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Show me your improbable designs!

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Everybody always posts their good designs. That's all well and good, but there are plenty of threads for that!

This thread is for all of your crazy designs that, despite things like appearance and physics, actually worked! (Granted, "worked" is a relative term!)

All types of craft are welcome as long as they 1) actually worked at whatever function you had in mind, and 2) look as though they really shouldn't have!

To start things off, here's some plane designs that really, really shouldn't have worked!

Here is this fine example of "unorthodox wing geometry". It flew surprisingly well! (In fact, all the planes here flew well!)


Going long with the right angles, these guys were a natural progression.



Boxo 2:


This one I proudly dubbed the "RingaWingaDingDong"



Not all of my recent weird designs have been planes. He's a waterwheel that worked just fine, but was slow and a little impossible to steer:


I'm sure you guys have plenty to add. Show me what you got!

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I remember your waterwheel! That's a great start to a thread, I can't wait to see some other crazy weird designs XD I might post one or two later if I can find something improbable enough in my save files lol. Oh, can we also post things that look like they work but absolutely failed despite a million design revisions? I think those would be good too lol, I know I have some of those XD

Also I really love your RingaWingaDingDong, that thing is awesome lol

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Oh, can we also post things that look like they work but absolutely failed despite a million design revisions? I think those would be good too lol, I know I have some of those XD

Be my guest! Really, any wacky product of the design process is welcome. Heck, if it's got a good story behind it, even better!

And thanks for the compliment! :)

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Not a flying object, but still very improbable:



It works with the magnet force of the docking ports, and it seems to pick up speed as long as you let it run.

Edited by Atanar
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An attempt to make an asymmetrical lifter for a shuttle using edited Mainsails. Never achieved orbit. :(





This is as far as it went before the rocket just began flipping over uncontrollably. The good thing is is that the central core with the four mainsails can actually achieve orbit as an SSTO!

Edited by rryy
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Also, does this classify as a design or not a design?


Oh Cooly, you and your Lugia XD I've been watching your YT channel for a while now btw.

Also, I had to go back to .17 to find a crazy design, but I found one that I doubt would fly in .19 now XD (although, I might just try lmao). I present, the Massive C***, aptly named as it penetrates the heavens with its long, thick airframe, and will land on the Mun and return to make a powered landing on Kerbin! (Or, do a touch-and-go on the Mun as I did earlier, since it's hard landing such a tall rocket on a slope...) Also, it doesn't even have SAS!


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Here's one of mine from a while back... It survives in terms of a video.

Simply amazing, how about an upgrade with more Cannons? :P

Even though it was in my own thread I still think spiritually this belongs here :D I would say it was an 80% improbable design... Still not too sure what good it will do

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Yeah, I just went to Minmus, the Mun, and still did a powered landing back on Kerbin XD WITH ONLY MAINSAILS! Goodness those things were OP back in .17

Hard to see, but note that the vertical speed indicator is 0 m/s and no throttle. Surface speed is only because it's slowly tilting sideways...




Ok, so I only did touch-and-go's on both moons, but c'mon, do you really expect me to try and land that thing without falling over? XD

Edited by Ekku Zakku
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My take on the TIE Fighter. Complete with Laser guns!

I once made a TIE Fighter in 0.18.2, it flew quite well!


With plenty of mods, including hyper-powerful ion engines, it could VTOL, and I had a ton of fun flying it all over the Kerbol system.


Unfortunately, I lost most of the pictures I took of it, and I can't find the .craft file...


It didn't help that I had Jeb blow it up on Duna; I didn't want any Rebel scum getting their hands on its superior mod technology...


Even being flung from an exploding ship, Jeb still smiles away...


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Not a flying object, but still very improbable:


It works with the magnet force of the docking ports, and it seems to pick up speed as long as you let it run.

That... IS GENIUS. Why have I never seen this before?

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