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What is your favourite sci-fi/irl spacecraft, and why?


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For me it has to be the re-imagined Galactica.

There's just something appealing about the battleship like technology, and there's nothing that shows the brutality of war than Big Guns, Steel Hulls and Bare Knuckles.


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Discovery 1 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's just so cool. Such a sleek and mostly realistic design, that big sphere at the front with the slit where the command room windows are, those beautiful interiors and that centrifuge. It's just so awesome watching Frank run around it, beds, tables and monitors swirling past him. And the EVA pods. Watching as the camera pans the length of the ship.

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Terran Battlecruiser from original Starcraft (not the new toy looking one)


Click for a badass image!

IRL probably the Shuttle, just cause it was so complicated, utterly pointless and expensive to run, but was incredibly flexible and a true engineering feat.

In the more efficient light, I guess it's going to be the future SpaceX reusable launcher + crewed Dragon

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The U.S.S. Sulaco from the Aliens movie. The drop ship that went with it looked pretty bad ass as well especially when the rockets came out the sides. Think its my fave cause it looks like a massive gun flying through space.

Here's a link if you cant remember what it looks like: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=aliens+movie+spacecraft&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=0XCTUfnBFtP_4AOq_oHgBQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=963#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=aliens+Sulaco&oq=aliens+Sulaco&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l4.15595.16638.0.17662.,or.&bvm=bv.46471029,d.dmg&fp=6d3b20ddcbcee7e4&biw=1920&bih=963


Edited by Gniuz
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I have 3... Am I allowed to have 3?

U.S.S. Daedalus






Hardly surprising though considering my forum avatar, and my sig says "To the stars through the Stargate"

To be fair though Galactica is an awesome ship. Outlasting every other known Battlestar despite possessing non-networked antiquated computers, hardline internal coms, being old, partially decommissioned, surviving uncontrolled re-entry (by a vessel never meant to enter atmosphere), and a nuke.

I didn't include an image of the UNSC Infinity though that ship is also cool beyond reason, especially since I've followed the franchise and read most of the books, so the advance of human tech to the point a human ship can exit slipspace and plow through a completely shielded Covenant Battlecruiser with nothing but a shield flare.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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Some of my favorite ships have already been posted (Great Harborship of Bentus!) but I'm shocked no one's mentioned the Millenium Falcon yet! One of THE most iconic ships ever imagined! I have this thing where I build Lego ships for this Star Wars persona I've created for myself. I designed my medium-sized ship to feel similar to the Falcon's concept as a completely mundane ship turned awesome through happenstance and smuggling. Except mine started as a police transport instead of a freighter. I'll have to post pictures once I finish the inside.

Anyway, I think my absolute favorite large-ship design is the Lucrehulk!


But it's a pretty close call among some other tough competitors, such as the Andromeda, the GR-75, the Firefly (Which also influenced my design), the Algos, the Ori warships,the Intrepid class, the various Star Destroyer classes, and the Leviathans.

And just in case all those links weren't enough brain candy, have some more!



And, finally, one of the cooler pages I've found.

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mainly because its a Spaceplane Strapped to a Big Tank not only that but it is Partly Reusable and is a First step to Scifi Ships (Kinda)

And My last Favorite Rocket would be the Saturn-V


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  Kerbface said:
Discovery 1 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's just so cool. Such a sleek and mostly realistic design, that big sphere at the front with the slit where the command room windows are, those beautiful interiors and that centrifuge. It's just so awesome watching Frank run around it, beds, tables and monitors swirling past him. And the EVA pods. Watching as the camera pans the length of the ship.

Everything in the Space Odyssey books and movies are quite realistic. Including the lack of sound in space.

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