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Getting Banned for Stupid Resons


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List all of the times you have been banned from something for something stupid. About 2 hours ago, I was on a Minecrack server, and after about 5 minutes, I said "the lag on this server is insane. Iv'e been on a six buck server better than this". Right after I said that, I got banned for complaining. It was actually kinda funny.

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Once i was on a mindcrack server, and some f---ers were greifing the spawn with mining lasers. (it was like 3 AM)

I vajra-ed the two greifers and found their base (which a nuked the living heck out of)

and they were going on about "we're the owners best freinds IRL" ETC...

5 hours later i spend all night re-building what i could of the spawn from memory and the owner gets on and bans me because the two greifers contacted him on skype.

i got on the same server a few hours later with an alias account and the two people were greifing again.

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I got banned from WoW without even registering (I got contacted via email). It was about botting or something.

I think I top the most weirdest ban.

You do top it. +1 Internets for you. Did you change your e-mail password afterwards though? It is possible that someone hacked it and used it to sign up for an account.

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I got banned from WoW without even registering (I got contacted via email). It was about botting or something.

Probably is a phishing email, trying to get you to either enter account details so they can steal your account if you have one, or trick you into downloading malware.

I have one email address that I signed up for an account at an MMO news site on whose database apparently got compromised. Besides the fake WoW beta invites, I've gotten notices that my Diablo 3 account (which I don't have) was being investigated, as well as a freaking ton of "It has come to our attention that you are tying to sell your personal RuneScape account" messages.

Of course I've never played or even remotely thought about RuneScape, and the "secure" link actually points at some shady .cn site.

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i once got banned from a minecraft server after a im guessing i got hit with a ban hammer instead of the griefers i was asking the mod stop i don't know how all i did was ask a mod to stop some griefers trashing my shop and get logged out after the mods arrived, then when i logged back in i was banned. I do miss my lovely shop

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Once i was on a mindcrack server, and some f---ers were greifing the spawn with mining lasers. (it was like 3 AM)

I vajra-ed the two greifers and found their base (which a nuked the living heck out of)

and they were going on about "we're the owners best freinds IRL" ETC...

5 hours later i spend all night re-building what i could of the spawn from memory and the owner gets on and bans me because the two greifers contacted him on skype.

i got on the same server a few hours later with an alias account and the two people were greifing again.

Wow. One word- unfair. Once one of my friends was a moderator on a server I was on, and there was a no-griefing rule. One of the admins was briefing, and my friend told him to stop, but he didn't. My friend banned him, and he got pushed of the server by the other mods. :P I've never actually had a stupid ban happen to me.

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I had two bans from BF3 servers that were quite funny. The first:


(I'm a ~750h Cnl100 :D)

The second one is undocumented, but it was because I performed an awesome comeback to a flame chat post by an incompetent enemy jet pilot. I will not quote it, but it seems it was the admin's mom that I mentioned in it :D

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Once i was on a mindcrack server, and some f---ers were greifing the spawn with mining lasers. (it was like 3 AM)

I vajra-ed the two greifers and found their base (which a nuked the living heck out of)

and they were going on about "we're the owners best freinds IRL" ETC...

5 hours later i spend all night re-building what i could of the spawn from memory and the owner gets on and bans me because the two greifers contacted him on skype.

i got on the same server a few hours later with an alias account and the two people were greifing again.

I can honestly say that means absolutely nothing to me. I really must be getting old.

Oh by the way, I never been banned.

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One time, I was on a tekkit server, and theses guys were friends with one of the admins, so they thought they could get away with being assholes, and griefing and excessive pvp, hacking, etc. Then the another admin came on, while claiming that they can't be banned. They had already posted several screenshots of there hacked client, and then they got banned.

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You do top it. +1 Internets for you. Did you change your e-mail password afterwards though? It is possible that someone hacked it and used it to sign up for an account.

I had a new e-mail before the old one got hacked. But now I use the old one as a spam collector. >1200 emails and counting :D

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I logged onto a minecraft server. 3 Seconds later banned. Then again, the owner DOES hate me...

Heh. I own(ed, I don't run it anymore) a minecraft server, and someone logged in. They told me that they met me somewhere last week. They said some park in Florida, when I haven't even left Australia. I banned him, and then else someone logged in, but the server said that it was from the exact same IP, and he said that he met me in Sydney. Close, but not close enough :P /ipban

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I was banned from a messageboard once because on the board's chat I said(I worked at a call center at the time) "I just had a call from this stupid asian woman who couldn't understand that two hours after 11pm thursday night is not 1 am thursday morning." Apparently that was sexist and racist.

Edited by Rich
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Like ROFL, I've gotten emails about my WoW and other Blizzard accounts being banned and/or being involved in illegal transactions when I never made an account with them. xD

They were most definitely phishing scams, though, and I even found a forum post a while back from Blizzard about it. Reported those [REDACTED] BIG time.

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I was banned from a minecraft server after the admin purposefully teleported me to an inescapable room and filled it with lava. After they refused to return the items they cost me they banned me simply because I asked for my stuff back

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