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Getting Banned for Stupid Resons


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In TTT, I started playing on a french server so I could improve my abysmal french. It was going pretty well, but on one game, I was the detective investigating who just killed this corpse on the top of an office building built into a canyon, when one of the inno's who were swarming around the scene, just walked right up to the edge of the roof and looked at me...Right on the edge, I just couldn't resist the opportunity and pushed him right off the roof.

As it turns out the french for sorry is desole.:D

Although that's actually pretty reasonable for a ban, what was dumb was that, about a month latter I could rejoin and on the first match of playing on the server again, some guy just went around random killing everyone on the server and then I was the one who got banned :huh:

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one time I got globally banned from all ROBLOX servers with a certain global ban script. However using a little loophole in the script itself I managed to give my self ban immunity basically. Whenever someone joined a place I had I got globally unbanned. A nice little loophole that saved me several idiots abusing global bans.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Me and my mate ALWAYS used to get kicked on Ace of Spades for being too good. We would actually stop shooting sometimes so we didn't get kicked or banned. It was an almost daily occurence. My god I loved that game.

That just happened a few minutes ago to me. The admin was not quick enough! :P

The old game was better.


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i once got banned from a minecraft server after a im guessing i got hit with a ban hammer instead of the griefers i was asking the mod stop i don't know how all i did was ask a mod to stop some griefers trashing my shop and get logged out after the mods arrived, then when i logged back in i was banned. I do miss my lovely shop

I'm not going to be a grammar Nazi, but PLEASE use periods. You don't need to use anything else. Its just hard to understand what your saying without some kind of punctuation.

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there was this one hack slash mine server that two of my friends were banned on, so they told me to ask the admins why they banned them. the admin said,and i quote, "no d-bags allowed" (made slightly more child friendly). i replied with "why don't you ban yourself". i then logged off. i was surely banned.

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I'm not going to be a grammar Nazi, but PLEASE use periods. You don't need to use anything else. Its just hard to understand what your saying without some kind of punctuation.


I got a ban from a TTT server for RDM once while playing with a friend. IIRC my first time playing (or thereabouts). I had killed ONE (1) guy.

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  • 2 months later...

1. I had stumbled upon a rather peculiar minecraft server (creative mode). When I started to remove the swastikas, ustaša symbols, and sentences made from blocks like "God hates fa*s". I got permabanned.

2. Killing the admin in CoD2 in the first round of SD, with the bash of my pistol. Permaban (no big loss though since there are thousands of CoD2 servers).


3. Impersonating a bad griefer in Minecraft who was banned, to cause drama. No ban at all. Admin said at least I stirred up his boring server a bit.

4. Using wallhack, aimbot, etc. in CoD2. No ban at all. People acknowledged my expert skills, and invited me into their clan. Lol.

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There was this MC server I used to play on, I was good friends with the admins and players. Then One guy said he was going to start a new server, and asked if anyone wanted to be mods/admins on it.

So I few of us, including me, starting to work on a spawn and stuff he wanted on his server. But then his other friends from another server got on as well.....

Lets just say they built statues of them self's and banned us...

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I have played MC too, and on a server somebody griefed my builds which took hours to complete. The admins did not help me, saying they didn't know who the griefer was. I found it out myself, undermined his house with TNT (which nobody has noticed), and when he got there, I blasted all of it into tiny bits, leaving the griefer dead too. Of course the admin banned me on sight (I doubt he noticed the griefer, or his "work").

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Once i got banned for making a secret base on a SMP server on minecraft

A few days later i get banned because someone not a friend put a diamond block in my base and i got banned for mining it

Once i got banned because my friend framed me to look like a griefer and i got banned last year I'm still very mad at him to this very day

Once i was on a creative server and apparently they have a Absolutely no griefing i accidentally broke someones block and instaban

Edited by Dooz
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