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I think... a KSP 3D animate series would be pretty hard,


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so i want to make a 3D ksp animated series with blender 2.6, and i've encountered a problem.

it took 22.8 seconds to render this frame


so to render 33 seconds of film, (about 800 frames) would take me about 6.05 hours to render out. and about a day to render a 2 minute video.

does anyone know how i can get it to render faster?

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Welcome to the CGI world. 30sec per frame is pretty quick, but your scene is simple (and for the love of god, ugly as hell).

Now, add some shadows, even area shadows (if blender have them) it will at least double render time.

If you can't wait, give up now.

Or, don't use standard content, like this tree, or textures if detailed reflection and refraction like your floor or table's legs.

Edited by Ozi
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Well, i have shadows enabled, but they aren't rendering in. idk what settings i should hit (i'm not a blender pro) so if you have any advice, it would be much apreciated.

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Scratch that lost though, i figured the problem, but how do i fix this issues with the kerbal's texture


BTW, by baking the textures to the table legs and other reflective things, i was able to cut down render time by 3 seconds!

also, if you could give me any tips about how to make this un-ugly, that would be great

Edited by rewdew2
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does anyone know how i can get it to render faster?

Get more computers.

Cars 2 took an average of 11 hours (Probably some 30+hours) and had a rendering farm with 12,500 CPUs. I figure you should be able to manage rendering it real time with only 537 CPUs.

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Scratch that lost though, i figured the problem, but how do i fix this issues with the kerbal's texture

Hard to tell what is going on there. Try editing the Kerbal, doing a "remove doubles", and recalculate the normals.

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Get more computers.

Cars 2 took an average of 11 hours (Probably some 30+hours) and had a rendering farm with 12,500 CPUs. I figure you should be able to manage rendering it real time with only 537 CPUs.

Yeah.. better start saving up my allowance.

Yeah, you need a farm...

Oh i've got a farm


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Well, i fixed the shadows issues


And also made a few minor adjustments to the set area.

Also, render time is now hovering around 35.36 seconds... it's gonna be a long night.

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Well, i fixed the shadows issues


And also made a few minor adjustments to the set area.

Also, render time is now hovering around 35.36 seconds... it's gonna be a long night.


Also nice, I would be looking forward to watch the series

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Also nice, I would be looking forward to watch the series

So the biggest issue with producing it though would be a few things

1. I'd need to get a half decent mic for voice recording,

2. the computer that i use to render the scenes is a family computer, and people will want to use it when i'm not.

3. I still need to work a lot on my animating skills anyway.

So it's probably going to be coming out around the september...

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Okay so i'm rendering out a small animation, and the first frame takes about 24.5 seconds

but the frames after that have similar backround properties, and not much is changing so it's taking 16 seconds.

so in theory, theory, a 2 minute video in about 12 hours. WOO HOO!

EDIT: well, it fluctuates around 16-20 seconds per after first frame... i should get a flux capacitor then...

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