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The Drawing Board: A library of tutorials and other useful information


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  • 3 weeks later...

A quick newsbump:

Due to changes in the forum's formatting, older links to forum threads were not being read. I did a search-and-replace to alter the link formatting to the new standard, so all links to posts and threads on this forum should actually work now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My tutorial under Basics is fairly outdated as I wrote it about 4 releases ago. I have plans to redo it and improve it after the release of .22

It might need a note that it is a little outdated, and I'll post a note up here when I update it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for this list. I just came across it after searching for a delta v map or something via the wiki and some other tutorials. Even though I'm not entirely a newb to Ksp I'm not entirely experienced yet either. Most of my success comes from pure trial and error. Although I have successfully landed and returned ketbalnauts on Dana I have yet to do so with any of the other planets and moons. (muns?) although I have sent probes to eve. And built a space station back in. 18 or. 19 or so.

All I'm saying is that even though I feel I have the basics down there is still a fair bit of info contained in those links and am looking forward to exploring them more.


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No problem, and glad to hear it's been helpful to you. Although the main reason for its existence is to allow new players to find information quickly to help get them started, I try to keep my eyes open for resources that are useful and informative for players of all skill levels.

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  • 1 month later...

I've updated my Engine Comparison Chart to reflect more accurate TWR for the RAPIER modes. The column for the TWR generally follows the data in the KSP Wiki, however the Wiki's RAPIER data and my test results differ. Specifically, while our vacuum mode figures are similar (and my lift test result was 18.676 tons, including the engine), the air breathing mode figures differ quite a bit. My testing in the latter mode demonstrates that the most mass which a RAPIER engine can vertically launch from Kerbin space center is about 5.176 tons, including the engine. In practical terms, the TWR in "air" mode would be about 3, instead of the 10.2 figure given in the Wiki (which is the figure properly given for the vacuum mode). The link is in my sig line too.

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  Dispatcher said:
I've updated my Engine Comparison Chart to reflect more accurate TWR for the RAPIER modes. The column for the TWR generally follows the data in the KSP Wiki, however the Wiki's RAPIER data and my test results differ. Specifically, while our vacuum mode figures are similar (and my lift test result was 18.676 tons, including the engine), the air breathing mode figures differ quite a bit. My testing in the latter mode demonstrates that the most mass which a RAPIER engine can vertically launch from Kerbin space center is about 5.176 tons, including the engine. In practical terms, the TWR in "air" mode would be about 3, instead of the 10.2 figure given in the Wiki (which is the figure properly given for the vacuum mode). The link is in my sig line too.

Just updated the link. Thanks for letting me know :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome list for tutorials.

I have posted a tutorial regarding mod selection on Reddit, which in my opinion make the game much more interesting (and challenging):


This will (hopefully) be a part of multi - part series (each part covering 1 aspect) regarding Interplanetary travel. Give it a look and add if you like

My mod selection also explains why there are only 3 flags at the moment below my signature (apart the fact i got the game in late january ;-))

Edited by Grunf911
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for not keeping up with the comments and submissions lately. Other things have been on my plate recently.

  1_Haiduk said:
May I suggest Bob Fitch's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeazaYT

He has some good, narrated tutorials that are pretty detailed including fuel optimization, performing redezvous, using MechJeb automation, RemoteTech info, etc.

He's a very good speaker and seems very knowledgeable on KSP.

Thanks for the recommendation :) I'll try to set aside some time to take a look at his channel later this week.

  Javster said:
Thanks for including mine

No problem!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

It would be nice for some updated videos, stuff in .18 isn't as relative as stuff now in .24.2, anyone can make a rocket in sandbox mode, but becomes a real challenge to new players when none of the parts from a tutorial is available in career mode. Please, update some of the videos to current versions, thank you.

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  Mikehahn78 said:
...but becomes a real challenge to new players when none of the parts from a tutorial is available in career mode.

If you're following tutorials you almost certainly don't want the added problems of money and tech-tree limits. Create a new save in sandbox mode and use that for playing-along with tutorials.

@Specialist290: Thank you for your kind words about my tutorial. (Which is in sandbox mode, by the way, Mikehahn78).

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  Mikehahn78 said:
It would be nice for some updated videos, stuff in .18 isn't as relative as stuff now in .24.2, anyone can make a rocket in sandbox mode, but becomes a real challenge to new players when none of the parts from a tutorial is available in career mode. Please, update some of the videos to current versions, thank you.

I'll definitely look into scoping out some new possibilities for updated video submissions. I'm on a monthly bandwidth limit through my ISP, which means I'm a bit constrained in the number and quality of the videos I can get to in a given timeframe, but I'll definitely set aside some time to look for new ones :)

  Pecan said:
@Specialist290: Thank you for your kind words about my tutorial.

No problem!

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I didn't mean to offend or discredit anyone's work, I have watched many of the videos multiple times, but by adding money to the mix, that 100,000 fund ship does me no good trying to get to the Mun when I'm looking at a 50,000 fund budget. I have used the videos well in past versions and I love them all, would never think about getting rid of any of them either. I was only asking about some newer videos that showed more of the changes from .18. I was gone from the game a few months after .18 cause my daughter broke my laptop (she tried to give it a drink of milk cause i guess she thought it was thirsty), and now that it's .24.2, i have found that I had to relearn a lot of the from science and a budget that limits what I can do from the get go. Thank you for offering to find some add content to add and I look forward to it. Also to all the people with great videos, thank you for all the helpful videos that explain very complex ideas simply for people like me.

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