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Help rover will not move on Minmus


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I made an new roverlander craft, an lander on wheels who also work as rover, after testing at spaceport, both driving and landing I sent it to Minmus. Here however it refuses to move, all wheels are intact, it has power, the steering work, rcs, lights and ladder work but not movement. Yes it has probe cores so it does not required crew.

Has tried to restart game but it does not help.

Screenshots and information. Any tips? Small probe rovers work.


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LOL. I did not knew the stock rovers had parking brakes. anyway it worked well afterward. that is until I managed to crash during an speed test where I managed to land wrong after an jump.

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It's not just women who are women drivers... A lot of men are women drivers too... women drivers is a state of mind. Actually more men are women drivers while most women are men drivers. Just be glad they aren't Kerbal drivers... THAT'S the time to be worried... and then there is a class of drivers that scare everyone... THE JEB DRIVERS....

Who... what do you mean I should take my medicine... and no, I don't want to wear the nice hug-myself shirt... WIBBLE!!!!

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Haha oh wow :D How did you not notice that? The brakes aren't on by default so you must have activated them yourself...

Yes, I put the shutdown and disconnect jet first stage on the brake key :o then imported it from subassembly.

I honestly did not think the stock rovers has an parking brake. It look like it work different from the moded rovers. You can only activate it while standing still on stock.

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Thread locked as it derailed.

And for everyone's information: it has been proven that men cause more accidents than women (even when scaled to driving experience, the amount they drive, their age etc...).

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