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I got jeb and Bob!

And holy crap. GLaDOS And chell. Steve after 2 trys And Sir Patrick Stewart

After SIX tries it got Jonathan Frakes

Star Trek The Next Generation

I was trying for tasha yar, but close enough:

Captain Kathryn Janeway

And now,

Jeri Lynn Ryan

7 of 9



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3 tries thus far, and it's got Cpt. Picard, Jim Lovell, and Sam Bell (from Moon).

Mother of God.

I'm gonna keep going, see if I can thwart this evil thing that has been summoned from the internet.

EDIT: It just got Master Chief (easy enough, though), the Arbiter (a little more tricky, but still...) and Subject Delta (Bioshock 2). Damn it.

EDIT 2: Thwarted it with Katana Faraway, the pilot whose starfighter you fly in Project Sylpheed. Aw yiss.

EDIT 3: It got Harry Dresden. Agh.

I'm going to be updating this quite a lot, at this rate :huh:

Edited by RogueMason
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No, it's a learning algorithm, like Cleverbot.

I'm pretty sure it could do either, but pretty much this. But I'm speaking out my ass.

It's actually (When you break it down) just simplified Cleverbot. It can look back on things it was asked before and know the answers in advance, and can learn more depending on how obscure the character is. While Cleverbot needs to evolve to have a interesting and intelligent conversation by having a less intelligent conversation before, adding to it's bank of knowledge. The more conversations it has, the more intelligent conversations it can have because it had a wide variety of topics to choose from the past, and learning how to respond to those conversations from past experience.

It really is just a broken down Cleverbot, though using entirely different code, but the premise is the same.

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