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1:1 Planets?


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I love how people want realism in a game where you launch little green men into space.

You so funny! :D


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

So why not to make instead of rover some kind of Autobot? :P

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I love how people want realism in a game where you launch little green men into space.

You so funny! :D


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Since everyone apparently missed it, Captain Kalawang's post is an example of sarcasm....

Also. the scale of the kerbal universe has absolutely nothing to do with it's current level of visual detail.. Switching to a 1:1 model wouldn't change anything visually. It would only make the game a lot more boring and tedious by making it take ten times longer to do anything.

Also, consider how many people already complain about performance issues.. Then imagine how much worse it'd be with ten times the polys on models.

The KSP devs have stated many many times that KSP is a GAME.. It will always be a GAME.. NOT A SIMULATOR. As someone else said. If you want a realistic simulator, play orbiter.

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No, 1:1 planets aren't going to happen, ever.

In addition, it would just make the game a thousand times more difficult to detail and make planets for. Right now, a 4096x2048 color map is enough to give some nice detail for a Kerbin-sized planet 600 km in radius, but a planet 6000 km in radius? Unless you want a pixel to be the size of some small countries, you need to have MASSIVE textures, which would in turn make the game's size increase twentyfold...

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No, 1:1 planets aren't going to happen, ever.

In addition, it would just make the game a thousand times more difficult to detail and make planets for. Right now, a 4096x2048 color map is enough to give some nice detail for a Kerbin-sized planet 600 km in radius, but a planet 6000 km in radius? Unless you want a pixel to be the size of some small countries, you need to have MASSIVE textures, which would in turn make the game's size increase twentyfold...

So the real problem is technical? Nothing to do with: Bigger Planet is boring (lol), it's a fun game and is not a simulator? :)

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I was avoiding stating things that already had been said in this thread, but yes. 5 minutes to orbit vs 15 makes a lot of difference if you want to conduct lots of launches in succession, for example. Planets would get a lot more boring visually because, really, do you want to detail 197 million square miles of planetary surface? It's hard enough as it is with the tiny planets to make them fully detailed.

Everything about doing this would make everything more difficult. For players AND developers. And not in a good-difficulty challenging way, it would just make conducting anything more boring and time-consuming for the players, and VASTLY more time consuming for us.

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I was avoiding stating things that already had been said in this thread, but yes. 5 minutes to orbit vs 15 makes a lot of difference if you want to conduct lots of launches in succession, for example. Planets would get a lot more boring visually because, really, do you want to detail 197 million square miles of planetary surface? It's hard enough as it is with the tiny planets to make them fully detailed.

Everything about doing this would make everything more difficult. For players AND developers. And not in a good-difficulty challenging way, it would just make conducting anything more boring and time-consuming for the players, and VASTLY more time consuming for us.

I understand the difference of time which can be boring for long time but substantially is a technical problem right?

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Look, you're not going to magically convince me to support this idea. 1:1 scale planets just aren't gonna happen.

I know that you and the devs would not change your idea :D i'm not trying to convince you, it's only a clarification on what is the problem... :)

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Aren't all the planets / moons in the Kerbol system technically all a 1:1 ratio already? Meaning that the documented size of say Kerbin is the same on paper as it's in game representation and so on.

What it sounds like people are asking for is for the Kerbol system to be altered to be an exact replica of our own solar system, sure if we were playing a game with humans that was supposed to be a fairly accurate representation of our own little corner of space then it might make more sense but this game isn't centered around Humans or Earth is it. It's built around a fictitious race of intelligent humanoid beings from a planet that is similar to, but smaller than, our own and in a completely different part of the universe.

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No, 1:1 planets aren't going to happen, ever.

In addition, it would just make the game a thousand times more difficult to detail and make planets for. Right now, a 4096x2048 color map is enough to give some nice detail for a Kerbin-sized planet 600 km in radius, but a planet 6000 km in radius? Unless you want a pixel to be the size of some small countries, you need to have MASSIVE textures, which would in turn make the game's size increase twentyfold...

At least make planets more open to modding then so those of us that do want 1:1 planets can have them then. Considering mods are what keep games alive, you should make it as open to modding as possible. The new game database system should help with making planets moddable if I understand it right.

You people can tell me to "go back to Orbiter" all you like - KSP and Orbiter are fundamentally different games. They both feature space and that is the only similarity. I don't like having "lolorbiter" thrown at me whenever I suggest anything that could make the game a bit more realistic. No, I don't want a super realistic space simulator, but to suggest that the gas giant should not only be as big as our Earth is not ridiculous.

Edited by whatisthisidonteven
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I'm fairly sure he was being sarcastic.

Yes I was.

Since everyone apparently missed it, Captain Kalawang's post is an example of sarcasm....

...and I can't believe that they haven't realized it, even though it was written in an obviously sarcastic tone for the people who wants a higher degree of realism in this game.

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I love how people want realism in a game where you launch little green men into space.

You so funny! :D


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Skunky, whats so unrealistic about little green men? You can't deny that KSP is next to orbiter on of the more realistic space flight games/simulators. But i still think that the planets sizes shouldn't be changed.
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I don't think you all realize just how big Kerbin really is.. It's one of the single largest maps I have ever seen in a game.

It would be big if you were playing a normal game, but this is a space game, and for a space game Kerbin is small. Kerbin is smaller than the Moon, to give you an idea of how small it is.

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It would be big if you were playing a normal game, but this is a space game, and for a space game Kerbin is small. Kerbin is smaller than the Moon, to give you an idea of how small it is.

But Kerbals are 3x smaller than humans, so technically it balances out somewhat

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At least make planets more open to modding then so those of us that do want 1:1 planets can have them then. Considering mods are what keep games alive, you should make it as open to modding as possible. The new game database system should help with making planets moddable if I understand it right.

You people can tell me to "go back to Orbiter" all you like - KSP and Orbiter are fundamentally different games. They both feature space and that is the only similarity. I don't like having "lolorbiter" thrown at me whenever I suggest anything that could make the game a bit more realistic. No, I don't want a super realistic space simulator, but to suggest that the gas giant should not only be as big as our Earth is not ridiculous.

Okay, now you're just trolling the devs. You've been around long enough to know the reasons as given directly from HarvesteR yourself.

Bottom line, when faced with a choice between realism and fun, fun will always win. It's just not fun to wait hours for orbits. There's a host of other reasons as well, all stated by HarvesteR here on the forums and in live streams in the past. This is his universe and his laws of physics. These are fundamental things that will not change.

Now, for the rest of you, if you guys can't accept this and move on, I'll have to lock this topic as it's only going to devolve further.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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I love how people want realism in a game where you launch little green men into space.

You so funny! :D


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Come to think of it' date=' I don't see why there are orbits in this game. I mean sure, realism, but who needs realism in a game with little green men?

I know it was just a playful way to say "KSP is not Orbiter", and I totally agree with you on that.

And anyway, Kerbals don't use our measurement scales. They use "kermeters", which just happen to have the symbol "m". They're totally different to out meters though. Not linear, too, so you can't convert them to normal meters that easily.

Edited by Holo
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