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Show off your flags MEGATHREAD


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I may need to crop it... anyone know a good program other than Photoshop?

For simple cropping and resizing needs, a Web site like http://webresizer.com is useful.

Edit: Of course, your flag would be trickier to resize to the correct proportions because you want the center circle to stay a circle, like this:


Although I believe our flags are not supposed to have the wavy texture built in since the KSP program will apply that to the image.

Edited by Brotoro
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Well I think this will be my flag, proud emblem of the Kerbal Space Program - Neat Astronautical Thingumabob Section (or NATS for short)!


Some of you might realise it is loosely based on an old NASA flag that I like and some of the Space Shuttle mission patch designs:

us_nasa_zps87eebd9d.gif sts61patch_zps528f272d.gif patch064_zpsd0ed2853.jpg

The vector art and text was made in Adobe Illustrator and the raster planetary images were altered in Adobe Photoshop prior to importing into Illustrator. I didnt know anything about Illustrator before I did these, and it was a bit of a learning curve, but it's a great program for this kind of thing.

By the way if anybody wants the Illustrator .ai file in order to use it as a base for doing their own text and images, just send me a private message with your email address and I will send you it. Although Illustrator is expensive to buy if you want a free tool that can import Illustrator vector based art files and work on them (as opposed to doing rasterised images like Photoshop and Gimp) try this free program:


Another great mid-price vector based art program I have used before is Xara X:


Vector based art programs are far better than raster-based ones for doing graphic art because the text and line art is mathmatically generated which means you can zoom into it and stretch it/warp it etc without it losing any quality. Raster based art is based on pixels and if you zoom into it or stretch it you gradually lose quality. Artists use raster images for art that requires complex blending such as for doing paintings and photographs. Xara X, Paint Shop Pro, and Illustrator are vector based programs whereas Photoshop and Gimp are raster based ones (although Photoshop has some limited vector functionality as well).

Edited by nats
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First draft of the flag for my Pathfinder Company (探路公å¸). Can't wait to plant this all over the universe.

The Chinese Seal Script looks both cool, and (at least, for me as a non-chinese european) has a nice alien look to it!

I just hope I wrote the chinese characters right, and it doesn't say something embarassing...

uWIxLfl.png TlrRMHi.png

Edit: a flag only starts looking good when flying in the wind.

Edited by Speijker
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I used paint, but many people here used GIMP i believe.

I used CS6 Adobe Photoshop and it's not free program. But Gimp is free and work simliar like Photoshop. Since I took college to learn how to use Photoshop. So I know what to do with it. Than let my skill go waste while try doing GIMP without have any idea how it work

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That is awesome.

Thanks :)

I've always had some pretty strong opinions on flag design. They should be simple and iconic. IMO the worst sins of flag design are text and maps. I mostly agree with this guy when it comes to the flags of the Earth's nation states.

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I'm very tempted to use the flag of Syldavia, the famous fictive country from the Tintin comics, at least for a couple of Mün missions!


After all, it's Syldavia that sent the first (belgian) astronauts in space and to the Moon...

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The red and gold livery flag might look good on a big flagpole, but it won't work well as decoration on a spaceship. I needed a more modern looking logo:


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I'm very tempted to use the flag of Syldavia, the famous fictive country from the Tintin comics, at least for a couple of Mün missions!

After all, it's Syldavia that sent the first (belgian) astronauts in space and to the Moon...

I wish there was a mod for the Moonrocket:)
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Probably use the same icon I've always used for my forum avatars


This image was once in a very old flash animation series by Andrew Kepple.

Bonus points if you can find it. Hint: You're buggered if you're here without a paddle.

Edited by bilsta1000
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I wish there was a mod for the Moonrocket:)

I THINK there was one around... about a year ago or so. I definitely remember seeing screenshots of it (I think it was Cykyrios who posted them) on the Forums, when I was a fresh new member of the community. However, a quick search didn't return anything satisfactory.

EDIT: Here you go! :D

Edited by Enture
found da link!
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Thanks :)

I've always had some pretty strong opinions on flag design. They should be simple and iconic. IMO the worst sins of flag design are text and maps. I mostly agree with this guy when it comes to the flags of the Earth's nation states.

Funny article you have their. I mostly disagree with that man, but it still funny so see somebody actually bothered to make a list of all the flags ranked by design. I should make my own one!

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