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Don't You Hate It When...


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... You have had no bugs happen for hours... you then come in for a landing and just at the final stage when "STOP... HAMMER TIME"... Damned game froze up solid (had to kill the process).

I just had an all night session of about 7 hours without KSP crashing once... Got an interplanetary mission to Ike running perfectly and I was sure it was going to be my first bug free mission when that happened lol. I swear the Kraken does it on purpose. Got to laugh though.

So what has been you most annoying Kraken event?

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Docked a LKO orbiter to my SS1 for a normal crew transfer (I was actually bringing back Jeb). I took Jeb out of the command pod of the station and let him hanging on the ladder, then put Rodlock out of the orbiter and took him to the station's command pod. As soon as he touched Jeb, the game stopped for a moment and BAM! The station was spinning and broke apart 'cuz of the extremely high G forces. Checked out the map, and turned out I was on a suborbital trajectory. Fortunately, my orbiter had enough space for Jeb and Rodlock, so I quickly transfered both into it, throttled up away from the spinning pieces of debris, and came in for a good landing on the desert.

The two other guys at the station died horribly but, hey! I rescued Jeb! The mission was a success after all. :cool:

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I can think of two. One was the lost Eeloo probe. No one from mission control understands the data it sent back before it was lost. (Apart from a scan of half the equator, and some photos.)

The second one was the landing of the Duna explore-o-pod for my stranded astronauts to use while they waited to go home. It was the bug where the camera stops following the active vessel. It didn't land straight, and lost some important parts. Fortunately, I'd quicksaved, so that was only a "simulation".

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I never have that problem but I hate when launch and rocket is out of control. it flipping up-down and swing around. there's nothing i can do. No matter how much you try recovery, it keep spinning, swing like wild

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All may not be lost, NeoMorph. If the game freezes and you task manager out, you should be able to start the game up normally and resume that flight through the tracking center from the most recent autosave. Just don't go to another flight or mess around at KSC first, or the ship might crash on rails.

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I think I'm going to have to tank this mission because my lander (that worked fine on Kerbin) doesn't want to land when I get to Ike. The camera view flips on the side when I get low enough, the lander flips upside down when I try to get MJ to do a landing, it says there isn't enough thrust to land (which is bunkum as I got within 300ft and started going back up again). It just isn't handling right.

I think it may be this LV-NB at fault. I've not used it before and this landing configuration I have used successfully with other engines so it hast to be that.

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