. To be cotinued.
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Please read and follow http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guidelines

This should be more possible than some of your previous challenges. But you're basically saying the only liquid fuel tank we can use is the Oscar-B? If Round-8 tanks are also allowed, then I submit this: http://imgur.com/a/dqOI6#0

"The less it weighs, the more points you get" is not consistent with your point system.

In rule 1 do you mean "the only things that *are* allowed to be larger?"

If by 69600 meters you're trying to say the end of Kerbin's atmosphere, then FYI it ends at 69078 meters. Though you're free to set whatever criteria you want.

Video's a pain for some of us. How hard is it to hit the right arrow a few times on imgur?

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I submit this simple asperagus-staging craft that can make it easy into kerbin orbit:



I never thought to ever use those decouplers, but most things don't want to attach to the oscar tanks.

Oh, and btw, there is an avionics package clipped into the last tank of the middle stage. I just did not want to see it.

Edit: Also, I find using mechjeb or some infinite charge cheats boring. It takes away from the challenge so much. I did it without.

Edited by Atanar
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Please read and follow http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guidelines

This should be more possible than some of your previous challenges. But you're basically saying the only liquid fuel tank we can use is the Oscar-B? If Round-8 tanks are also allowed, then I submit this: http://imgur.com/a/dqOI6#0

"The less it weighs, the more points you get" is not consistent with your point system.

In rule 1 do you mean "the only things that *are* allowed to be larger?"

If by 69600 meters you're trying to say the end of Kerbin's atmosphere, then FYI it ends at 69078 meters. Though you're free to set whatever criteria you want.

Video's a pain for some of us. How hard is it to hit the right arrow a few times on imgur?

Thanks for your opinions, i will alter the post to make corrections.

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Does exactly as it says on the tin.

10 points - See space, experience weightlessness.

20 points - Orbit kerbin

50 points - Enter mun SoI

55 points - Mun land

100 points - Land at a munar anomaly

150 points - Survive mun landing, and return to kerbin.

200 points - Return to KSC from orbit.

300 points - Meet minmus. You will get the same amount of points for landing on it.

500 points - Leave kerbin SoI

1500 points - Meet an inner planet (Kerbin and inwards)

2500 points - Meet an outer planet (Duna and outwards)

3000 points - 'Goodbye, kerbol!'

50000 points (yes, an extra 0!) - Any interplanetary mission with a return to kerbin.

+10 points - <15 tonnes

+20 points - <20 tonnes

+50 points - 3.14 tonnes.

You probably mean under 20 mass units get's 10 points and under 15 get's 20?

Anyway, I extended my design a bit and got this:


which made me go to orbit Duna with still fuel left:


it's 33,79 mass units though.

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You probably mean under 20 mass units get's 10 points and under 15 get's 20?

Anyway, I extended my design a bit and got this:


which made me go to orbit Duna with still fuel left:


it's 33,79 mass units though.

Very good. Im quite surprised you didnt use ion. its like the nuclear engine of probes. Anyway, your score is being math'd and you will appear on the leaderboard.

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1500 points - Meet an inner planet (Kerbin and inwards)

2500 points - Meet an outer planet (Duna and outwards)

Do I also get extra points for landing?

Also, I think the answer is no but, Is KSPX considered stock? Because the lack of an ASAS is quite a pain.

And if it is, I dock a fleet together and fly off to outer space!

Edited by MmPMSFmM
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KSPX would be nice, since it adds a good number of micro parts

Would be nice indeed.

To my opinion I'd be able to make a 100% micro fleet (as seen in HOCgaming's interplanetary fleet.) if it would be allowed. And it made flying much easier.

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To my opinion I'd be able to make a 100% micro fleet (as seen in HOCgaming's interplanetary fleet.) if it would be allowed. And it made flying much easier.

You can basically make almost everything in stock. It's only harder since you have

-no SAS, only avionics

-fuel tanks with poor weight/fuel ratio (oscar is 382,33 fuel/mass compared to the standard fuel parts with all 720 fuel/mass, the round-8 tanks are even worse with only 73,529)

-engines with not so good isp exept the ion (which won't get you off the launch pad though)

It all comes down to how much payload you can get to orbit.

Edited by Atanar
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Do I also get extra points for landing?

Also, I think the answer is no but, Is KSPX considered stock? Because the lack of an ASAS is quite a pain.

And if it is, I dock a fleet together and fly off to outer space!

Sure you can use it, and you don't get points for landing.

Good luck - Pug

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What about SolidFuel engines? They are 1 m, but they seem overpowered compared to the probe parts.

Edit: Never mind, they count as fuel tanks too so I would be unable to use them

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Are the points adding to each other or do you get the points for 1 thing (being the one which gives you the most points, if you did it of course.)?

If it has a + in front of it, it means it will be added on. Otherwise, it is just a specific score.

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I do not agree with infinite electric charge. you can just put on you spacecraft a bunch of ions and Xenon-gas, and you can do whatever you want.

The difference between finite electricity and infinite is less than 100 kg on your payload. The trick is just getting to orbit.

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