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Successful Mun Landing!!


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My first successful Mun landing occurred this evening!! after many explosive impacts of previous attempts. Jeb is tickled pin...er green at being on Mun in one piece and went for a nice EVA. After fully exhausting his jet-pack investigating a crater he posed for a few mug shots near his craft, the K.R.A.L.K mkII (Kerbal Rescue and Lander Kraft). Next is a return to Kerbin, hopefully there is enough fuel.

This kraft is part lander, part rescue pod manned by a single Kerbal with room to pickup 4 more. No docking ports on this model. The 4 LV-N engines and bottom fuel tanks eject after re-entry and the Rockmax 24-77 radial engines are there to provide retro thrust so the Hitchhiker can doesn't explode on impact.

I haven't attempted a return flight yet, it was enough to land on the Mun tonight. Although I have tested re-entry on previous failed attempts and the top portion will float or land successfully on its legs as long as you slow down enough. 4 parachutes on the top helps to reduce the over-all speed of the kraft but not quite enough to survive a landing.

I took a few shots of the flight, an evening launch.


I'm looking forward to more landings, maybe Minmus next. Then I need to master the art of docking.

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Jeb is coming in for a crash landing... and then


"I'm alright!"

I might try one of those crazier designs someday (Bit of a purist and went for several "apollo style" missions)

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