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Getting Banned for Stupid Resons


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On a rather unpleasant Half-Life 2: Deathmatch server, with incompetent administrative staff that don't make their intentions clear. I was banned for simply looking at something I found interesting at the time.

(Joke's on them, though. I am now a highly respected member of a small but powerful HL2 : DM community, and ran my own server for a while.)

Edited by KCreator
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I was kicked from a MvM server in Team Fortress 2. Not for bad ping or something understandable. But for picking a "noob" class. This was a proper Valve server, one of the servers you need to pay into and get free stuff from. And I was kicked for being a noob.

THE MATCH HADN'T STARTED!!! I had an argument with the guy for a minute about TF2 being a game and that it should remain a game for fun! Anyway, I went scout, and then he kicked me. Come on, Valve! Take care of your servers properly!

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I still remember that DayZ Epoch server me and (I guess you could call it) a clan were playing on.

So I've been on a few days, they've been on longer. We think we have a good understanding of the rules "No building in major loot spawns or in major cities"

So me and my clan all live in the same area, though we have to have our bases checked as legal by an admin. Mine hasn't, but all of my friend's bases have been, and an admin was in the area and didn't particularly care where I was building my base.

So, one day, someone drove a pickup through the wall of my friend's base, and we were all being very cautious of this guy. Then he left and blew open the door to the base nearby my clan's cluster of bases, claiming he owned it when we questioned him.

So, then the server owner teleported nearby without us noticing, and walked into my friend's base. My friend shot nearby him to warn him off... at the same moment I realized he was the server owner.

The server owner shot my friend, and then told both of us that our bases were built on major industrial loot spawns (his had low value spawns, mine had a medium and a low) and had 24 hours to get all of our stuff out (which I was doing)

I managed to convince my friend to say, tried to tell the owner what happened, and I was intending on asking him to at least teleport my friend back to his base to get his stuff.

While this is going on, the chat flares up with the other players trying to figure out if their bases are illegal or not, and what the rules actually are (they had been previously defined as "no construction in major cities, no building in major loot spawns.")

Then he defines major loot spawns as "anyplace that spawns more than trash loot."


He could've easily defined it as "any loot spawn," but he didn't, so the server rules seemed almost designed for misinterpretation. They were also largely inaccessible (being located on a website you had to sign up for).

After we stated our opinions more, he perma-banned me, my friend, and the 3 or 4 other people arguing. My entire clan left that day (They've since found a new server, but I haven't joined them yet).

The server admin had probably just forced a fourth to a half of his server's regular population to leave.

And this is why I think server rules and punishments need to be well defined and easily accessible, along with fair and not severely limiting. I also think there should be rules for what admins can and can't do, and that every admin and mod needs to know the rules and punishments well. There are too many horror stories of admin abuse, and good small to medium sized servers of practically any game are hard to find unless you or a friend owns them.

EDIT: Also, arguing with an admin should be encouraged instead of being a crime, to keep the server fair.

Edited by Noname117
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Being banned from a CnC Renegade server for landing 2 headshots shortly after eachother.

On two guys that were standing idle on top of the plateau on Walls_Flying. With the Ramjet Rifle.

And then I got banned from a Spanish BF3 server because I was chatting to someone in Catalan. Racist *******s.

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I got banned from a modded minecraft server for "being a smart-***"

It was a griefing/pvp server, and I found out how to get through force fields, unfortunately resulting in my inadvertently taking the owners's stuff with a turtle(computercraft mod. They're like little robots with pick axes.)

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Was banned on a Minecraft server for using tnt to grief. People would ask me to remove there houses for them (not joking) so I would use TNT to do it. While I was in the middle of a job a admin showed up and banned me for griefing. I contacted the owner and asked for a repeal of the ban stating it was a removal job and I had proof of it. I have people make a book saying they gave me permission to do the job and sign it. I take screen shots of them saying it in chat also. I also got permission from a mod to do it. Owner didn't believe any of the proof so I was never unbanned. There forums got filled with a lot of flame posts for banning me... (not my doing, I was just really liked) We all switched to a different server and we restarted from scratch. (about 40 people, most of them regulars from that server)

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